Report: Kings finalizing sign and trade with Suns for Thomas

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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I don't like the Landry deal but I don't know that we ever really got to see what the FO had in mind since he promptly got injured and did nothing.

I don't think he is dramatically overpaid if healthy and I don't think he is the reason we passed on IT, who clearly thinks he is better than he is and has now demonstrated that on and off the court. The fact that players openly admit to not liking playing alongside him was the final straw.

The fact is the coach wanted him here because he liked what he did at Golden State. Sometimes you need to have your guys come with you to accomplish what it is you want. I don't like the deal, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but if we can ever move some of our excess baggage he's not terrible off the bench if he can be healthy.

I just refuse to judge on year one. This league punishes teams for salary mistakes and most of those were made by Petrie. One six million dollar deal isn't why we're in the hole we're in.
They can't all possibly be on Kings opening day roster for 2014-15 - can they?! Surely one of them will emerge as kind of appropriate front court talent we need to compliment Big Cuz - we hope - we trust. Otherwise, it's back to PF by committee:(
Who is going to want the ones we want to move for pieces we like better?
Fact: IT supporters aren't Kings fans first. I used to be a big Tyreke Evans fan. Still wear the jersey around the house. You never see me mention anything about him and it's because above all I support my team first and the players second. IT would have been great to keep for the right price. The problem with him is he's a defenseless player on a bad defensive team and he plays at the most talent saturated position in the league. Moving on...

PS- lock up the thread! ;)
Jason Thompson and $7 mil TPE to Detroit for Josh Smith works out and gets PDA the shot blocker/ stretch 4 he is rumored to want.

Jason Thompson and $7 million TPE for Larry Sanders also works, gets PDA a shot blocker.

This TPE will be used and I think very soon. Just be patient.

Vivek wants big changes and to challenge for the playoffs ASAP and I think it will come sooner rather than later.
Yes, if you ignore the rules of the CBA, Vivek can do wonderful things.


Super Moderator Emeritus
They usually make some kind of statement, even if it's just through their PR team. Especially as open as our FO has been. Not a huge deal. Just seemed a little different.
Got to disagree again. There are lots of times when free agents signing elsewhere don't merit a special media event. I'm more interested in the fact that IT quit following DMC on Twitter so quickly. Kind of lends credence to the rumors that our big guy and our little guy didn't see eye to eye, both literally and figuratively. Remember those occasions during the year when you could see tension on the court?

Great move for the Suns and the perfect system for IT's style.

Just echoing other people at this point but not trading Isaiah at the deadline was a mistake. And yet again it seems were out of contention for a proven shot blocker or play maker. Basically the same old story.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yes, if you ignore the rules of the CBA, Vivek can do wonderful things.
Ah, come on. The TPE is one of the most confusing parts of the CBA. No need to be snarky. I think a lot of us are trying to figure out the nuances. Bottom line is that we do have it and it could bring us something good.
Makes me wonder what's gonna happen with Eric Bledsoe now.
Nothing imo. The suns are gonna go forward with a guard centric offense. IT fits in perfectly in this role as you have 96mins to divide between Dragic/IT/Bledsoe. Also great injury insurance if Bledsoe goes down again. A nice addition for them as IT makes sense with what they're doing on offense. Not so much here as we're trying to feed the ball to the post.
Great move for the Suns and the perfect system for IT's style.

Just echoing other people at this point but not trading Isaiah at the deadline was a mistake. And yet again it seems were out of contention for a proven shot blocker or play maker. Basically the same old story.
nah we're gonna get Birdman Birdman
It's so much easier to criticize than create. I don't argue that the new regime has been perfect (*cough* *LANDRYCONTRACT* *cough*) but most here have no idea what it takes (and on how many levels) to turn around a huge organization and create a culture shift. I'm increasingly impressed with all they've been able to do, and recognize that some moves have been about being prepared for possibilities that never materialized. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind, and the new team is constantly working to put us in a position to be ready when the rare opportunity comes along.

I'll look forward as the LeBron dominoes continue to fall, hopeful that we'll get a chance to do something big once again.

Mizzou King

Yep. And that's what people aren't considering. We were so used to the Maloser mentality that we cannot easily adjust to an owner who wants to win and is willing to put his money out there to get it done.

Things may not always make sense and they may not take place as quickly as some would like, but change is definitely in the air.


Hall of Famer
Hmm. Bledsoe, Dragic, Thomas against Collison, McCallum, McLemore/Stauskas. We get to see that 4x a year. If you like carnage, get your tickets while they last. The people who didn't like Thomas have nothing to worry about though. After all, he's only 5'9".

Apparently, the GM who can see four moves ahead is now seeing so far ahead that we're in Rebuild II.
Last year, the Kings signed Carl Landry, 32 year old sixth man big, for $26 million over four years

This year, the Kings balked at signing Isaiah Thomas, 24 year old arguably a starter, for $27 million over four years.

I don't understand.
when you blow your load early.. there isn't enough in the tank for a second round.
Hmm. Bledsoe, Dragic, Thomas against Collison, McCallum, McLemore/Stauskas. We get to see that 4x a year. If you like carnage, get your tickets while they last. The people who didn't like Thomas have nothing to worry about though. After all, he's only 5'9".

Apparently, the GM who can see four moves ahead is now seeing so far ahead that we're in Rebuild II.
Oh are they playing 3 on 3? Come on...
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