Well, I like his statement. He said he's not there to tell them what to think, but to help them. What do they need? Can he answer any questions for them. The article I posted was fairly informative. Wanting to set up a system of not only facts/numbers on paper, but also video that's accessible to not only management and scouting, but to the players, trainers etc. Apparently it's a system that's currently used by the Spurs. Seems to have worked fairly well for them. Analytics isn't just about how many times a player bounces a basketball, but what is the players history of injury in relationship to minutes played.
Basketball players, like poker players have shows. Sometimes analytics can find those and break them down. Does Chris Paul twitch his left eye right before he goes left with the ball? Yeah, that's an exaggeration, but there are tell tale signs that players give off that can be helpful when trying to defend those players. Anyway, there are many uses for analytics. They can be extremely helpful if used properly.