Perhaps we should have a breakdown of all rookies, 6'9" and over with over 2 assists per game and see how he ranks. I'd be very curious about that.
Couldn't figure out how to take into account minutes per game played but despite his limited minutes because of fouls he came in 14th out of the top 100.
If you want to break this down into minutes, it does revise the order somewhat. I won't revise it, but you can see the difference when you look at assists per minute.
Bird: 1 assist every 7.9 minutes
Odom: 1 assist every 8.7 minutes
Griffin: 1 assist every 9.9 minutes
Gugliotta: 1 assist every 9.1 minutes
Daugherty: 1 assist every 8.8 minutes
Webber: 1 assist every 8.9 minutes
Kukoc: 1 assist every 7.1 minutes
Malone: 1 assist every 10.4 minutes
Duncan: 1 assist every 14.3 minutes
Gasol: 1 assist every 13.4 minutes
Laettner: 1 assist every 12.6 minutes
Laimbeer: 1 assist every 11.3 minutes
Bowie: 1 assist every 10.3 minutes
Cousins: 1 assist every 10.7 minutes
Kukoc becomes the leader in the per minute stat, but Bird stays up there in 2nd place. But as you can see, Cousins would go up from 14th to 10th. This is probably a fairer stat since everyone doesn't play the same amount of minutes.