Thank you Eric


Hall of Famer
Well here it is. We can thank Eric for one thing. Any other coach may have gotten us into the playoffs in the 8th seed and thus leaving us with the 19th pick again because we didn't have the players to do any better or worse. But Eric took it upon himself to make us one of the worst now we have a top 10 draft pick in a deep draft. Maybe he was looking toward the future who knows. Good luck in the NCAA Eric.
Well here it is. We can thank Eric for one thing. Any other coach may have gotten us into the playoffs in the 8th seed and thus leaving us with the 19th pick again because we didn't have the players to do any better or worse. But Eric took it upon himself to make us one of the worst now we have a top 10 draft pick in a deep draft. Maybe he was looking toward the future who knows. Good luck in the NCAA Eric.
Thanks for getting us a lottery pick (even though you could have easily done a better job at that JERK!) and thanks for getting fired. Bye bye Muss!!
In all seriousness, the guy tried hard, the Kings competed every night, and he had a mismatched roster. Thanks to Muss, and good luck.

Now let's get a better coach.
In all seriousness, the guy tried hard, the Kings competed every night, and he had a mismatched roster. Thanks to Muss, and good luck.

Now let's get a better coach.
I second that mainly because I don't think that the coach is the only reason why we sucked this year.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
In all seriousness, the guy tried hard, the Kings competed every night, and he had a mismatched roster. Thanks to Muss, and good luck.
I agree. I've never been on the Muss hate train and I'm sure he'll rebound in a few years. Unfortunately for him he came in with unrealistic expectations and compounded that situation by making some bad personal choices and as a result he was never able to lead this team. He definitely deserves to be fired but not all the hate he gets here.
I second that mainly because I don't think that the coach is the only reason why we sucked this year.
I think the coach is the primary reason we sucked this year. The live roster did not remotely live up to the paper roster and to me that is on the coach.

First few weeks of the season it was "42% opponents FG percentage is the magic number". Well Muss couldn't keep the focus on that message throughout the year and we ended up 5th worst in the NBA at 47%.

As for effort/competitiveness.... I watched the team abandon whole quarters at a time with zero in the way of effort and focus.

I know this thread is to thank the coach... but it really takes a stretch, and a re-writing of history to find a bright side to Muss' performance. The quick hatchet without so much as a farewell powerpoint demo shows that the Maloofs felt the same.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat

I come in here to say "you're welcome", thought it was rather nice that I got my own thread alongside Jeremy's, and all I see are a bunch of posts about some bleeping ex-power point toting unemployed guy.

Boo! :mad:


Hall of Famer

I come in here to say "you're welcome", thought it was rather nice that I got my own thread alongside Jeremy's, and all I see are a bunch of posts about some bleeping ex-power point toting unemployed guy.

Boo! :mad:

some bleeping ex-power point toting (very rich) unemployed guy.

I come in here to say "you're welcome", thought it was rather nice that I got my own thread alongside Jeremy's, and all I see are a bunch of posts about some bleeping ex-power point toting unemployed guy.

Boo! :mad:
Thanks, Brick! Reading your summaries of the games this season was a lot more fun than watching most of the games, I really appreciate all the work you put into that. Not to mention the added bonus of getting to see you gently knock some sense into the occasional clueless poster.

Muss, on the other hand, I don't have much to say to. He's got $7M, he can buy his own flowers.
In all seriousness, the guy tried hard, the Kings competed every night, and he had a mismatched roster. Thanks to Muss, and good luck.

Now let's get a better coach.

Disagree completely- and therin was the problem- we did not compete hard every night.

I can live with Muss stuggling because he is young and inexperienced, I can live with him not having the taleneted roster, the skilled bigs, or the frontline depth to suceed. I can concede those things to him.

But I cannot support a coach who lost his team. A coach who players say did not define roles, changed what he thought the team should be every other game, and lost the respect of his players well before the season was over. His team did not try hard every game- they tried hard some games. And that is on the coach- they quit on him, and since you can't fire the team, you fire the coach who made it all possible...


Hall of Famer
The biggest mistake he made...

...was taking the job, knowing that Ron Artest was on the team. The Maloofs made the mistake in trading for him, Petrie made the mistake of deferring to the Maloofs, and Muss is the one who pays. It rolls downhill.
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Fall guy muss,The maloofs deserve all the blame with their mark cuban tactics trying to take control of the team and have that personal relationship thing that they wanted to develop with the head coach. They got to involved in matters that they don't have any knowledge about and now mussleman is the scapegoat for their blunders.

I come in here to say "you're welcome", thought it was rather nice that I got my own thread alongside Jeremy's, and all I see are a bunch of posts about some bleeping ex-power point toting unemployed guy.

Boo! :mad:
My feelings kinda sucks that the only condolences in hiring Muss was 'At least he isnt Whiz'. Damn depressing. at least gives us a clean slate and we can start a new once again...and damn if Petrie doesnt have quite the job to do this summer.:D
I don't know what you guys are talking about. This guy is a legend. A true trailblazer. I have never seen anyone this good at parlaying presentation skills into a multi-million dollar payday and he didn't even have to work for the duration of the whole contract. Even Jerome James would be envious. But, you know, what really puts him up there in the pantheon? He triumphed where even the almighty Sith Bill Gates failed... he put the power in the PowerPoint and for that, I respect him. *bows in respect*
I don't know what you guys are talking about. This guy is a legend. A true trailblazer. I have never seen anyone this good at parlaying presentation skills into a multi-million dollar payday and he didn't even have to work for the duration of the whole contract. Even Jerome James would be envious. But, you know, what really puts him up there in the pantheon? He triumphed where even the almighty Sith Bill Gates failed... he put the power in the PowerPoint and for that, I respect him. *bows in respect*
man, that was nothing, nene parlayed one game of basketball into a giant multimillion dollar contract!

I come in here to say "you're welcome", thought it was rather nice that I got my own thread alongside Jeremy's, and all I see are a bunch of posts about some bleeping ex-power point toting unemployed guy.

Boo! :mad:
I've been on this board since 2004 and this is the first I'm finding out your first name :p