[Game] Sacramento Kings at Phoenix Suns, 12/8/2023, 6pm Pacific 9pm Eastern

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Fair enough. I wasn't trying to pick on you. As good as Hali is on the court, he's an even better person off of it too so he's easy to root for. It does make me a little sad that we only got a year and a half of him in a Kings uniform but it is what it is. Mostly I'm just stoked to see one of my favorite non-Kings players having an incredible season.
There we go. A sensible response. People forget Hali was on the Kings as well and isn’t an enemy. I was a fan of his as a person and a king. Use to be once a king always a king, now people here think you need to be a republican or democrat when it comes to NBA
I wouldn't say that opting against dwelling on the past and wanting to move on from a trade that happened almost two years ago, when your team is playing well, counts as "rewriting history."
Again you type these things, yet cannot think of a time when I ever brought up Hali except for today when Hali had a historical night. You got a funny way of describing dwelling
This team is very inconsistent. The fact that a depleted Suns can have their way in the 1st Half show the Kings defense can be vulnerable to any team. There is a lack of aggression sometimes just going through the motion. Sabonis' defense can leave a lot to desire...him giving up layups are way to easy. Players are probably down after getting eliminated from In-Season Tournament but they need to pick themselves up and play much better than tonight if they want to compete against the better teams. I was so disgust by the way they play defense in the 1st Half that I quit watching. It's too easy for any team to score on them.

They need to do some trade to improve the team defense there is no way around it. The same starting lineup isn't going to make the team better defensively. I seen enough! It puts too much pressure on everyone be on alert due to guys inability to guard one-on-one.

With the current lineup, Kings can win with luck and pray on other teams not making shots because we know they don't play great D. There's just too many holes....it's inconsistent. They can win by shooting the lights out or praying other team missing shots if they struggled. But to be a great, you can't depend on others misfortune for your success, it will come back to bite you eventually.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
There we go. A sensible response. People forget Hali was on the Kings as well and isn’t an enemy. I was a fan of his as a person and a king. Use to be once a king always a king, now people here think you need to be a republican or democrat when it comes to NBA
But pivoting the discussion in the game thread away from the game and towards a player who is not on the Kings and not playing in the game while the game is still on is not appropriate.

Again you type these things, yet cannot think of a time when I ever brought up Hali except for today when Hali had a historical night. You got a funny way of describing dwelling
Haliburton's "historic night" was 24 hours old. Not appropriate in the game thread, and the only reason I didn't nuke the entire topic is that I was too busy multitasking some family stuff to read every post.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Again you type these things, yet cannot think of a time when I ever brought up Hali except for today when Hali had a historical night. You got a funny way of describing dwelling
  1. Haliburton's historic night was last night.
  2. There are two threads where it would have been appropriate to discuss that, and this thread isn't either one of them.
  3. You can say it's not dwelling, and maybe it isn't, but other Kings fans are telling you maybe you should move on, and you're the one standing ten toes down and replying, "I say thee NAY, good sirs!" I'd call that as close to dwelling as makes no odds, your mileage obviously varies.
But pivoting the discussion in the game thread away from the game and towards a player who is not on the Kings and not playing in the game while the game is still on is not appropriate.

Haliburton's "historic night" was 24 hours old. Not appropriate in the game thread, and the only reason I didn't nuke the entire topic is that I was too busy multitasking some family stuff to read every post.
We had two pages in 3rd quarter. You really wanna go there with this one? Come on my guy stop over reacting. You let 3 other comments about Hali go and randomly deleted my one comment. It is what it is, it’s not even that serious
  1. Haliburton's historic night was last night.
  2. There are two threads where it would have been appropriate to discuss that, and this thread isn't either one of them.
  3. You can say it's not dwelling, and maybe it isn't, but other Kings fans are telling you maybe you should move on, and you're the one standing ten toes down and replying, "I say thee NAY, good sirs!" I'd call that as close to dwelling as makes no odds, your mileage obviously varies.
Y’all can argue with someone else. Making this way to serious. Just ban all mention of Hali if it’s that serious around here. Good kings win good night yall

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
We had two pages in 3rd quarter. You really wanna go there with this one? Come on my guy stop over reacting. You let 3 other comments about Hali go and randomly deleted my one comment. It is what it is, it’s not even that serious
I let zero comments about Hali go. As I said, any comments that got by were a result of my being too busy on other things to notice them. At this point, it's a bit late to go back and delete them. The game is over.


1a. Game threads. The game threads are for real time discussion of the game in progress. They are not for philosophical debates, arguments about coaching styles, heated rhetoric about certain player(s) or anything else that generally detracts from the feel of the game. They are intended to be a way for fans to share the game experience without having to be in G1C.
I'll let this stand as a reminder. I would advise against asking "if I really want to go there" because it might increase my desire to actually "go there".


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The Kings are currently 5th in the West and they're 5-0 against the 4 teams ahead of them in the standings. For all the hemming and hawing about regression, I think we're in even better shape than we were last year at this time.

EDIT: Just after I wrote this Dallas won to push us down a spot but now we're 6th in the West and 6-0 against the 5 teams ahead of us in the standings so, same difference.
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Throughout the game, Sasha kept the game in check, besides Fox's monster fourth quarter. What a game for him, slowly but surely it's becoming just another game for him and us. Even the Sun's announcers were admitting it "he's a rookie but he's not a rookie..". I'm happy with Brown and his teammates increasingly relying on him and he's becoming not shy about demanding the ball. A very good sign.


Hall of Famer
Throughout the game, Sasha kept the game in check, besides Fox's monster fourth quarter. What a game for him, slowly but surely it's becoming just another game for him and us. Even the Sun's announcers were admitting it "he's a rookie but he's not a rookie..". I'm happy with Brown and his teammates increasingly relying on him and he's becoming not shy about demanding the ball. A very good sign.
I think dude is gonna get more and more time. He makes an impact for sure.
Not sure how impressed I am with this win. The Suns were without KD, Allen, and Beal. Okogie, Bates-Diop, Metu, Eubanks, Goodwin, and Watanabe all played 15+mins tonight for the Suns. At least half of these guys would not even crack the Kings' rotation... losing was not one of the options tonight lol

Our bench really saved us tonight. Fox had a nice bounce back game, but games like these are the expectation.

The Kings continue to not get enough from the starters around Fox and Sabonis. The lack of shooting from a group known for their shooting is straight up criminal. They were 2-14 from 3pt... not sure how many times we have to point out that this is simply not good enough for the playoffs. Too many open shots not falling. The shooters need to figure out what's wrong with their shot.
Nobody is getting defensive about people saying Hali is good.

But it's pretty annoying that people have to say "but Hali..." when we clearly have the better player. Haliburton cannot take over a game the way Fox can. It's no contest.
That trait becomes increasingly more important in the postseason. There hasn’t been many teams that have a won a title when their #1 player wasn’t an absolute pitbull offensively that could get the important buckets when most needed.

Not only do the KINGS have one of those players, he’s also very capable and sometimes borderline elite on the defensive end.
Fox having a pretty ho hum below average game through 3.25 quarters, someone on the PHX bench said something, so he decides to teach them a lesson and scores about 12 points in 4 minutes smirking the whole time. Just next level.
It feels soooo good to have a player like this, let alone that we drafted and for him to still be so young. Never ever though we'd collectively see the day lol
Hali averaging 12 freakin assist a game and 26. With way less talent around him. Listen fox is my guy, but Hali vs fox debate will not end anytime soon and at last 50% of gms would pick hali
Idk about "Way less", and let's not forget Fox ain't in the Eastern conference playing the pistons and teams of that nature 4 times a year, either. We'd be a 55 win team over there lol last season and this season. Fox is as much in the MVP conversation as anyone, and should have been praised properly last season as well. East coast bias is real and a joke
Fox is having an equally MVP caliber season, Haliburton gets bonus points for “potential“ that Fox isn’t receiving even though Fox has continued to elevate his game.
Right. It's been what, 20 games? Not even close to halfway through the season lmao i WISH Fox got this kind of love. Hali dropping 40 in game 1 against the defending champs in a playoff game would be viewed as the next coming of Christ. Give me a break.
Why everyone get defensive about saying that Hali is good? You can be happy to keep fox while also praising the fact that Hali is a beast. Sobonis is Not as good as Hali period, but he works for us and I’m happy we made the trade. Hali is just one of those guys who makes you wonder “what if” is all.

crazy cause half y’all on the board hated the trade and wanted fox gone. Now got pitchforks lol

great win btw
This being a footnote in ur post is part of the problem. But i'll end it here, no more derailments. LIGHT THE BEAM
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