Supervillains Redux Draft

Oh really? I never got a PM for a new pick...
I believe so, check the first page.

... I'm a little confused though, I need clarification. I have all six slots filled, but it appears (due to inferno's and GW3's boards having only 4 selections) as though I should not have made my last pick already. Is this correct?

edit: It appears so; I will make Ozymandias available for selection, but I will also leave up the post for now.
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I believe so, check the first page.

... I'm a little confused though, I need clarification. I have all six slots filled, but it appears (due to inferno's and GW3's boards having only 4 selections) as though I should not have made my last pick already. Is this correct?

edit: Appears as so; I will make Ozymandias available for selection, but I will also leave up the post for now.
Ok yeah I guess I do have a pick. Would have been nice to get a PM before I timed out...
The reason I leave up Ozymandias is my leaving for the Mojave desert Sunday at 5 a.m., and I won't be back for a week. If someone would like to step in for me during that time be the first to P.M. me by Saturday at 9 p.m.
GeraldWallace#3 has timed out...

SLAB is now on the clock. PM sent :).

xrzn is up next, however he still has a pick pending. Therefore, we will skip him until that pick is submitted (same goes for vikinginferno and GeraldWallace#3...).
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Hall of Famer
With my next, and final pick in the villains draft, I am going to take some more muscle just in case my group of clowns riding a multi-clored beast aren't enough.

He is Klownzilla, from the epic movie, Killer Klowns From Outer Space.

So he is from outer space...Maybe an alien clown? Who knows.
What I do know is that he is massive, and is a clown, so he fits right in with my group of evil funnymen.
My villainous team is nearly complete. I have the market on evil with the tag team of Mephisto and Baal, plenty of demonic, mechanical, and insectoid minions for them to play with, and a self replicating malicious black hole. To round out my group I need something even more malicious...Bureaucracy! With my 6th pick, I select:

The Vogon Constructor Fleet - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Vogons are described as, aggressive, bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious, and callous, having "as much sex appeal as a road accident". They are mindlessly bureaucratic, the writers of "the third worst poetry in the universe", and are employed as the galactic government's bureaucrats.

The ships of the Vogon Constructor Fleet are described as "impossibly huge yellow somethings" that "hung in the air in much the same way that bricks don't"; they are said to be undetectable to radar and capable of travel through hyperspace. They are not crewed exclusively by Vogons; a species known as the Dentrassi are responsible for on-board catering.

Vogon History:
Billions of years ago, when the Vogons first crawled out of the primeval seas of Vogsphere, laid panting and heaving on the planet's virgin shores... when the first rays of the young Vogsol sun had shone across them... it seemed as if the forces of evolution had simply given up on them then and there, turned aside in disgust and written them off as an ugly mistake. They would never evolve again. The fact that they did is a testament to the thick-willed stubbornness of these creatures. Evolution? they said to themselves. Who needs it? What nature refused to do for them they simply did without until they were able to correct the gross anatomical inconveniences with surgery.

The natural forces of Vogsphere worked overtime to make up for their blunder. They brought forth scintillating jeweled scuttling crabs, which the Vogons ate, smashing them with large iron mallets; aspiring trees which the Vogons cut down to use the firewood for cooking the crabs; and elegant gazellelike creatures with dewey eyes which the Vogons would catch and sit on (they were useless for transport because their backs snapped under the weight, but the Vogons sat on them anyway).

The planet whirled away for unhappy millennia until the Vogons discovered the principles of interstellar travel. Within a few short Vog years every Vogon had migrated to the Megabrantis cluster, the political hub of the galaxy. They now form the powerful backbone of the Galactic Civil Service. Also, some of the young Vogons join the Vogon Guard Corps, which, aside from making them look moderately less hideous what with dashing uniforms and all that, also allows for exciting promotion opportunities such as Senior Shouting Officer. Despite their intelligence, they remain little changed since their first appearance a billion billion years ago. Every year twenty-seven thousand jeweled scuttling crabs are imported, then they while away a drunken night smashing them to bits with iron mallets.
After dispatching the Earth to make way for a hyperspace expressway, it appears that the Vogons have some free time on their hands. Mephisto was able to apply for their contractual eternal enslavement some time ago, and now it's official, they're on the team. Resistance is useless! Muahahahahahaha!!!
[yt=Introduction to Vogons]sdUwlSwifHw&feature=related[/yt]
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My Final Pick in the draft:

Lucille Bluth - Arrested Development

Arrested Development said:
Michael Bluth: You seem more villainous than usual, Mom; are you sober?
Lucille: Michael, it's eight a.m.
Michael Bluth: So, it's not that.
Lucille: I don't know. Maybe it's because I went off my post-partum medication.
Michael Bluth: You were still taking that? You had Buster thirty-two years ago.
Lucille: And that's how long I've been depressed about him.
Lucille: Well, apparently, mood-altering medication leads to street drugs. That's what this very handsome young doctor said on the Today Show.
Michael Bluth: That was Tom Cruise, the actor.
Lucille: They said he was some kind of scientist.

Every good villain team needs someone with money.

Sure, Donkey Kong later became a cartoon star, the hero of his own series of games and an all-around affable Nintendo icon, but there was a time when he was the most notorious nemesis in all of video gamedom. As the grinning, taunting villain in one of the most popular arcade games of all time, Donkey Kong was the original great bad guy, the first video game character we loved to hate.

Created in 1981 as the main antagonist in his eponymous video game, Donkey Kong was a simple creation whose name meant to imply a "big, stupid ape" by his creator, the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto, who has had a hand in the creation of almost all of Nintendo's iconic characters.

The original Donkey Kong was an exercise in pure brutality. From the desperate race of the girders to the absolute mayhem of the elevator level, Donkey Kong mercilessly hurled barrels and fireballs at your dashing plumber hero, Jumpman (that's right, Mario didn't even have a name yet), who was just trying to save his girlfriend. And every time you battled your way to the top, the big guy would just steal her away to an even less forgiving board
xrzn is having trouble finding time for these drafts. Since his heroes team is finished, they will remain in the playoffs, however, he has decided to abandon his villains team. If there are no takers we can just make those members ineligible and continue with an 8 team playoff...

jalfa is on the clock. Let's try to get some picks in and finish this draft up :).
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FCKingsfan has offered to fill in for xrzn. Welcome aboard :).

Lets get those make-up picks in so we can move on to round 4 and start preparing our lairs!
Well it looks like I'm supposed to pick. For my next pick, I'll take Lord Voldemort, or "You Know Who" for all of you guys since you're the ones who are supposed to fear him :)

Voldemort is the main antagonist in the Harry Potter novels. Known as the most evil wizard who has ever lived, Voldemort's goal was to rule not only the wizarding world but the Muggle world as well. Besides being extremely intelligent and adept at magic, Voldemort possesses many other useful skills. He is a Legilmens, meaning he can read minds, and he can also shield his own from being read. Voldemort can also speak to snakes, and in the last book of the series it is revealed that he can fly unsupported by a broom. Perhaps the most evil thing about him though is the fact that his soul is split into seven pieces and hidden in various Horcruxes (one of them being his body) which means that he can never truly die until all of them are destroyed.
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For my last pick, I have to go with my heart and pick one of the villains in my most favorite video games of all time:

Dark Samus

She's just like the regular Samus, only more powerful. Appearing in the Metroid series, she is a being created from Phazon that takes on the dark shape of Samus Aran. She has all of the physical combat skills of Samus in addition to multiple Phazon powered attacks that are pretty devastating. Funnily enough, Phazon is the only thing that seems to hurt her significantly, and even when she is defeated she has so far been able to regenerate herself.
Either the remaining two make their picks today, or we start locations and write-ups? I doubt anyone is going to pick who they want anyway, so...


Hall of Famer
We shall waste no time at all.

We are Coulrophobia, and we are simply from...

The Circus.

As an evil bunch of clowns, there is nowhere better than to make our evil lodgings inside an equally evil looking circus.

We could have gone to Spaulding's freak-show, Kefka's Death Tower, Pennywise's sewer, but no...

Each of those are specialized to the specific evil clown.
If there is one place where a group of evil clowns can regroup and be evil, it is simply The Circus.

The Joker will just lead, Kefka can concentrate on owning the world, Spaulding can simply try to kill, It can eat kids, and Klownzilla and The Mana Beast will destroy anything that gets close to The Circus.
Ok...not sure if there are rules for picking a lair, so if I break one let me know so I can change it.

We'll be living in Sweden in the High Tech Data Fortress called Pionen.

To sum up, it's a nuclear bunker under Stockholm that was refurbished into this technological wonder. I won't lie, I had to do a bit of research before deciding on my evil home so I'll post the article I read about it here. And seriously, if this isn't a legitimate lair let me know and I'll pick something else super quick.
Pretty much the thing I had the clearest idea about from the beginning.

My lair: The Waste Land

T.S. Eliot said:
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water. Only
There is shadow under this red rock,
(Come in under the shadow of this red rock),
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
Interpreting what exactly the Waste Land is, is a rather perilous thing, therefore I won't go into specifics and leave it as broad as "a cumulation of forces that threaten to destroy society/civilisation". Falling towers and all that.
After last season's defeat by the hero team, Mephisto decided to relocate his cohort from their tropical island domicile to a more remote location. Hell was an early choice here, as Mephisto would have total domination over this domain, however, the Vogons and Matrix Mainframe couldn't access that plane. Therefore, Mephisto decided to initiate the The Federated Hellscape Coalition in a more remote location. With my "lair pick", I select:

Olympic Mons - Mars

All great villains need their own personal volcano, and our volcano is bigger than yours! Olympic Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system (15.5 miles high, 3+x the size of Mt. Everest :eek:) with only 5% of the Martian atmospheric pressure at its summit. It is still an active volcano, and the Matrix can harness the geothermal energy to populate the entire planet with sentinel hoards. The slivers have adapted themselves to thrive on Mars, acclimating to the decreased gravity, oxygen, and temperature and pressure extremes.

Visitors to my lair will be welcomed most unhospitably by vicious Martian dust storms, negligible atmospheric oxygen content, high radiation (due to the weak martian atmosphere), and constant temperature extremes. That's before they have to deal with the demonic hoards, a planet wide swarm of maniacal alien shape shifters, a fleet of planet consuming Vogons, millions of sentinel minions, and a super-cluster of self replicating, maleficent black holes. The Red Planet is our own personal hell, and that's the way we like it :)

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Location Pick:

The Bermuda Triangle


Me said:
A growling sky, with purple glare,
Unleashes rage from phantom wings.
Its wrath is charged with lightning’s flare,
Cyclonic strikes, and sizzling stings.
Tornadoes, bane of new-born springs,
Will hibernate through the colder days,
Waiting for the season swings
When flowers bloom beneath sun rays,
Amidst the powdered pollen haze.

Pure beauty dawns in April’s bloom,
But storms display unanswered might.
Congested clouds will cough their gloom
From flaring jaws that snap and bite.
A messenger, the devouring light
Reminds the world how small we are,
As brief eclipses bring the night
Until bested by the brightest star,
The Sun, protecting from afar.

As Nature ends her roaring fit,
Sad eyes survey the aftermath.
The lamp of day has been re-lit
Exposing what befell her path.
The targets of her temper’s wrath
Hold memories that never wane,
For Nature is a psychopath
Whose laughter falls amidst blinding rain,
Within a howling hurricane.
An evil place for evil people. It quite possibly might be the largest base as well, with over 1 million square miles surface area. BTW, Lucille Bluth paid for an underwater base, so everyone can hang out beneath.
I really wanted to get creative and a little campy with this pick (ultimately, my only actual particpation in the redux, aside from taking my previous squad and saying, "I'm good") And make a big splash. But after flirting with the stand-by "Volcano Lair", I decided to go with something a little too obvious, but otherwise perfect:


The nightmarish, non-Euclidean corpse city at the bottom of the Pacific built by the loathsome shapes that seeped down from the dark stars in the eons behind history. And also where my enforcer calls home.

So any heroes or villains want to bring the fight to us, go right ahead; you'll be greeted warmly at the gate
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I just can't help myself:

Dr. Evil's Starbucks Headquarters, Seattle WA

Pure evil. Ozymandias has helped us secure a place here, turns out he is even connected to Dr. Evil. Plus, if we wanna get real evil, all we gotta do is start pumping out a mild mood altering, addictive substance that we can put in everyone's coffee, we can use it to control people's behavior. Without it, citizens of the world would be insufferable, they would walk around like angry zombies until they got another cup! And when we have them all in the palm of our hands, we can shut off the supply, and there will be rioting in the streets! Bwahahaha!

Mess with us, we shut off coffee.
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For my make up pick I select.....

Hades: God of the Underworld

Hades Lord of the Underworld he has awesome powers loathed and feared by both mortals and gods. He controls all who enter the Underworld. And chooses the judgement of all. His identifying possessions included a famed helmet of darkness, given to him by the Cyclopes, which made anyone who wore it invisible. Hades' weapon was a two-pronged fork, which he used to shatter anything that was in his way or not to his liking. This ensign of his power was a staff with which he drove the shades of the dead into the lower world.

The Death Star

While the bad guys, crimelords and bosses of earth have there secret islands, underwater cities and subterranean lairs, the top secret base in the whole of the universe has to be a Death Star. As big as a moon, this secret (well, not-so-secret, really) lair comes complete with tie-fighters, giant planet-destroying lasers and hundreds of members of staff. While the health and safety and security of the base is not up to much (check out the two controllers' platform when the laser from the Death Star destroys Alderaan) this is a base to be proud of.
And with that, the Villains Redux Draft is concluded. Thanks for a great draft everyone :).

Let's give it about a week for rankings (via PM to Jespher) and write-ups before the playoffs begin.
Not cool. Vader leaves for a week and the death star is taken over. What kind of lame storm troopers does the empire crank out nowadays?