I'm 100% serious, actually.
I don't think that Ron Artest is the first ever member of the Sacramento Kings who "lives and breathes" basketball. I don't think he's the only current member of the Sacramento Kings who "lives and breathes" basketball.
I do think, however, that the summer league is meant to serve a purpose -- to let the coaches/league officials see new talent. Not for established players in the league to get their daily fix of basketball. If staying in shape and playing the game is the goal, there are plenty of other ways to do so without turning the summer league into the Ron Artest show.
I love Artest. I lobbied for him for two years before the trade went through, and danced around my living room like an idiot when it finally did. I'm thrilled that those in charge still feel it's important to keep him happy. That's wonderful. But someone still has to tell him to dial it down on occasion.
He's got nothing to prove. He's one of the top players in the league. He's shown his dedication to the game several times over. This isn't necessary.
Step aside and let the new kids show what they've got. Or, quite frankly, get over yourself.
As for the suggestion that I'd prefer the attitude of a certain former King, you know my feelings about Peja. They've been well documented on this board. The condescension isn't necessary to prove your point, especially since I've never shied away from my feelings on the subject.