The most blatant +1 thread ever created

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Super Moderator Emeritus
362 - the smallest number of seconds that should elapse before you follow your own post in this thread.

375...I give up! :D

375 b.c.

Zhou Lie Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China

Gorgias, Greek sophist and rhetorician
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oH! man... i remember with the old number game we had to match it with something

kinda like with that comic example

so instead of the boring number post im going to find a visual example of 381:

the only thing google could find :

kinda wish we could start that thread over but with this one going it makes no sense i guess :-/

would be nice if others would give it a try :)
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monk said:
357 - The .357 magnum is the second-most powerful handgun in the world.
of the top of my head I can think of the 50 Calibur Desert Eagle and the .454 that are more powerful. So that would make it third:p A former friend used to own a 454. I almost lost my hearing being near one when it was fired;)

383 The number between 382 and 384
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