Giles is still just 21 years old. I have no problem with him taking even much longer than we'd hoped. I can't speculate on why we didn't pick up the the option, but after any hurt feelings die down, the strategic result will not be bad for the Kings. It means that if they want to continue the project, they can sign him likely fairly cheaply next year.
If the delay is indeed related to a slow rehab, or perhaps a combination of not being in shape to start the year because of physical limitations in working out hard, then I'm ok with that. I don't question Harry's heart. I saw enough fire in him last year to know that this kid would absolutely be going as hard as he could, if he could. So as usual, I'm giving him the L'Optimisticalismatic treatment, and will wait to see what happens with him after yet another off season. Again, he's still just 21. And, his body has not seen a lot of wear over the past few years. Big men also do take longer to develop: see Hasan Whiteside.
If he's still in the doghouse at this time next year (or not on the team), then I'll get they sads, Harry style. I like the kid a lot, and I love his game. I really hope he can still come around, and from all my observable data, do not see that as impossible at this point in time. Godspeed to Mr. Giles.