Report: Kings finalizing sign and trade with Suns for Thomas

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Super Moderator Emeritus
Jason Thompson and $7 mil TPE to Detroit for Josh Smith works out and gets PDA the shot blocker/ stretch 4 he is rumored to want.

Jason Thompson and $7 million TPE for Larry Sanders also works, gets PDA a shot blocker.

This TPE will be used and I think very soon. Just be patient.

Vivek wants big changes and to challenge for the playoffs ASAP and I think it will come sooner rather than later.
Yep. And that's what people aren't considering. We were so used to the Maloser mentality that we cannot easily adjust to an owner who wants to win and is willing to put his money out there to get it done.

Things may not always make sense and they may not take place as quickly as some would like, but change is definitely in the air.
Yeah, what the suns are doing is the real mystery here.
Not at all. Either they have a great 3 guard rotation with IT in his correct role or they have good assets on reasonable deals (depending on what happens with Bledsoe) to move for better pieces. Their guys are going to be way easier to trade than the crap we are banking on moving to improve our team.
THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN WANTING! A body that wants to "do the dirty work - rebound, defend." Good grief, folks. Give the guy a chance. The "gerbil" may have just snuck one over on the Suns.
Always an open mind VF , but 6'9" SF that is tough rebound, defender

Sounds like reggie evans and Quincy Acy to me , don't we have two already?


Super Moderator Emeritus
The kick the can down the road defense of our FO always makes me chuckle. The same people that used that defense for years with Geoff and the Maloofs now urge us to be patient since the new guys have so much crap to clean up. At some point moves need to make sense is ways beyond "let's see what they do in the future".

I get the positive approach to things. Just frustrates me when we can see where the moves/lack of moves are going apparently before guys paid to do this.
So if you're the second husband trying hard to make your marriage work, you're okay with your wife comparing your actions to everything her first husband did?

Come on, dude. You're better than that.
All I can hope is this works out better than it looks. IT IS talented. I can't imagine why they didn't want him except he was foiling there plans. He kept outplaying the players they wanted in his role. So just dump the guy and get him out of the way. That's the way it looks to me. I hope we are better next year. If we are not, we will probably lose Rudy too. Then what will we have?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Always an open mind VF , but 6'9" SF that is tough rebound, defender

Sounds like reggie evans and Quincy Acy to me , don't we have two already?
If we get another defensive-minded player just for practice, it's worth it to me. Players learn what they see. If our guys can get used to seeing defense being played, even if only in practice, maybe they'll start to realize they can actually do it DURING games, too.

I totally refuse to view this all negatively. It's July 11. There's a lot of time left between now and training camp and I'm going to be enjoying every moment. Like our game tonight - I'll find some thing good from it. I used to be incredibly optimistic. The last of the Maloser years took their toll. Now, though, my positive attitude is back - and I know it's probably gonna drive some of you nuts.


All I can hope is this works out better than it looks. IT IS talented. I can't imagine why they didn't want him except he was foiling there plans. He kept outplaying the players they wanted in his role. So just dump the guy and get him out of the way. That's the way it looks to me. I hope we are better next year. If we are not, we will probably lose Rudy too. Then what will we have?
Always an open mind VF , but 6'9" SF that is tough rebound, defender

Sounds like reggie evans and Quincy Acy to me , don't we have two already?
I highly doubt he was even someone we wanted. Just one of the few pieces that didn't have a guaranteed salary back. He was the 57th pick in an awful draft and did nothing to suggest otherwise in the dleague.


Hall of Famer
Not sure who this Alex kid is...he probably won't see the light of day on the Kings court so just to have IT's presence gone is good enough for me even if we didn't get any talent back. Good riddance. Not really sure what Phoenix is going to do with four guards.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The kick the can down the road defense of our FO always makes me chuckle. The same people that used that defense for years with Geoff and the Maloofs now urge us to be patient since the new guys have so much crap to clean up. At some point moves need to make sense is ways beyond "let's see what they do in the future".

I get the positive approach to things. Just frustrates me when we can see where the moves/lack of moves are going apparently before guys paid to do this.
I was hugely critical of Geoff when he was here. I thought his "play it safe" approach to the draft was a mistake and his constant need to lavish mid-level deals on mediocre vets killed our salary cap year after year. You can't lump me into the group of Petrie defenders. But I think the new front office deserves more than a year to establish their team. And I think it's unfair to criticize them for the previous regime's mistakes.
He's earned the right to our trust ... or at least our patience. If, at the end of the 2014-15 season we end up in the lottery again with less than 30 wins, then maybe it'll be time to start grabbing pitchforks and lighting torches. Right now is not the time.
Agree to disagree. Vivek has done nothing to earn my trust when it comes to him and the front offices player personnel decisions. The man should never pay for a meal or drink again in this city and he's a hero. I'd rather watch a crappy Kings team than a great Sonics one.

But that doesn't mean diddly squat to me when it comes to the product on the court. Earn it by making better moves than Petrie/Maloofs did.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Agree to disagree. Vivek has done nothing to earn my trust when it comes to him and the front offices player personnel decisions. The man should never pay for a meal or drink again in this city and he's a hero. I'd rather watch a crappy Kings team than a great Sonics one.

But that doesn't mean diddly squat to me when it comes to the product on the court. Earn it by making better moves than Petrie/Maloofs did.
That's basically what I'm saying. If our team doesn't do better in 2014-15, then I might even join in some of the criticism. Right now, I think people are complaining about how the cake tastes when the batter isn't even mixed yet.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Last year, the Kings signed Carl Landry, 32 year old sixth man big, for $26 million over four years

This year, the Kings balked at signing Isaiah Thomas, 24 year old arguably a starter, for $27 million over four years.

I don't understand.
Check our cap situation and you may realize those two moves are potentially related. That single asinine signing just hangs out there like fart on spicy chili night.
That's basically what I'm saying. If our team doesn't do better in 2014-15, then I might even join in some of the criticism. Right now, I think people are complaining about how the cake tastes when the batter isn't even mixed yet.

Looking at the roster we have and the lack of pieces to improve this year, I'm holding you to that. I've got an extra pitchfork ready.
Last year, the Kings signed Carl Landry, 32 year old sixth man big, for $26 million over four years

This year, the Kings balked at signing Isaiah Thomas, 24 year old arguably a starter, for $27 million over four years.

I don't understand.

the thing to understand, is that the Carl Landry signing was awful. Just terrible


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
From #88

A rule of thumb is that a trade exception can only be used to acquire a player making up to the amount of the exception plus $100,000.


In some cases, teams have up to one year to acquire the replacement player(s) to complete a trade. These trades are considered non-simultaneous. In a non-simultaneous trade, a team can acquire only up to 100% plus $100,000 of the outgoing salary1 (as opposed to a higher amount in a simultaneous trade). A trade in which salaries are aggregated (see question number 84) cannot be non-simultaneous.
There's one paragraph which supports what you're saying:

However, if that team has a $5 million player and a $1 million trade exception from a previous trade, it cannot add the trade exception to the 125% plus $100,000 margin from their $5 million player ($6.35 million), in order to trade for a player making $7 million. This cannot be done, as it would invoke using two exceptions on the same player.
This is the only place where the 125% rule is referred to as a trade exception. Everywhere else it's simply referred to as the limit for incoming salary in a simultaneous trade. That's awfully counter-intuitive if true. In fact, I honestly don't believe the rules would be that asinine. I'm going to do some more research on this. In any case, it doesn't prevent you from using the exception "combined" with a player. Perhaps we can't get away with 125% plus 7 million but we can certainly get away with 100% plus 7 million. So I still think both of the trades proposed by ockingsfan here are perfectly legal.

EDIT: Actually, you're right. I see where I made a mistake. This is considered a non-simultaneous trade. So the traded player exception created in effect allows us to complete this trade within the next calendar year for the same amount of salary we sent out. Because Phoenix front-loaded their deal, it's about 7 million. That's why it can't be combined as part of a separate deal. It's as if we've traded Isaiah for a different player (or players) but we have up to a year now to decide who that player will be.

My mistake! Sometimes I think I know what I'm talking about and I just haven't read carefully enough. That's what I get for relying on sports journalists to accurately convey information. I've been incorrect in my understanding of what a Traded Player Exception is for awhile it seems.
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