The Carmichael Dave thread


Super Moderator Emeritus
Dave on UStream is incredible! Over an hour and it's been real...and it's been entertainment. He won't go quietly into this good night.
OK so I wrote a very long, and nice letter to KHTK about how I am not listening to their station any longer, even though I love Don Geronimo (I have liked him since the 90s so I am loyal). I even wrote Don that I am listening to the three idiots on 98.5 and told him I am sorry that it came to that and that it has nothing to do with him but with KHTK. Hopefully Don leaves CBS once his contract is up and moves to an FM station, but until then I can't give KHTK my Arbitron ratings. *hint hint*


Super Moderator Emeritus
Why did this thread get moved? Nobody is going to see it here.
The thread was merged with the ongoing Carmichael Dave thread that was already ongoing. As Section 101 pointed out above, there was really no need for 2. And they were overlapping in content anyway.
Dave's life and journey are a microcosm of the changing world of media. Big networks that control things and manipulate messages and therefore people's perceptions of the world are not needed anymore, losing power by the day, and will ultimately give way to micro/hyper local individuals delivering much more personal, relevant, timely, honest, and unfiltered content. This is the meaning of the digital revolution on the world of media.

Dave wins.

Enjoy the golf homie.