
I liked Sessions at Nevada and I still like him. He's a rarity at the pt position at his height. He's better than Beno right now, and he's still getting better. If you have a chance to improve the team by picking him up, I say do it. By the way. The initial post said that he was a restricted free agent. I checked several sites and they all say that he's an unrestricted free agent.

Hmm it says on ESPN that hes a Restricted FA. Unrestricted would be nice tho. This is our perfect oppurtunity to get a great PG, possibly a star without giving up any of our core. This team needs an offensive director. The Princeton offense is nice but Spence and JT are still young and learning it. Beno is a shoot first PG with little pure PG instincts., Sessions can score just as good as Beno if not better with amazing true PG instincts. I'm glad to see theres a bandwagon developing.
Sessions also gets to the line extremely good, simalar to Martin, we could have a backcourt that gets opposing bigs in foul trouble.
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Sessions is an RFA and the Bucks are near the lux tax threshold next off-season. You offer him a FRONT LOADED deal and I bet you the Bucks don't match.
Sessions is an RFA and the Bucks are near the lux tax threshold next off-season. You offer him a FRONT LOADED deal and I bet you the Bucks don't match.
I really don't think the Bucks are going to let that happen. They'll either trade Jefferson for an expiring at the deadline or they'll trade Jefferson or Redd for nothing but cap space in the offseason rather than letting Sessions or Villanueva go.
IMO, before all the injuries we could have gotten Vill and Sessions cheap. Something like:

Salmons/Williams/Houston 1st


The problem with getting Sessions is that he's starting to get known now--and with greater play from him Milwaukee's more likely to keep him. I mean, I can just see Milwaukee's GM salivating over the Ramon Session's player page in right now. He's that good
If we get Amare from trade, Sessions and Hedo through signing, and a couple new prospects, Kings will be back in action! haha.
and then you wake up and realize you were playing NBA 2k9 on your video game...

1. Amaré isnt being traded now, maybe in the off-season
2. I find it very hard to sign both Hedo and Sessions in the same off-seaons specially if we dont get rid of our big salaries (Brad, Thomas, Moore)
and then you wake up and realize you were playing NBA 2k9 on your video game...

1. Amaré isnt being traded now, maybe in the off-season
2. I find it very hard to sign both Hedo and Sessions in the same off-seaons specially if we dont get rid of our big salaries (Brad, Thomas, Moore)
Sarcasm. You should look it up. It's ironic that you think this is IMPOSSIBLE when less than 2 weeks ago you were telling the forum that we could have a serious bid for Devin Harris.

Wtf is with everyone bringing up NBA 2k9?
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Hall of Famer
Sessions is a good reason to shoot for this offseason instead of '10 when we get the left overs of the free agents.

Dude is legit.
On Yahoo's Fantasy basketball player page for sessions it says that the bucks may be looking to trade him since they do not want to be over the luxury tax and know they will have to spend a decent amount of money since other teams will be looking to offer him large amounts of money to become their future pg...(sac kings i hope). I say we make them and offer for him and try to resign him before the season ends and we wont even have to worry about competing for him. This kid is a baller, we need to make a run at him!!
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On Yahoo's Fantasy basketball player page for sessions it says that the bucks may be looking to trade him since they do not want to be over the luxury tax and know they will have to spend a decent amount of money since other teams will be looking to over him large amounts of money to become their future pg...(sac kings i hope). I say we make them and offer for him and try to resign him before the season ends and we wont even have to worry about competing for him. This kid is a baller, we need to make a run at him!!

Agreed, It prolly wouldn't take much to get him... Jackson(expiring),Hou 1st, Brown, For Sessions and Jones(expiring).. I would even thrown a second rounder or Shelden in there. We MUST make a move for this kid.
I think Shelden would be solid trade bait. Supposedly the Bucks are really lacking a true PF who blocks shots, plays defense and rebounds. Shelden could definitely turn into that for them.
Dosen't really matter the asking price for Sessions wont be that high because they wont be able to retain him at the end of the year anyways. I would even give up Greene instead of the Hou pick for him. Sheldon is an expiring so they may be interested in him for that reason.
agreed, I wouldn't be able to stop smiling if we landed sessions. People said they wouldn't be willing to drop Greene for Barbosa, but would they be willing to lose him in a swap for sessions? I would in a heartbeat.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
agreed, I wouldn't be able to stop smiling if we landed sessions. People said they wouldn't be willing to drop Greene for Barbosa, but would they be willing to lose him in a swap for sessions? I would in a heartbeat.
Over his last 5 games, Sessions has averaged 25 pts, 10 assists, 4.5 rebounds and 2 steals (if my quick mental math is correct). He turns 23 at the end of the season. We need a point guard.

I like Donte's potential, but I wouldn't think twice about shipping him out for Sessions.