Supervillains Redux Draft

My Pick:

Harley Quinn

If nothing else, she's completely bonkers. Pretty good at following orders too. Imagine the snarky Sylar and the ridiculous-ness of Harley Quinn on a tag team mission....

Annoying to the point of fear. Then Sylar rips your brain out.

Oh man I'm sure SLAB was going to use that pick. Haha


Hall of Famer
With the next pick of the bad guy draft.

Captain Spaulding! The Devil's Rejects/House of 1000 Corpses.

Writeup after work, but quickly... He's another bad clown.
Lex Luthor

Bullets bounce off Superman's skin. He can bend steel in his bare hands. He can move fast enough to break the sound barrier, defy the laws of gravity, and create fire with his eyes. He is, in short, one of the most powerful beings the world has ever known. Yet, the one man who has proven to be his arch enemy for over 60 years, is a mere mortal.

Though he can't go toe-to-toe with Superman on a physical level, Lex Luthor provides a constant challenge with his cunning intellect, his vast resources, and his sheer strength of will. The untouchable man behind it all, Lex is the definitive nemesis for the Man of Steel...

Lex Luthor is the undisputed master of Metropolis and lord of all he surveys. Yes, there is a mayor, a governor and a President of the United States, but Luthor is a law unto himself. In his mind there is no good or bad, except what's good and bad for Lex Luthor. If he wants something, he'll have it, either buying it outright, bribing someone to get it for him or systematically removing all obstacles between him and his goal. In a world where the corporate web weaves through everything in ever-spreading strands, Lex Luthor is emperor.
My Pick:

The Wicked Witch of the West (Land of Oz)

I'll show you a broomstick, my pretty.

She drops houses on people.

Sure, her weakness is water, but remember: Sylar is invincible, he's got her back.

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After sneaking onto the Empire's new construction project (more workers they didn't have to pay!) this little beastie was subdued by Lord Vader, and has been breeding a batch of baddies up that should counter the impending sliver horde that I see another bad dude brewing up. They need incubators? Well, how about I sacrifice a few storm troopers. Nice.

Alien Queen

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Anton Chigurh

Some say Chigurh - an assassin of little words and interesting choices of weaponry - is a man without a sense of humor. Others might say he's got a warped sense of principles. One thing that most can agree on, is Chigurh is one crazy S.O.B. - ruthlessly killing damn near anyone who sets eyes on him, let alone those who get in his way. And apparently, the only way you can survive a run in with the man is the 50-50 chance of a coin toss, but dear god, don't question his motives, it just seems to irritate him even moreso.


Hall of Famer
Well, since I can't think of any more clowns off the top of my head, I will select my evil muscle/dragon.

That would be The Mana Beast (Secret of Mana)

The Mana Beast is a raging dragon type creature who is resurrected with the rising of The Mana Fortress. Once he raises, his one goal is to hurtle himself headlong into the Fortress causing the end of the world...The only thing that can defeat the Mana Beast is the power of the Mana Sword which is locked deep within the elemental Dryad.

Since Im pretty sure Dryad hasn't been picked in any draft, if I don't win this thing...

The Mana Beast will throw itself into the Mana Fortress, ending the world as we know it.
((And he is a pretty colorful dragon, so I anoint him as 'The Clown of Dragons))

Vote for me.
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xrzn has timed out. Let's make sure the PMS are going out everyone...vikinginferno still owes a make-up pick as well.

jalfa is now on the clock. PM sent :).
Since I saw myself unable to pick a character from my favourite RPG of all time in the heros draft (the game left too many options open, it's too hard to pin down a specific instance of the main character), I had to at least get my most hated nemesis in there somehow, so:

Jon Irenicus - Baldur's Gate II

This guy is a pest. After having beaten the first BG, your character and her/his party are already some of the most powerful heroes of this particular universe. However, Irenicus still manages to capture, torture and ultimately steal the divine soul of you and your demi-god sibling. He's one of the, if not the most powerful spellcaster in the Forgotten Realms, even managing to beat and entire sect of Wizards, or at least he would have, had he chosen to. Since he saw the opportunity to manipulate and use them to his own means, he didn't need to. And when you finally manage to kill him, he drags you down to hell and fights you there. And then, after the whole ordeal is finally over, you cannot even be completely sure that you've actually managed to kill him forever.
When it comes to bad guys, you really can't have enough demons. Therefore with my 5th pick, I select:

Baal - Lord of Destruction (Diablo II)

Baal is one bad demon. While heroes are wandering around hell looking for his brother, Baal is wreaking destruction at the very heart of all good in this world. Eventually, he even taints it enough that the worldstone, the symbol of balance in the universe must be destroyed. Armed with countless hoardes of powerful minions and clones, Baal will lead the armies of hell on earth, and bathe in the blood of the fallen.

Some of Baal's Many Powers:
  • Hoarfrost - sends a chilling wave that chills and knocks back targets at the same time, dealing damage multiple times if the target is knocked back a decent ways.
  • Fire Nova - similar to Diablo's, a ring of torches is sent out in all directions.
  • Mana Rift - a fire breath move which drains mana (seen in cinematic), at a rate that is comparable to a monster with Mana Burn.
  • Destructive Strike - an electric whip that zaps and stuns many targets at once.
  • Teleport - Baal can move anywhere desired at will.
  • Summon Clone - summons a duplicate of himself, which can cast all of the real Baal's moves as well.
  • Festering Appendages - summons tentacles that come out of the ground to attack the player.
  • Decrepify - a curse that slows, weakens, and ages all targets.
  • Blaze - ignites the ground upon which he treads leaving a river of flame in his wake.
  • Summon Hoard - summons groups of demonic minions to battle.
  • ESP - Baal displays remote viewing and ESP powers attacking targets with curses and festering appendages while he is even in different rooms.
[yt=Baal - Lord of Destruction]R13KRWrbtQQ[/yt]
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With my final pick in this villainous draft, I select the world's greatest time manager ever:

Ozymandias - Watchmen

A geneticist, a deft businessman, the smartest man in the world, and a villain - even if he doesn't realize it. The only human without traditional superpowers that can catch a bullet and best the nearly omnipotent Dr. Manhattan. His villainous reach can even extend backward in time, anything I need him to do he can do 35 minutes ago. :D
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With my final pick in this villainous draft, I select the world's greatest time manager ever:

Ozymandias - Watchmen

A geneticist, a deft businessman, the smartest man in the world, and a villain - even if he doesn't realize it. The only human without traditional superpowers that can catch a bullet and best the nearly omnipotent Dr. Manhattan. His villainous reach can even extend backward in time, anything I need him to do he can do 35 minutes ago. :D
Wise choice of words here, still disputable, but definitely better than the alternatives :cool: