The truth about Jimmer Fredette


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Fair enough.

I apologize if anyone was offended.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

My heart tells me Jimmer is a star at any level.
That's just fine. But you go around making, um, ignorant (to be polite) comments out of hand and you will be called on it.

Most here like what they have seen from Jimmer so far in a couple scrimmage games. We all, as Kings fans, want him to succeed. But your statements were just crazy talk.
You are scary. But I am glad you found your life in a basketball player.

You seem to describe JWill as if he is in the category of Jordan and Kobe. So, why is it we didn't get a ring when he was here? And why is it he did not turn out to be a superstar?

And I surely hope Jimmer has "NO FLAWS OFFENSIVELY" as you claim. Or, I'll declare you a looney. J/K of course. It's just annoying you that you have to exaggerate things. It would be frustrating to find out later he is less than how you describe him.
I love Jwill, but I never put him in such a category. Jwill did get a ring, as a starter, on an NBA team. Unfortunately for you guys, you never got a ring. Some will blame it on Stern. Some will always see Webber as a fraudulent #1. I think it's a little of both.


Hall of Famer
to add to that. we all hope that jimmer is going to be a star and maybe become our best player who knows. but to call it out now and throw current players under the bus to force your opinion on us is not the way to go around here. Especially when said player won rookie of the year and was still admiralble in an injury plagued season.
Point being, your team is horrible. Jimmer is the best by default, but he's still the best. Jimmer Fredette is better than Tyreke Evans. Sorry to burst your bubble. Tyreke is limited and is not a winner. Tyreke is a great combo guard and sixth man. However, you will never win with Tyreke at the PG position. Jimmer Fredette is a superstar.
You might be right about Tyreke but Jimmer has a long way to go to be considered as good even If you're right in the long run. Jimmer has to play first. Then he has to help us win. After that he has to lead his fellow players to be better and us to win more than we lose. After that he has to be successful on a Kings playoff team. There's a lot to be done before he gets the label you give him. First he has to play and make a few mistakes.
Jimmer mania has a ways to go - to be truely credible at NBA level - and I like his deep threat game a lot. Tyreke Evans averaged 20pts, 5 boards, 5 assists his rookie year. Let's see "superstar" Jimmer Fredette have stats anywhere close to those after this season so we can compare the two.
Jimmer mania has a ways to go - to be truely credible at NBA level - and I like his deep threat game a lot. Tyreke Evans averaged 20pts, 5 boards, 5 assists his rookie year. Let's see "superstar" Jimmer Fredette have stats anywhere close to those after this season so we can compare the two.
Tyreke was the only real option on that team. Would rookie Tyreke average those same number on this year's team?
Jimmer mania has a ways to go - to be truely credible at NBA level - and I like his deep threat game a lot. Tyreke Evans averaged 20pts, 5 boards, 5 assists his rookie year. Let's see "superstar" Jimmer Fredette have stats anywhere close to those after this season so we can compare the two.
It would be a miracle if Jimmer had those numbers. Fact is, Jimmer isn't being given the reigns like Tyreke was. However, I don't evaluate players on boxscores alone. I watch the players play and then I evaluate the circumstances. Jimmer is coming to a team with a guard who some deem to be the answer for them. Therefore, coach is going to stick with his ROY for the most part. Truth be told, though, Jimmer is flatout better than Tyreke in every aspect of the game, IMO.
I just read this on REALGM from a Kings fans...

"All I want is for Reke not to have his 1v5 moments when he forces bad shots and ignores everyone on the court and show he improoved his decision making. which is godawful."
It would be a miracle if Jimmer had those numbers. Fact is, Jimmer isn't being given the reigns like Tyreke was. However, I don't evaluate players on boxscores alone. I watch the players play and then I evaluate the circumstances. Jimmer is coming to a team with a guard who some deem to be the answer for them. Therefore, coach is going to stick with his ROY for the most part. Truth be told, though, Jimmer is flatout better than Tyreke in every aspect of the game, IMO.
Come on man, "every aspect of the game". I love Jimmer just as much as the next guy, and I certainly think Tyreke has his flaws but to even suggest that Jimmer is "flatout" better in "every aspect" is just ridiculous. As has been discussed in many parts on this board, Tyreke is an above average defender who potentially can be an elite defender. In fact, I believe that is where he can probably have the greatest impact on this team and from what I've read, that's what Tyreke is working on this year. Jimmer cannot hold Reke's jock strap when it comes to defensive ability. Just stop.

Seriously, I just don't see the need for this Jimmer v. Tyreke thing that seems to be popping up on this board. They both have an important role to play on this team that is completely different from one another. Just enjoy the show. It's going to be fun to watch.
Said it before and I'll say it again - 90% of Kings fans do not realize what they're getting in Jimmer Fredette.

Sure, they know he can shoot.
Sure, they know he can create his own shot and create opportunities for others.
Sure, they know he won every PotY award and the ESPY male athlete award.
Sure, they know he has a high basketball IQ.

But they truly don't know what a special player they're getting. Jimmer is a WINNER. He is not a role player. He is not "just a shooter." He is a star, and I fully expect him to become one of the top guards in the league. His ability to take over games and single-handedly win games is unreal.
Said it before and I'll say it again - 90% of Kings fans do not realize what they're getting in Jimmer Fredette.

Sure, they know he can shoot.
Sure, they know he can create his own shot and create opportunities for others.
Sure, they know he won every PotY award and the ESPY male athlete award.
Sure, they know he has a high basketball IQ.

But they truly don't know what a special player they're getting. Jimmer is a WINNER. He is not a role player. He is not "just a shooter." He is a star, and I fully expect him to become one of the top guards in the league. His ability to take over games and single-handedly win games is unreal.
Jimmer has a LONG way to go before he reaches "best player on the Kings". Or before he reaches "star".
Gotta kind of disagree. He has to live up to his potential, and PROVE that he can do it... but I don't think he has "a long way to go." Let's face it: the Kings aren't that good, or at least, they haven't been for a fairly long while. I think Kings fans blow out of proportion just how good some of their "top" players are. I haven't been following the kings for long, but in what little I've seen, I'm not entirely impressed. If Jimmer can play in the NBA even half as well as he did in college ball, I could easily see him becoming this team's top player.
I know some of the posters in this thread are "newer" (I still consider myself a new kings fan, after 2 years) to this forum; most likely due to us drafting Jimmer. Thing is, though, if you guys watched Reke his rookie year, it was pretty special. I understand Rookie that he was forced to carry the load, but that's the best part. If Reke can take all the things he did two years ago (this last injury-plagued one not counting), and apply a new team concept to it, I believe he'll still be better than Jimmer right now. I think Jimmer is pretty special too, but I think it'll take him some time to fully integrate himself into the game (I get that he can shoot and set up others, but we'll see how truly good he'll be, and not just against the warriors).
Wow what a thread!

I am not a Kings fan. I am a Jazz fan and a BYU fan. I have followed NBA basketball for the last 20 years (I am still think the officials stole a championship from the Kings). I have also watched almost every game Jimmer has played in since he was a freshman, most of them live. I think he has the potential to be an all star. I think he is a fantastic play maker and will grow in to an adequate defender. I think he will be a great pro. That said some of the Jimmer homers are way over the top. Let's let him play a few games before we anoint him the best player on the team.


Hall of Famer
Of course, this is my truth and may be wrong. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I don't mean to offend anyone.

With this being said, I think Jimmer Fredette is an absolute star in the making. I know you all remember Jason Williams, my favorite player of all time. I was literally suicidal the first time I saw Jason Williams play at Florida, and watching him play ball gave me a reason to live. I'm from Gainesville, FL and I know everything there is to know about Jason. I have supported Jason for 15 years. Point being, you can tell Jason Williams means a lot to me. When I say what i'm about to say, it takes a lot to say it...

I think Jimmer can be twice the player Jason was. Jason was very underrated, mind you. Started on a title winning team. Jason was great at setting the pace, getting the offense into it's set quickly and always going to the hot hand. Jason's presence did not show up in a boxscore most nights. Jason Williams was a damn fine player and a winner.

Onto Jimmer...

Jimmer is bigger. Jimmer is stronger. Jimmer is a better shooter. Jimmer is tougher physically. Jimmer is a much better scorer. Jimmer has everything a great scorer has to possess. Inside. Out. Intermediate. No flaws offensively.

Jimmer is going to be special. Jimmer, IMO, is the best player on your team.
This post makes me wish Jason Williams would have went to West Virginia.
Delusional thinking...there's a reason it's described as (Jimmer) mania.

I hope for good things from Jimmer, because I always hope for good things to happen for my Kings. I also still hope for great things from Reke and Cousins, too. Reke and Cousins are both younger than Jimmer. They all have a lot of basketball ahead of them, hopefully, and time to get even better as players with hard work. Way too early to declare any of them the sure fire best player on the team.

What's the point anyway? I'm a fan of the Kings, I hope they all turn out great together.
Gotta kind of disagree. He has to live up to his potential, and PROVE that he can do it... but I don't think he has "a long way to go." Let's face it: the Kings aren't that good, or at least, they haven't been for a fairly long while. I think Kings fans blow out of proportion just how good some of their "top" players are. I haven't been following the kings for long, but in what little I've seen, I'm not entirely impressed. If Jimmer can play in the NBA even half as well as he did in college ball, I could easily see him becoming this team's top player.
If you'd been following the Kings for longer, you'd realize how horrible this team has been since Webber went down- even when there was talent, there was never any real hope of building something truly great. All of us I think have expressed frustration with Tyreke, and we're equally hopeful that Cousins will turn into the next great center but are aware of how tall an order that is and how far he has to come. That said, Jimmer has a very long way to go. There are tons of guys who were great shooters and winners in college who never made it in the NBA, or plateued as role players- Adam Morrison and JJ Reddick comes to mind. Jimmer has two games under his belt, our other young guys have actually proven to be good players and have potential to be great in the NBA. Only time will tell whether Jimmer will make the jump.

Also, more and more I get the feeling that Thornton might be the real winner and leader to emerge from this team.


Hall of Famer
If you'd been following the Kings for longer, you'd realize how horrible this team has been since Webber went down- even when there was talent, there was never any real hope of building something truly great. All of us I think have expressed frustration with Tyreke, and we're equally hopeful that Cousins will turn into the next great center but are aware of how tall an order that is and how far he has to come. That said, Jimmer has a very long way to go. There are tons of guys who were great shooters and winners in college who never made it in the NBA, or plateued as role players- Adam Morrison and JJ Reddick comes to mind. Jimmer has two games under his belt, our other young guys have actually proven to be good players and have potential to be great in the NBA. Only time will tell whether Jimmer will make the jump.
At least compare Jimmer to a similar player. Jimmer isn't just a shooter. That is a common misconception, of people who don't know what they're talking about, and haven't watched much of him. He's a pg.

Morrison and Redick? Comparing Jimmer to either is laughable.
At least compare Jimmer to a similar player. Jimmer isn't just a shooter. That is a common misconception, of people who don't know what they're talking about, and haven't watched much of him. He's a pg.

Morrison and Redick? Comparing Jimmer to either is laughable.
But, they're all three white they must have similar games.
But, they're all three white they must have similar games.
LOL I know... I considered making a note about that myself. People comparing white dudes to white dudes is a pet peeve of mine. But I follow the NBA closely, not so much NCAA, so I'm going mostly on hype and the few games I watch (went to a D4 school so never got into college ball). But Jimmer's hype is that he's a great shooter and a real winner, and Reddick and Morrison are the last two guys I can think of that had the same hype surrounding them. If you know a better example, I'm all ears.
The truth about Jimmer is that he's a rookie with some potential who can make it in the league, but he's made rookie mistakes and looks rookie-ish out there. He also looks like he wants to be the one guy who passes, which has been both funny and sad at the same time.
LOL I know... I considered making a note about that myself. People comparing white dudes to white dudes is a pet peeve of mine. But I follow the NBA closely, not so much NCAA, so I'm going mostly on hype and the few games I watch (went to a D4 school so never got into college ball). But Jimmer's hype is that he's a great shooter and a real winner, and Reddick and Morrison are the last two guys I can think of that had the same hype surrounding them. If you know a better example, I'm all ears.
BUT, they're offensive white men!
Jimmer's shooting has been a given, the thing I learned in the four games I have seen so far is that being an offensive facilitator will not be an issue and probably will be a strength; but, what I have also seen is that he has difficulty with more athletic NBA defensive players when they take defending him seriously. He had difficulty even maintaining a dribble three of four times against Portland. That was the question coming out of the draft and for me it hasn't been answered. Don't get me wrong, I like him, he was the guy I wanted the Kings to draft, and I think he will be a good complementary player; but, he is not in the same league as Reke and will probably never be as good as Thorton.


LOL I know... I considered making a note about that myself. People comparing white dudes to white dudes is a pet peeve of mine. But I follow the NBA closely, not so much NCAA, so I'm going mostly on hype and the few games I watch (went to a D4 school so never got into college ball). But Jimmer's hype is that he's a great shooter and a real winner, and Reddick and Morrison are the last two guys I can think of that had the same hype surrounding them. If you know a better example, I'm all ears.[/QUOTE]

I would venture to guess a hybrid Matt Maloney/Mark Price personally.


Hall of Famer
LOL I know... I considered making a note about that myself. People comparing white dudes to white dudes is a pet peeve of mine. But I follow the NBA closely, not so much NCAA, so I'm going mostly on hype and the few games I watch (went to a D4 school so never got into college ball). But Jimmer's hype is that he's a great shooter and a real winner, and Reddick and Morrison are the last two guys I can think of that had the same hype surrounding them. If you know a better example, I'm all ears.
Stephen Curry! Much closer comparison. Both touted as good shooters in college, but both susposedly lacked athleticism and the ability to play defense. both are PG's. Neither Reddick or Morrison were PG's.


It would be a miracle if Jimmer had those numbers. Fact is, Jimmer isn't being given the reigns like Tyreke was. However, I don't evaluate players on boxscores alone. I watch the players play and then I evaluate the circumstances. Jimmer is coming to a team with a guard who some deem to be the answer for them. Therefore, coach is going to stick with his ROY for the most part. Truth be told, though, Jimmer is flatout better than Tyreke in every aspect of the game, IMO.
Well, all due respect, but your opinion stinks. Every aspect of the game would include rebounding, defense, steals, driving to the rim and finishing at the rim bro, all things Jimmer can't touch Tyreke at. And if you can prove Jimmer is better than Tyreke at all those things I will buy you a whole pound of gold.