Just got back from The Bash Live, so here's some thoughts and notes.
-Arena looked jam packed. 12-13000 people? I have no clue how much the enterance ramp blocks off, but what was available was filled up.
-My seat was in the lower bowl halfway up, almost looking the ramp head on. Right on the aisle. I drew a great seat from TicketMaster!
ECW Title Match: Fun opener to get the crowd into the action. Crowd popped biggest for Finlay actually. This match was fun, but disintegrated into a clusterfluff after Dreamer got the pinfall, and everyone was going for a pin only to be stopped, and repeat until there was an awkward dogpile at the end. As I called, Dreamer sneaks out with his title in the last few minutes.
IC Title Match: Big pop for Rey, of course, but shockingly there was somewhat of a pop for Jericho. He even had a pretty loud "Y2J!" chant going at some point. I think the crowd was 80/20 split for Rey, but to have 20% cheering Jericho who is universally hated was totally unexpected. This match was awesome. From the spots, the all the near falls, the Rey's second mask, to the finish, it was all awesome. I was convinced Rey was losing his mask, and was on the edge of going crazy! But in the end Rey outsmarted Jericho, and his obsession with unmasking Rey cost him his belt. This feud NEEDS to continue.
Dolph Ziggler Vs. Khali: Sadly Dolph got ZERO reaction from the crowd. I think me and one other person in my entire viewable section was clapping and cheering for him. His song rocks though. Khali came out to a better, but still pretty dead reaction. This match was just here. Nothing special. ?Not much reaction going on. When Kane's fire exploded I leaped about a foot in the air as it scared the crap out of me because I wasn't expecting the explosion! lol. Kane didn't get much reaction either, and killed Khali with a chair as Ziggler looked on. Ziggler scampered in to pick the bones and...Again got ZERO reaction.
McMahon tells Teddy Long he's done nothing in FIVE YEARS, and if he was as boring as Teddy, he would have shot himself.
McMahon was pretty funny tonight.
McMahon when not shoved down my throat and given a few segments here and there is always awesome.
Tag Team Title Match: After the first two teams make there way out to little reaction Long comes out and says it's a three way. At this point I ask myself...
"What other tag teams are in the E?"
Edge comes out and I think "NO WAY! EDGE AND CHRISTIAN~"
Then Jericho comes out, and Im still happy.
This match was decent, and pretty funny as each time either Edge or Jericho got in they would INSTANTLY be tagged out by the other team. Multiple times during the match there was a loud "WE WANT CHRISTIAN!~" chant, which Im sure was blocked out of the air-waves.
The crowd popped for the ending which gave us an AWESOME new tag team of Edge and Jericho. I for one can not WAIT to hear their promo's, and I think this is WWE's attempt to make Smackdows greatness migrate to RAW as the tag champs can appear on any show because of their belts.
I expect Edgeicho to be on every Monday and Friday for a good long while.
Women's Championship: This was merch stand, food time, an bathroom break for me. I watched the enterance's and was off. I returned with my Nachos, an empty bladder, and almost bought the new Edge shirt (but decided against it) in time to see Melina get distracted and lose her title to McCool, who much like the rest of the night got little reaction.
World Title Match: I was hoping this would be PHENOMINAL. Sadly it didn't live up to my expections, but was still really good, and this was the loudest the crowd was all night. Hardy got his normal monster pop, and CM came out to a mixed bag. Once the match started, CM got booed. Very very slow start, and not much rythm in this one, though. After the slow start Hardy missed a step assisted Poetry in Motion which started the initial closing sequence. Hardy would hit a Swanton for the "Win" which cause the building to lose it's roof. HUGE Hardy pop, but when the decison was reversed, the crowd TURNED on CM. HUGE HUGE "BULL S***" chant for a good minute, and Hardy gestured the crowd to pump up the volume. PG-WWE had to love it.
The match restarted, and Punk 'hurt his eye' and kicked the ref for a DQ. And the crowd again booed the holy hell out of CM Punk. Hardy retaliated and beat the hell out of him, and the crowd cheered HUGE for Hardy. After they were seperated Punk was escorted out, still selling the eye, to a chorus of loud boos, while Hardy lamented the decision in the ring. He departed to another HUGE "HARDY! HARDY!" chant.
That right there was the moment of the night.
The match may had just been okay, but the story and the guys involved put it over the top.
Great work from the two!
Cena KILLS Miz: Rant coming. Skip if you care to...
And this is the sole reason why I HATE John Cena. Read my prediction from the last post.
What did I predict?
John Cena Vs. The Miz --- I want Miz to win. However, Miz gets crushed in some 7 minutes after the usuall flurry of Cena offense ending in a 2 second tapout to the STF. ::Groan::
And what happened?
Cena squashed Miz after an initial Miz flurry then 3 shoulder blocks, a swinging back suplex, a five knuckle shuffle, a FU, and a STFU for the two second tap.
It's not Cena's fault he's booked like this, but still... I hate John Cena. He completly BERRIED Miz tonight. Miz had two months of heat for bashing the fan favorite. He was actually getting real heat from this! Tonight Cena no sold EVERYTHING. Kick to the chest? Ill just laugh and clothesline you. 2 minutes of offense? Na, Ill just shoulder block you ang magically be cured and hit every move I have in succession with NO resistance to SQUASH you off. And wait, after making you look like that no-name regional jobber that appeared on ECW last week, Im going to kick dirt over your BERRIED body.
Have fun in future Endeavor Land, peon.
Hell, Miz looking DECENT would have been a good outcome. I just don;t get the point of a two month build only to be completly and utterly squashed.
I hate John Cena.
/End Rant.
WWE Title: Crowd popped for HHH, but it soon went south. The feeling in the arena was one of boredom. We have ALL seen something like this for the past how long?
HHH eventually ended up getting some boos during the stretcher match, but more or lesss the crowd was pretty dead.
Orton won, but of course Orton looking good is BAD, so H had to come back and layy him out with sledgy.
HHH stands tall, as Orton looks horribly weak and pathetic even in victory. And this feud must continue. Again.
And Again.
And Again.
I can't wait until Batista is re-put into this group.
We havent seen that yet.
In conclusion, this was a sub-mediocre show.
Y2J/Mysterio and Punk/Hardy were the clear matches of the night, and the crowd responded appropriatly.
Everything else was not the great, and the crowd sat upon their hands.
Pops of the night:
1: Jeff Hardy
2: John Cena :Gag:
3: Mysterio
4: HHH (Enterance Only)
Heat of the night:
1: CM Punk (Post match)
2: Orton
3: Jericho