The twitter thread

I suppose this can be the "Who are the Kings / Kings fans on twitter?" thread

Who else is there? Who should I be following?

I know there's:

Me= (after breaking down to make one in order to get direct news from Amick)

Feel free to direct me to the right place if this sort of thing exists already.
got more: (these all start with

/jtthekid (Jason Thompson)

What's really cool about this is that you get to peek further into player's and media people's lives and personalities. For instance:


me and @jtthekid in da crib wit @liltae20!!!!! (Broadcasting live at

Donte's a nut. But we all knew that anyway. (Color changed by me for clarity purposes)
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I never really got into twitter until I found out that MrJonBrockman uses twitter. So, I started following him. I am also following jtthekid, Dontegreene and sacramentoKings
If you're not following Kayte Christensen or Jon Brockman, you should be. They're both hilarious, Kayte makes her life out to be like a sitcom. Check these out:

Kayte_c said:
Why is it I can always find the chapstick I hate?...

Ok so I wake up to the ear piercing sound of fire alarms n my house. Why does it always show u the battery is low at 2:30AM???...

Because it makes the fire alarm gods giggle... duh ;) WELL THEY GOT A GOOD LAUGH TONIGHT!
She even responded to a comment I sent her about the chapstick! [/swoon] HA!

Twitter has been totally different from what I expected. It's interesting to see detailed aspects of these people's personal lives. Totally worth the ten minutes I take to check it everyday.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I joined, just so I can follow Kayte and Jon Brockman. Their stuff is roll on the floor funny! And Brockman seems to really like The Hangover, as he seems to post random tweets from the movie at random times.

Fox sports guy Jim crandell: /JimCrandell

Edit: VF, that appears to be a video clipping tag thingy. Here's what I got for KJ: /KJ_MayorJohnson


Super Moderator Emeritus
Fox sports guy Jim crandell: /JimCrandell

Edit: VF, that appears to be a video clipping tag thingy. Here's what I got for KJ: /KJ_MayorJohnson
Yeah, I realized that after I'd posted it. I've made it go poof, since yours is the correct one for Kevin Johnson. :)
Got another one: /CarmichaelDave

I'd like to follow some Kingsfans over there. If people are bashful about sharing their account names, they can just PM me, or I'll PM you - I take getting shot down very well, I won't mind it if I ask and you want to say no. I kind of want to link up to some actual people. I don't post often there, and I don't know anybody using twitter.

Edit: Dave tweets alot. If you're like me and you can't stand seeing only one info source you may want to stay away. I'm going to give him a shot though, and see if his posting relents in the next two days.
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Got another one: /CarmichaelDave

I'd like to follow some Kingsfans over there. If people are bashful about sharing their account names, they can just PM me, or I'll PM you - I take getting shot down very well, I won't mind it if I ask and you want to say no. I kind of want to link up to some actual people. I don't post often there, and I don't know anybody using twitter.

Edit: Dave tweets alot. If you're like me and you can't stand seeing only one info source you may want to stay away. I'm going to give him a shot though, and see if his posting relents in the next two days.
my twitter is
i dont post there all that often either.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I am on twitter as:


If you decide to follow me, please send me a PM on this site. I usually block requests of people I don't know. Thanks!

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
This amuses me beyond words, because I christened Evans as The Tyreke Evans in the chat, for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with Twitter.