Sacramento's biggest flaw? The PF spot

G_M said:
I completely disagree with that.

If the Kings went into next season with their current roster plus some small tweaks they would win 50-55 games. Assuming, several things.

1) Ostertag is in shape avoids and can play 15-20 effective
minutes if needed.

2) Bjax play at the same level he did prior to his injury

3) Defensive minded SG is added to the roster.

4) Darius is back or similar role player.

The problem is they would once again get spanked in the playoffs.
Dont assume we pick up a defensive minded SG. Assume Evans starts and that we keep Darius. A fit Ostertag doesnt deliver the goods we need so that doesnt matter to much expect for clogging the lane. If we keep the team we have, we surely dont win 50-55.
Sighn a good center please!!!!!

The kings need to sighn a good center so brad can play the 4.or if not sighn a good power forward.try to get the big z.or theo ratliff.They should also try to get rid of ostertag and kenny. sry to kenny but he is to small to play that psoition.what do you think?


why dont they sign steven hunter and start him at center.... or trade thomas for rasho... that doesnt make us better defensively but its better than having thomas starting at pf.....
I would love to see big Z in a kings uni and i would hate to see rasho in one, but whatever it takes for miller to play the 4 with just an average center. If we kept this roster we could still win 50-55 games next season. Didn't we just do that this season?
AriesMar27 said:
why dont they sign steven hunter
I agree with you on Steven Hunter he'd be a great pickup. Especially because he has the size to play center and the athleticism to play the pf position. the only reason he didn't get much playing time was because he was behind stoudemire.
I'm pretty surprised that people are suggesting that Brad Miller play the four. Yes, he did a good job filling in for CWebb, but playing him there presents a major problem when the Kings are playing teams with a quick four. Just look at the Western Conference alone... he's going to get torched by Nowitzki, Garnett, Amare/Marion, Kenyon Martin... the list goes on. The Kings don't need to get worse defensively.

Brad Miller might not be of a Ben Wallace caliber defender, but he's very good defending one on one in the post. I agree with Bricklayer -- he's not a great help defender and doesn't alter many shots, but if our guards (especially Bibby) didn't allow so much penetration he wouldn't be as exposed as much.

As far as the 4 goes, I'm an Abdur-Rahim advocate. He's not the best defender in the world, but at least he is not undersized like Thomas and he can rebound. Plus he can score both facing the basket and with his back to the basket. And how long has it been since we've had a back to the basket power forward? Brian Grant? Waymon Tisdale???
The solution is really quite simple: Play Brad at the Power Forward position, where he's not the primarly low post defender and can initiate the offense from the high post. This is the position that he played two years ago, subbing for CWebb, and the Kings had the league's best record, at least for a time.

Use Skinner at the Center position. This lineup would definitely be an impressive upgrade defensively from a front line of Miller and Thomas. When the occasion demands it, such as Yao Ming, start OTag at the Center position.

Kenny Thomas' role would be as a super sub. He'd play about 12-14 minutes as the primary backup to Brad at the Power Forward position, and could play alongside Brad another 12-14 minutes when Brad rotates to Center for Skinner. If the team suffers defensively with the frontline, then use OTag as Skinner's primary backup, and perhaps use Kenny as Peja's backup.

This leaves little room for Darius. Perhaps we could package him and Cuttino in a sign and trade deal (is Darius eligible for a sign and trade?)

I just don't see Kenny and Brad as a championship caliber frontline. From what little I've seen of Brian Skinner, with the right playing time and training, he could be a poor man's Ben Wallace. Throw in the fact that an in-shape OTag should still be able to play an effective 12-15 minutes per game, we might have the makings of a pretty decent defensive frontline, especially if Brad focuses on defense next year.


BigSong said:
I agree with you on Steven Hunter he'd be a great pickup. Especially because he has the size to play center and the athleticism to play the pf position. the only reason he didn't get much playing time was because he was behind stoudemire.
exactly.... that way depending on match-ups, miller can cheat off of the center position and let hunter guard the quicker pfs.... problem solved.... im a genius... :D
nbrans said:
I'm pretty surprised that people are suggesting that Brad Miller play the four. Yes, he did a good job filling in for CWebb, but playing him there presents a major problem when the Kings are playing teams with a quick four. Just look at the Western Conference alone... he's going to get torched by Nowitzki, Garnett, Amare/Marion, Kenyon Martin... the list goes on. The Kings don't need to get worse defensively.

Brad Miller might not be of a Ben Wallace caliber defender, but he's very good defending one on one in the post. I agree with Bricklayer -- he's not a great help defender and doesn't alter many shots, but if our guards (especially Bibby) didn't allow so much penetration he wouldn't be as exposed as much.

As far as the 4 goes, I'm an Abdur-Rahim advocate. He's not the best defender in the world, but at least he is not undersized like Thomas and he can rebound. Plus he can score both facing the basket and with his back to the basket. And how long has it been since we've had a back to the basket power forward? Brian Grant? Waymon Tisdale???
For argument sake, lets say we get Nene in a sign and trade for Mobley.

Then you could have Nene and Miller as your starting front court. On offence you would have Miller playing as a PF who initiates our offence and hits those mid-range jumper and you would have Nene as a low post player who plays as a classic center.

On defence, you could play Miller as your center and Nene as a PF. Nene is mobile enough and athletic enough to go with the players you mentioned.

Miller can play PF if and only if you pair him with a player who can play both PF and C
?arolija said:
For argument sake, lets say we get Nene in a sign and trade for Mobley.

Then you could have Nene and Miller as your starting front court. On offence you would have Miller playing as a PF who initiates our offence and hits those mid-range jumper and you would have Nene as a low post player who plays as a classic center.

On defence, you could play Miller as your center and Nene as a PF. Nene is mobile enough and athletic enough to go with the players you mentioned.

Miller can play PF if and only if you pair him with a player who can play both PF and C
I see your point, but Brad can initiate the offense just as well from the high post at the center spot, just like Vlade used to do. They didn't have to move Vlade to the 4 to get the offense going, he was still the center. By all means get a 4 who can play with their back to the basket and bang more like a typical center, but moving Brad isn't the answer.


Hall of Famer
BigSong said:
I agree with you on Steven Hunter he'd be a great pickup. Especially because he has the size to play center and the athleticism to play the pf position. the only reason he didn't get much playing time was because he was behind stoudemire.
The reason Hunter doesn't play is mostly because he has NO offense whatsoever. He can't shoot he can't post up. Basically all he can do is cut and get an open dunk from time to time. Not to mention he is one of the worst Free Thrown shooters in the league, I mean right up there with Shaq around 50%.

But he is a great shot blocker if that is all your going for.

Eddie Griffin is VERY interesting though. I would like to have him for offense and defense. He is a great shooblocker, good shooter and very athletic. I am not sure about his inside scoring ability but he is 6-10 240lbs