Post your thoughts: SAC/SAS 8/27

Maybe someone would like to discuss the upcoming game...I mean, what do you think should the Monarch's do to win in SA. How do you think the game will turn out? Who do you think will shine tonight?
pre-game thoughts ...

Pretty much the same as before game 1 --- Defend Hammon, every second she is in the game and SA has the ball, if Hammon goes out, then do the same for Young ...

Warm up properly for the 3rd quarter, I really hope to see an avalanche of SAC defense here, not a run of SA offense ...

Stay engaged mentally for the whole game, all 40, or more, minutes, don't get discouraged, don't give up, and don't ever ease up if we are ahead ...

Oh, and let's knock some people down, not to play dirty, but to establish that we are ready, willing, and able to do more than let SA knock us down ...
Rebounding. Defense. Lots of it.

Plus, our girls must cut back on the turnovers. We've had waaay too many turnovers this season.
1. We need to teach Adrian Williams how to catch the ball. too many TOs that way.

2. Need a lay-up drill for EVERYONE on the team before the game and after halftime.

3. Play as if this is YO's final might be.

4. Get Ticha a better basketball DVD on "shooting the ball".

5. Remind Nicole that she is the best offensive player on this team.

6. Tell Kara to take more shots.

7. Remind Chelsea why we traded back for her.....SHUT DOWN HAMMON.

8. Need a new career high for Haynie.....and stop passing the ball to Williams

9. Put in Fro a little bit more

44 - 29

so far AW has missed a lay up....actually we've missed a number of inside shots....are the refs blind? There's a lot of pushing in there. missing free throws too!!! :(

Nicole with only 2 points at the moment

Hammon not shot down....

Um...Adrian is the leading scorer for the Monarchs in this game at the half...are we sure we want to tally her missed layups? I'm kinda happy with her performance thus far

Rally around the team, this game is still get-able.

Go Monarchs!
dang those lay ups....missed FTs.......

Anyway, great game by the Monarchs....they deserved to win this too. Too bad one team had to lose.
White line defense you live with it you die with it. Everyone focused on the ball and the skip passing ball reversals killed them. Open layups,open threes

All the overplaying hurt the monarchs. Everybody so focused on the ball, the skip pass reversals were the key to the series. Sometimes you have to just woman up and stay with yours.
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how can we let the one person who shouldn't have the ball....have the ball in the final possession?

It was kinda really heart pounding finish though, the "rocky" music playing in the final play was really dramatic.
White line defense you live with it you die with it. Everyone focused on the ball and the skip passing ball reversals killed them. Open layups,open threes

All the overplaying hurt the monarchs. Everybody so focused on the ball, the skip pass reversals were the key to the series. Sometimes you have to just woman up and stay with yours.
That was the season. The defense was SO INCONSISTANT ALL SEASON!!!! All the threes on the skip passes. Very disappointing. What I have learned is the skill of the league has grown so much offensively since Sacramento won in 2005. Now we must make some system adjustments on both sides of the ball to remain competitive.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I don't know; it seemed like, in the first half, they were calling everything. And, down the stretch, they weren't calling anything. I'm not going to say that the officiating was biased against Sacramento, but I am going to say that it was sub-par.

Having said that, we never should have dug ourselves such a huge hole in the first place. And, even considering that, we lost by two in a game where we left five points at the line.
That was the season. The defense was SO INCONSISTANT ALL SEASON!!!! All the threes on the skip passes. Very disappointing. What I have learned is the skill of the league has grown so much offensively since Sacramento won in 2005. Now we must make some system adjustments on both sides of the ball to remain competitive.
The league has learned to play against the white a good three point shooter on the opposite wing against the person who sags in the "white line" and then make the skip pass for an open it shanna, becky, vicky, whoever....remember the play made by wyckoff in 2005? ....same thing.
That was the season. The defense was SO INCONSISTANT ALL SEASON!!!! All the threes on the skip passes. Very disappointing. What I have learned is the skill of the league has grown so much offensively since Sacramento won in 2005. Now we must make some system adjustments on both sides of the ball to remain competitive.

No mistake about that. We have not adapted, and other teams have made adjustments. Not to mention the fact that to play the White Line effectively you have to have the right type of player and Depth.

While it is true that our wings seem to be getting burned, I believe it was the lack of Depth in the post that ultimately hurt us. Usually that post player could slow/deter a wing player down just enough for us to recover. Not so much the case this year. We were completely limited there. Even with the Awesome year Bekkah had. DeMya out, Yo ailing, and Bekkah playing on one leg, It was gonna catch up to us. As much as I Like A-DUB, she is not a White LINE type of post player. She has strong skill sets that helped us during the year, but the reality is we dropped the ball last Off-season. Hopefully this off-season MFO will be more focused, and bring in the proper personel.

As for tonights game. I am glad we didn't get totally waxed, but not too thrilled about losing this ball game. I would love to take comfort in the fact that we played hard, and took it to the limit. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to. But I think we played about as well as we could given the circumstances.

Congrats to SASS...

I'm sure a new thread well get started soon enough talking about what the M's should do. But tonight...

Big Up's to the Monarchs.

This team did alot with Less than most even know. Lets get rested and Healthy this off-season.