Search over?

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Super Moderator Emeritus
I've heard that the search for Kings head coach is very, very close to being over. The decision has, according to reliable sources, been made but not yet official. It should be announced shortly, which will probably mean sometime tomorrow...
If they hire whiz, they might as well get jerry reynolds again. If it's whiz the Team is going Backwards,Is whiz really going to lead the kings to a NBA championship.


Super Moderator Emeritus
SacKings384 said:
Well VF doesn't SEEM dissapointed. I just hope it isn't coach W. I'm hoping it's Elie...
I was very careful phrasing my initial post. I've said all I can for now.
startingtohurt said:
im just wondering HOW exactly you know this? WHO are your sources? this wilt chamberlain?! bark twice if youre in milwaukee!!
Don't ask! ;) She's made nice with someone and it's pretty reliable from what I've seen in the recent past.
this is reassuring in that the kings as an organization can finally move on to the player personnel matters that should have been given priority over a coaching change. however, its also very disturbing in that the maloofs had previously stated that they were going to take as much time as they needed to find the right guy for the job. either a) that was all a smoke screen and they knew who they wanted from minute one (*cough*whisenant*cough*), for better or worse, or b) they were so impressed by the interview of carlesimo, elie, or mussleman that they decided there was no need to conduct further interviews. both a and b are frightening because of the maloofs penchant for reactionary decision making.
im kind of worried too..

from what i know the maloofs have already interviewed elie and mussleman earlier this week
from what i know whisenant hasnt been interviewed and is in sacramento because the monarchs had a game tonight


1-elie or mussleman killed in their interview and one of them will be hired
2-the maloofs had already made up their minds BEFORE interviewing mussleman and elie and have decided to hire whisenant

im hoping for number 1


Homer Fan Since 1985
D-Mass said:
I have a bad feeling about this...
I have a bad feeling too. Lately, where the Maloofs are concerned, we have seen some boneheaded moves.

If it is Coach Whis, I will back him as the Kings coach, but I will not be happy about it. To derail the Monarchs when they are the World Champs, makes them look like step-children instead of giving them the credit they deserve as champs. They would lose not only their coach, but their GM as well.
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