PJAZZ19 said:
I think it's really interesting how Barry Bonds is being harassed so vehemently for his alleged (key word--alleged) steroid use. When it was McGwire, the attitude was so much different sort of like a "oh, how sad our hero has fallen". With Bonds, it's more like "sweet, we always wanted to find a reason to get him, and now there's a chance". It's really disgusting, and I attribute a lot of it to race and Barry's supposed "bad attitude" towards the media. It's like, because he's never really been "Mr Personality" like McGwire, he's suddenly guilty, etc.
I'm going to continue rooting for Bonds, and unlike many in the media--I hope he's innocent.
As is so often the case, playing the race card here is hooey.
1) McGwire was first generation. Bonds planned, knew, and took it to the next level.
2) McGwire is also irrelevant. The only record he set was surpassed by an even bigger cheater. And THAT is why Bonds is so problematic and may have to be stripped -- he is a brazen living breathing mockery of th entire sport sitting there proudly for the whole world to see holding baseball's most coveted records. Coveted of course if you happen to be talking about people who don't cheat. There is a vast gulf between being Canseco and hitting more home runs than you should have, and being Bonds and engaging in an intentional campaign to subvert the record books of the game you are supposed to represent. The difference between Michael Redd cheating to be Michael Redd, and Michael Jordan cheating to be Michael Jordan and sliming the entire sport in the process.
3) Oddly Sammy Sosa, who quite clearly roided up, doesn't seem to take nearly the heat that Bonds does. Odd, given that he is also black. And gee, do the names Giambi and Palmiero mena anything to you? Naw..clearly nobody has givne them a hard time at all because they have lighter skin.
4) Finally of course, Bonds is an *******. He was an ******* before he cheated. And he now he's a cheating *******. Hence he has exactly ZERO goodwill built up where people say "ooh, he just made a mistake". No. No, he did exactly what he's always done -- think of Barry Bonds first, second and third, and bleep the game, the fans, and anyone or anything that doesn't advance the cause of Barry.