Spencer Hawes....finally

I might be getting ahead of myself here and I think everyone else will think so but its something to talk about. But these last two games that Hawes has played is what we were expecting out of him with a lottery pick. Hopefully this is the "start" of our future starting center.
I might be getting ahead of myself here and I think everyone else will think so but its something to talk about. But these last two games that Hawes has played is what we were expecting out of him with a lottery pick. Hopefully this is the "start" of our future starting center.
Well, Spencer was supposed to be a four year project when we drafted him, and next year is his fourth year...so, that makes sense. He still needs to bulk up a bit. To be completely honest, he's strung together several series of strong games before, so let's hope he can keep it up. Spencer, like Donte (and most of our young guys not named Tyreke) needs to work on his consistency. It will come with time. He's the tallest guy on the team, and has more moves on offense than anybody this side of Tim Duncan. If only he can put it all together...

Also, why is this in the personnel moves forum? Looking to trade him?
Well, Spencer was supposed to be a four year project when we drafted him, and next year is his fourth year...so, that makes sense. He still needs to bulk up a bit. To be completely honest, he's strung together several series of strong games before, so let's hope he can keep it up. Spencer, like Donte (and most of our young guys not named Tyreke) needs to work on his consistency. It will come with time. He's the tallest guy on the team, and has more moves on offense than anybody this side of Tim Duncan. If only he can put it all together...

Also, why is this in the personnel moves forum? Looking to trade him?
Sorry no, deffinately not looking to trade him. I'm new to posting new threads i didn't know where to put it.
It bothers me that he can turn it on and off seemingly at will. As if he decides when it's time for him to expend the energy, and when not to. In the doghouse...play a couple of games all out. Then settle back in to that comfortable behavior that has frustrated us all season? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Is this tied to youth or inexperience? Or is it tied to arrogance and/or laziness?
He has good help defense on weakside blocks and what not. But his man to man and post defense are atrocious. I'd really like to see his defense take huge strides. But it highly doubtful. So let's hope his offense becomes scary consistent and we find a defensive PF or even another C who plays defense
I do think that when we think of spencer even though he is a "vet" for us he is only what 21? which means he still has potential which can be filled with hopefully his new found fire that westphal seemed to give him.
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anyone else think Spence should do roids this offseason to get shredded? yea, he may get suspended for some games but he'd be buff for years!

anyone else think Spence should do roids this offseason to get shredded? yea, he may get suspended for some games but he'd be buff for years!

thing is i dont think its in hawes interest nor in his family upbringing to cheat that way

he's like a 21 a year older than reke or something like that give him time to bulk up on his own..id have to say though him being unathletic is quite wrong... he can run and do some put backs thats for sure
Well if he still plays with a weak mentality then it doesn't matter if he's skinny or buffer than Dwight Howard. It has mainly been a mental thing with Spencer since he has been with us and adding muscle will not be the be all end all.
roiding up doesnt build that HEART and FIRE.....theres like a difference between a guy who went to a gym and lost a couple of pounds versus a guy who took the diet pill or lipo to shed his pounds off...

I would rather take hawes taking a year or two to get that fire and heart than see him roid up over the summer looking like a beef cake lol
He's a project. Like all projects, he's got a lot of potential. He could be our starting center for years, or he could be released to free agency if he doesn't pan out.

When he puts together a week of good games, I'll give him some credibility as a player. Until then, he's just a guy with potential.
My happiest times this year as a Kings fans are games where Spencer is playing like we all know he can. Outside of Tyreke he's our most important piece I think. At 21 he's a 7 footer with tons of skills on the offensive end, and if he bulks up he can be atleast a presence in the middle. It's all on him though I hope he works hard this offseason and has a BREAKOUT 10-11 season.
Well if he still plays with a weak mentality then it doesn't matter if he's skinny or buffer than Dwight Howard. It has mainly been a mental thing with Spencer since he has been with us and adding muscle will not be the be all end all.
Absolutely could be the end all. When you take care of your body, your confidence follows course. Hawes is special, like short bus special. So he needs all the boosts he can get, and because of his talent(short bus talent), an upgrade in the weight and strength department could transform him into a productive and winning player. GP added dorsey and Brockman and LAndry, all guys whom hit the weights with zeal. If hawes follows the leader, and plays within himself, he is a player worth extending. No more 3's, and a couple 15 rebound games and he is looking down the barrel of a 50 million dollar contract, this is why he is short bus special. Shoot 3's or 50 Mil.? Not strong enough to muscle a rebound for yourself and your team or 60mil? can't score in the low post on anyone over 6'10 with a go 2 move or 70mil.? I have a freind with the same problem, knows all the remedies and all the ways to get what he wants, but has zero drive and needs to have someone either hold his hand if he is feeling up to task or do it for him in any other case. At 22, its tough to grow up and stay grown, but Lebron did it, he isn't cheating on his wife, doesn't drink booz. All Hawes' decisions add up, and unless he averages over 15 reb a game for the rest of the season, he isn't going to be getting 50 mil from the kings.
It's 2 games. He's done this before. When I see consistency, and an off game being an exception not the rule, then I'll start to change my opinion.
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Absolutely could be the end all. When you take care of your body, your confidence follows course. Hawes is special, like short bus special. So he needs all the boosts he can get, and because of his talent(short bus talent), an upgrade in the weight and strength department could transform him into a productive and winning player. GP added dorsey and Brockman and LAndry, all guys whom hit the weights with zeal. If hawes follows the leader, and plays within himself, he is a player worth extending. No more 3's, and a couple 15 rebound games and he is looking down the barrel of a 50 million dollar contract, this is why he is short bus special. Shoot 3's or 50 Mil.? Not strong enough to muscle a rebound for yourself and your team or 60mil? can't score in the low post on anyone over 6'10 with a go 2 move or 70mil.? I have a freind with the same problem, knows all the remedies and all the ways to get what he wants, but has zero drive and needs to have someone either hold his hand if he is feeling up to task or do it for him in any other case. At 22, its tough to grow up and stay grown, but Lebron did it, he isn't cheating on his wife, doesn't drink booz. All Hawes' decisions add up, and unless he averages over 15 reb a game for the rest of the season, he isn't going to be getting 50 mil from the kings.
Quoted for when he gets off the crack and realizes everything he typed went back and contradicted itself. This hurt my head.
Hawes and his size concerns are really interesting to me. He is listed as 7-1; 245 lbs. Look at the size of some other great centers:

Parish - 7-1; 250
Hakeem the Dream - 7-0; 245
Kareem - 7-2; 225
Bill Russell 6-10; 220
Bill Walton - 6-11; 235
Patrick Ewing - 7-0; 240
David Robinson - 7-1; 250

Does that not put Hawes right in the ball park in terms of height, weight and BMI? He is also only 21 and has not reached full physical maturity. Why all the concern? Have the years of Shaq forever changed the way we perceive centers?

All this talk about size and strength really does make PEDs all the more tempting for athletes. I think we should back of the issue a bit for this reason.

Last, Hawes would have a lot more muscle definition if he would just get a spray tan - and I am being dead serious here.
Hawes and his size concerns are really interesting to me. He is listed as 7-1; 245 lbs. Look at the size of some other great centers:

Parish - 7-1; 250
Hakeem the Dream - 7-0; 245
Kareem - 7-2; 225
Bill Russell 6-10; 220
Bill Walton - 6-11; 235
Patrick Ewing - 7-0; 240
David Robinson - 7-1; 250

Does that not put Hawes right in the ball park in terms of height, weight and BMI? He is also only 21 and has not reached full physical maturity. Why all the concern? Have the years of Shaq forever changed the way we perceive centers?

All this talk about size and strength really does make PEDs all the more tempting for athletes. I think we should back of the issue a bit for this reason.

Last, Hawes would have a lot more muscle definition if he would just get a spray tan - and I am being dead serious here.

All of the players you listed played in an era when they players weren't as physicaly big.
Spencer is that tall and big weight wise, but he is physically no match to be able to defend an NBA center right now. He needs to bulk up muscle mass wise to take the pounding to be the presence we need out there. I'm sure even if he gains about 20 pounds of muscle he won't lose any of his natural offensive ability.
He certainly has his moments, but I'm embarrassed for him at times, the way he gets pushed around by smaller and lighter players (not to mention those that are as big as he is).

We all know what he needs to work on, but as long as he thinks he's a viable 3-point shooter, I don't seem him overcoming his weaknesses.

I'm more or less kidding here, but the best thing that could happen to Spencer's development would be to have an injury that kept him from stroking those jumpshots. Then he'd have to make his living inside.


Hall of Famer
In terms of strength, Spencers biggest problem is his legs. That is a players foundation for post defense. Most good defensive bigs have very strong legs, defend in a half-squat, and are pretty tough to back down as a result. I have noticed numerous times when Spencer gets backed down on the block, he's standing up straight, and trying to use his upper body to fend off the offensive player. That will never work.

There are a few people who want Spencer to put on 20 lbs of upper body muscle, and think that will be the difference. Thats wrong, and unrealistic. You don't defend post players with your arms. It's core strength and leg strength which helps a defender hold his position, and become a more efficent rebounder. You have to get in a half squat, and use your legs and hips to move the opponent. It has nothing to do with how much Spencer can bench press.

Spencer is playing well, and is scratching the surface of what he can potentially do as an nba center. How good will he ultimately become? Who knows. How long will it take? We have to wait and see. Personally, I don't like getting overly excited about a 2 game stretch, or getting too critical of a player for having a poor stretch. Spencer is young, the team is young. There will be many more ups and downs for this team, and Spencer. He will still hit bumps in the road, and fans will again want to get rid of him, and they will be all over Westphal for playing him too much. Funny how the opinions of some change from week to week, or even game to game.
It bothers me that he can turn it on and off seemingly at will. As if he decides when it's time for him to expend the energy, and when not to. In the doghouse...play a couple of games all out. Then settle back in to that comfortable behavior that has frustrated us all season? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Is this tied to youth or inexperience? Or is it tied to arrogance and/or laziness?
And this is the most bothersome of all Hawes' qualities, if indeed it is true. It's like we're pinning our hopes to a "Boozer" type of player who only plays good when he wants and if it will be for his own good. Not the type of player who you can depend on when tough times becomes even tougher. And not the type of a "future center" you want for this team. I would rather invest on the kind of player like Thompson who gives all his best in every game, than have someone on the team who plays good only when he wants.

Oh, well. Petrie hasn't given us any options at the 5 other than a wussy 7-ft center Hawes and an undersized Thompson, so I guess we'll have to suck all the sucking for now while the Maloofs finds another GM who can make things happen for the team and fans.
As I said....when I see consistency I'll change my tune. Once again Spencer Hawes has two good games then sucks the next game. We've seen this before.


Hall of Famer
And this is the most bothersome of all Hawes' qualities, if indeed it is true. It's like we're pinning our hopes to a "Boozer" type of player who only plays good when he wants and if it will be for his own good. Not the type of player who you can depend on when tough times becomes even tougher. And not the type of a "future center" you want for this team. I would rather invest on the kind of player like Thompson who gives all his best in every game, than have someone on the team who plays good only when he wants.

Oh, well. Petrie hasn't given us any options at the 5 other than a wussy 7-ft center Hawes and an undersized Thompson, so I guess we'll have to suck all the sucking for now while the Maloofs finds another GM who can make things happen for the team and fans.

I think Thompson was drafted to be a PF and not a center. At 6'11" and 255 lbs, he's hardly undersized at the PF position. And to be honest, when you look around the league he's not that undersized at the center position. He's also our best rebounder, and we could have used him last night. As for Hawes. Don't get me started. Did he have any rebounds at all?