Sac v Indy

Well Haynie, WOW!! That was just a taste of what she can do. Just wait til she is 100% Why did she not finish the game? I mean she seemed to be playing better then Tich, but I did not see the 1st half or the first 5 minutes of the 2nd half but from what I saw (on webcast from dot com). Haynie said her corn rows were suppose to be back for this game...what happened???

The last 5 minutes or so Monarchs had a big defensive rebound, and through it right back to Indy, that hurt them. Well I can't wait til next game. I hope I get to watch it before I have to leave for the Lynx game. CRUSH those damn Storks. I hope Monarchs kick them right out of the arena.

Be very physical with Ms Diva. She hates contact. That takes her out of her precious game. Just knock her around, push her, elbow her, do whatever just be physical. I can't Stand Diva and the Spooks. Go Monarchs.
HaynieGopherfan said:
Well Haynie, WOW!! That was just a taste of what she can do. Just wait til she is 100% Why did she not finish the game? I mean she seemed to be playing better then Tich, but I did not see the 1st half or the first 5 minutes of the 2nd half but from what I saw (on webcast from dot com). Haynie said her corn rows were suppose to be back for this game...what happened???

The last 5 minutes or so Monarchs had a big defensive rebound, and through it right back to Indy, that hurt them. Well I can't wait til next game. I hope I get to watch it before I have to leave for the Lynx game. CRUSH those damn Storks. I hope Monarchs kick them right out of the arena.

Be very physical with Ms Diva. She hates contact. That takes her out of her precious game. Just knock her around, push her, elbow her, do whatever just be physical. I can't Stand Diva and the Spooks. Go Monarchs.
I would like to give a word of caution. Please do not make this a Kristen Haynie Fan club site. The last person who did that with another player (Giluani) got ran off this board big time. I like Haynie. She has a ton of potential. She has a long way to go to replace probably one of the top three point guargs in the history of the WNBA in TP. And I am not even a big Penechiero fan.

I am just asking you "Haynie Fan" to temper your Haynie support, this is a Monarchs fan site.
Haynie did play very well, and the praise is well deserved. She did play a little better than TP, but Ticha is having a good year thus far. I doubt anyone is tryin to run TP off the court Like the Misguided Giuliana fan.

The question I have is why Maiga was in the game so late. She got a couple of great "and 1" baskets. But towards the end of the game, I would have like to have seen a Bueschler type on the floor who could have given a little more offense.

I only heard the game so I couldn't actually see how the team was playing, but 20+ TURNOVERS is not very good.

It still was a great roadtrip.
Actually, I thought Ticha had a bad game. She was 1-8 shooting, with 3 pts, 4 turnovers and only 2 assists. Her performance offensively against the Lynx was 1-7, 2 pts., 5 turnovers, but at least she had the 10 assists. Also, the shot-clock violation late in the game coming out of a 20-second time-out when the ball was in her hands is inexcusable. And someone please tell me the Monarchs were out of time-outs when she took the off-balance three at the end? Certainly this was a team loss, but to some extent, as Ticha goes, so goes the team.

Now, if someone had told me at the beginning of the season we would come home 3-1 on this road trip, I would be thrilled. But, and perhaps this is just the fact my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, to commit 23 turnovers in a game you could have easily won, is inexcusable. Hopefully they'll come home upset enough to take it out on the Sparks Saturday.
Still JD said:
Actually, I thought Ticha had a bad game. She was 1-8 shooting, with 3 pts, 4 turnovers and only 2 assists. Her performance offensively against the Lynx was 1-7, 2 pts., 5 turnovers, but at least she had the 10 assists
Ticha did not play well. But I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt by saying that she did not have one single minute of training camp. If she is still playing like this after 4 or 5 games, I will understand that she is just not getting it done.
Yeah, Ticha had a bad game last night. I think that was pretty obvious to everyone. But she is not gonna play like that every game. I'd rather she got that bad performance out of her system last night than this Saturday.

Teams can overcome ONE player having an off night though, but hardly anyone looked solid last night. Haynie, to me, is the only one that stood out as a positive last night. But even she had her moments that didn't look good. Yo had her numbers, but didn't dominate the game. The turnover story was the game. How many times did they miscommunicate on a pass and throw it straight out of bounds? They looked out of sync, all of them.

Maybe we can chalk it up to the fourth game of a road trip, and still not having adequate practice time together. But all in all, they still come home 3-1 and at the top of the West. They did this mostly without Kara Lawson. And despite the ugly performance last night, had a chance to win the ballgame. They only lost by one freakin point.

Coulda been worse. It could have been Ticha stepping on Tully's foot instead of the other way around. Then we'd really have something to be worried about.
Sorry, I'm didn't mean to make it sound like I was all about Haynie. I'm not making this a Haynie fan club. I was just proud of the way she played last night. I've been a fan of Tich since her college years, and I'm a Powell fan as well. I like Kara Lawson as well. I was just saying Haynie gave yall alittle taste of what she can and will do for this team.

I understand that Tich has not been in training camp or with the team the entire time, but, I'm just saying Haynie was playing good. I guess that is why I'm not a coach. I just think the players that are having a good night on offense should finish the game. OR they could have had both Tich and Haynie in. Well I'm not a coach like I said. There is/was nothing I could do about it then or now. I hope Kara plays on saturday.
I haven't watched the video of the game that I TiVo'ed, but I may take a look at it tonight when I get home. My understanding JD is that they still had a timeout remaining when Ticha took that offbalance three and of course before Indy forced that jump ball when DeMya went to do whatever it was she was trying to do in that possession.

My thought as I listened to the game on radio was why the <expletive deleted> was Ticha the one creating a shot. Because she was the only option? Because Kara was on the sideline? Because Powell was invisible offensively most of the game?

That was the first time I thought they really really missed Kara, that particular sequence. It also was the first time I'd seen a lot more of the "old Monarchs" (bad execution after time outs etc.) As weird as that game was yesterday and as tired as they seemed to be and as out of sorts as they were at times, they still should have won it. So I take a positive from it although I was still grumpy after the game. I also am very pleased with the quotes I saw from them in today's Bee. They aren't making excuses and know this was a game they could/should have had. So I am extremely pleased with that. When they finally discover that they can't always will themselves to wins and that they actually are going to have to mentally start buckling down it will be all good. They found that out yesterday so in a sense I think they needed that wakeup call and as long as they start to show signs of shoring that stuff up, I'll be happy(ier) as well.

Haynie had a heckuva ballgame yesterday, I was very happy for her finally finding her stroke and showing what she can do defensively. Now we gotta take down LA to get my mood back up.
I enjoyed your stories on ''Haynie'' With a college insight it has been enjoyable. So as long , as nobody gets offended, then I'll cotinue to enjoy your analaysis.
It seemed to me much of the game, the whole team seemed a step off. Besides Ticha, Nicole and my girl Yo, were not factors. It would have nice to see the rookie Hayne take the ball, she seems to make things happen and A+ on defense. Did you catch her diving on the court? They say not even Peja S. will do that!
Just the same I'm so proud of the team & signs of early team chemistry.
:(I have a VERY important question...Did anyone happen to record the game, half time included?

If you did can you PLEASE get at me!!! :eek:

ok, well maybe its not that important that I'll die or anything.... but I really do need to see it:cool:
It would have nice to see the rookie Hayne take the ball, she seems to make things happen and A+ on defense. Did you catch her diving on the court? They say not even Peja S. will do that!
You mean this? Great hustle by the rookie!



Homer Fan Since 1985
Great picture, JD.

Oh, and don't worry, HaynieGopherFan. Everything is cool. Some of us are a little jumpy when a fan starts tooting their favorite player's horn. Haynie definitely deserved her kudos. She was the best player out there for much of the night.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I try to be philosophical about this loss: if we have to lose, the last game of a four-game road trip is as good a time as any. And it's better to lose on the road than at home against the Sparks, anyway.

Besides, all teams lose sooner or later; at least this way, we don't have to worry about the team raising our exptectations to potentially unreasonable levels by teasing an undefeated season.

Luv13fan said:
The question I have is why Maiga was in the game so late...
Well, since I've been deployed, I haven't seen any of the games this year, but going by last season, I feel as though Maïga is our best perimeter defender, and I feel plenty comfortable having her on the court in late-game situations. My knee-jerk impression of whom I'd like to have on the court in crunch time, just based on what I've seen in the box score and accounts from you guys would be: Griffith, Brunson, Maïga, Haynie and Penicheiro.

... Did you catch [Haynie] diving on the court? They say not even Peja S. will do that!
That's because he won't... :mad:
DWalk, I have the game saved on my TiVo, I can put it on a VHS tape for you and you can get it from me if you'll be at the game opening day. I just watched it last night and the halftime show was the same as what they played on radio, but you must see the video to get the full effect of DeMya being DeMya. Plus they included clips of her game winning shot from game 1 of the WCF, and that alone was worth watching the segment. :)

Send me a PM and I'll give you my seat location if you want to get the tape on Saturday.
Look at that pic again, look at Haynies face, she has that little smirk she does. I love it.

I can't wait to see the game tomorrow against LA. I will be able to watch a few minutes of the game, but someone is recording it for me and bringin it to the Lynx game so I can watch it.

I want to see Yo take it to Ms Diva and just totally dominate her. Any news on Kara? Can she play tomorrow, or do they still not know?

For everyone who is going, have a great time, go Monarchs.