Post Trade Discussion

Well we had our first game with the new guys, and our first game without C-Webb. Was this a miracle trade by GP so far, or are the whole lot of you still convinced that we got a bunch of junk in return?
I love this team more than ever now, we are agressive, get reebounds and attack the basket. Once are shots start clicking and the injured guys get back (bobby + pedja) we are good for the post-season. Webber was un-impresive today as a Sixer, maybe it was good trade for us.

The whole NBA is moving towards a new system of team. Lots of depth with guys who can all score 10+ points per game. Its teamwork and defence that win games, not the old system which was offence and dunks.
I'm still a skeptic, even if for once the words 2nd-chance-points can be mentioned with the Kings. I love Webber so much that even the rebounds are going to take a while to make the trade better, but I was over-all impressed witht the D. Our offense was actually off for once and we still came up with a win. (How often does that happen?)

But I'll wait to say anything positive about the trade until we play the bigger names of this season, and see if we can still pull it off.


Hall of Famer
I think its really impossible to tell. This was a HUGE win as far as the teams confidence. They need to work on a lot of stuff, but I see nothing but positives. True about the offense being off and getting a win. That is a very good thing.
Philly is still a sub .500 East Coast team. It's good to have a win, but it's hard to judge a game when a lot of the players were playing with such emotion and with the intention of proving a point. I think Kenny Thomas especially was playing to prove something. They booed him when he came out on the court and I think he was trying to do a lot to show up everyone.

Once these guys get past the "I'll show them I'm not garbage' phase will they embrace the team concept? I know Corliss will, but I don't know about the other two.
We still gave up 99 points and barely won the game. Webber played well for his first game with the Sixers, and it looks like he fits into the game, though he did struggle a little bit without the offence running through him, but I'm sure he'll adapt.

The new guys played as well as I could have hoped, but it's not fair to compare 3 guys to 1. We can't have them on at the same time, and it's not like all their best attributes are compounded into one, the three of them played well with the time they had. I said before that some of the new guys may find a nich on the team, and that the team didn't need another 20 point scorer like Webber to be effective, and they showed that tonight. From here on out, it's about consistency.


we need to see how our rotation looks after peja gets back before we start the victory parades..... but i was impressed by the outcome.
AriesMar27 said:
we need to see how our rotation looks after peja gets back before we start the victory parades..... but i was impressed by the outcome.
Yeah, that's the biggest issue. We have 3 good players instead of 1 all-star caliber player, so while it can sustain a team when we they can be on the floor at the same time, it may not be so easy with Peja is in there. We will have to see what they can do with reduced minutes and how they cover the four with our full lineup.
It was nice seeing the Cat step up to the plate and wanting to take the winning shot. A double tandem with Bibby. Hope we can say the same with Peja when he comes back.
Williamson was tough inside (which we need)

Thomas slashed, and got rebounds (which we need)

Skinner blocked shots (which we need)

The only thing that was off was our veteran players!!! So once Peja is back, I believe we will have an outside shot at the title.
I truely expect to see more of what we saw tonight in the next few games. Once the trio get acustemed with our system and once they get familiar with their new team mates, we should see our whole game clicking. We got the outside shooters (Pedja, Bibby, Cat, Bobby) and now we FINALLY have some inside presence (Brad, Darious, New Trio). So far so good.
I kinda Expected Big Nasty to play like he did. Maybe not as well but since he already knew the system... KT surprised me the most, I didn't expect half of what he showed. Skinner didn't do so bad either.

We may have us a nice little team here going forward
These guys are going to love playing in Sac. The unselfish play and equal recognition is going to free them from the enslavement playing with AI brought along.
AriesMar27 said:
we need to see how our rotation looks after peja gets back before we start the victory parades..... but i was impressed by the outcome.
With the way Corliss looked at small forward, Peja should take as much time as possible to get healed. The activity from the small forward position has been so sorely missed this season.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Junk is a relative term -- we got a bunch of disposable players that are starters on bad or mediocre teams, but benchers on good ones. They are not scrubs. But they all fall into that shrug category. And unfortunately they are all signed to hefty (for them) long term contracts.

They can play though. Not always as well as tonight, but again, these are not scrubs. They are all longtime proven vets, and they all have a place in the league. Tonight they were amped up against their old team, and brought their A games, fortunate for us since all of our regulars seemed to still be in a post-Webber funk. They won't always be as good, and there are going to be nights when Thomas is going to look very much a 6'7" tweener, Corliss is going to look slow and unable to contend with quickess, and Skinner is going to look like an unskilled thug. But they are all proven pros. And if all you want ot do is be a good team, you can have these guys around. You can't be depending on them for major contribtions though if you want to win a title. That's kind of the gap. Their adequacy depends on what your goals are.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Junk is a relative term -- we got a bunch of disposable players that are starters on bad or mediocre teams, but benchers on good ones. They are not scrubs. But they all fall into that shrug category. And unfortunately they are all signed to hefty (for them) long term contracts.

They can play though. Not always as well as tonight, but again, these are not scrubs. They are all longtime proven vets, and they all have a place in the league. Tonight they were amped up against their old team, and brought their A games, fortunate for us since all of our regulars seemed to still be in a post-Webber funk. They won't always be as good, and there are going to be nights when Thomas is going to look very much a 6'7" tweener, Corliss is going to look slow and unable to contend with quickess, and Skinner is going to look like an unskilled thug. But they are all proven pros. And if all you want ot do is be a good team, you can have these guys around. You can't be depending on them for major contribtions though if you want to win a title. That's kind of the gap. Their adequacy depends on what your goals are.
You are right about the disposable palyres on relativly large contracts, and about the some what inconsistant paly BUT the beuty here is that with the depth the Kings now have the bad night by alomst any player just means more PT for the next middler on the list eg: Darius sturggles->Kenny gets the time and the 4th quarter nod. Heck if Adelman has the sack to sit Pedja on his bad nights we now have the luxury of playing Big Nasty for long streaches or for a "match up" against good outside defenders like Bowen. This really could mean an strong increased flexablity in the line up IF Adelman will play out to the 10th-12th slots.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Corliss and Thomas = 16 reb and 33 pts
CWebb = 11 reb and 16 pts
New guys +5 +17 plus interior defense
So far so good. Petri is letting a slight smirk turn up the corner of his mouth. Not much, whoops..... gone. Suprised at Thomas quickness and rebounding and Corlis is better than when he was here first time. Skinner impressive in his few minutes, blocking shots, defending.... gadszooks new words in my Kings fan dictionary...
CruzDude said:
Corliss and Thomas = 16 reb and 33 pts
CWebb = 11 reb and 16 pts
New guys +5 +17 plus interior defense
That is a little unfair, since Thomas and Corliss played pf and sf respectly.
Iguadala had 18 and 4 at the sf for Phili


Hall of Famer
Kings-Lakers-Fan said:
You think its safe yet to reinstate the "genious" at the end of "Geoff Petri The Genious"?
I'd saythe jurry is still out. Personaly Im willing to wait untill this time next year before passing judgment. Even if this seaosn goes south, Im willing to wait untill he has a chance to make some moves with the contracts he has now.
SacTownKid said:
These guys are going to love playing in Sac. The unselfish play and equal recognition is going to free them from the enslavement playing with AI brought along.
For sure.

Did you hear Thomas' post game quote? Mentioned that he loved the way this team dished out the ball; with AI it was a dribbling fest and that was it (paraphrased). Never seen Thomas play before, I liked his shooting style and comfort in the paint.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Little unfair?? Don't think so.....

Corliss and Thomas = 16 reb and 33 pts
CWebb = 11 reb and 16 pts
New guys +5 +17 plus interior defense
Heuge said:
That is a little unfair, since Thomas and Corliss played pf and sf respectly.
Iguadala had 18 and 4 at the sf for Phili
Yeah, but Iguadala wasn't part of the trade! Corliss and Kenny were what we got fro CWebb. So seems fair to me.
CruzDude said:
Corliss and Thomas = 16 reb and 33 pts
CWebb = 11 reb and 16 pts
New guys +5 +17 plus interior defense

Yeah, but Iguadala wasn't part of the trade! Corliss and Kenny were what we got fro CWebb. So seems fair to me.
Comparing those stats just doesn't work, because they were not really going head-to-head.
I am glad we got the win, Im just not sure you can accurately access the trade by comparing their numbers.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Kings-Lakers-Fan said:
You think its safe yet to reinstate the "genious" at the end of "Geoff Petri The Genious"?
Well, if you want to I suspose, but the "genius" is still very much in question. ;)

Can't be stressed enough -- 1 game against a disjointed mediocre opponent. This isn't going to happen everytime out -- the flip side of these guys being old pros is that they don't have any surprsies in store. Nobody's suddenly going to become a stud. Just be what they are, and then probably get moved in a few months when we try to re-contender ourselves in the offseason.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
CruzDude said:
Corliss and Thomas = 16 reb and 33 pts
CWebb = 11 reb and 16 pts
New guys +5 +17 plus interior defense

Yeah, but Iguadala wasn't part of the trade! Corliss and Kenny were what we got fro CWebb. So seems fair to me.
Uh.. no.

Here, add in the minutes:

Webb 37min
New Guys 71min

Teensy difference. Peja's injury is what gave Corliss the minutes.
They played more minutes of course, and Corliss got the minutes only cuz our starting SF was out tonight. But this means that on any night when Pedja isn't going or when we need a SF in the post to reebound (Pedja main flaws), we can put corliss in and fix things up. This is depth and thats what GP wanted to bring. Another note is that now we have 3 guys to fill in for 1. Last year if webber wasn't scoring we couldn't do anything. Now if one guy isn't scoring or doing what we need them to do, we can switch 'em out.


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Staff member
I think this just breaks down as swapping a former All-Star PF for 3 "decent" (if slightly undersized) F. We had a great player with a serious health problem and greatly reduced mobility that we swapped for 3 guys who have definite value if played / used properly. Are they going to lead us to the promised land by themselves? Definitely not. Are they capable of fitting in our system and being good supporting players (like JJ, Hedo, Darius, etc.)? KT and CW - yes, BS - maybe. FWIW, I like the trade and the added D and mobility it brings to us.

Thank God Chris came here, re-signed here, and played as well as he did and helped lift this franchise to new heights, but I like the trade - we can get back to playing a faster-paced style of Kings BB.

I, too, think the very earliest we can really evaluate this trade will be after this season. Everyone needs time (both the guys who left and those joining the Kings) to see how they fit and how well they can play in their new environment.
HndsmCelt said:
I'd saythe jurry is still out. Personaly Im willing to wait untill this time next year before passing judgment. Even if this seaosn goes south, Im willing to wait untill he has a chance to make some moves with the contracts he has now.
Same here. I'm giving Petrie one year. If in one year we are better for this trade or are moving in the right direction, then hats off to him once again (I have absolutely no problem eating crow, in fact I would welcome it).

(You know, usually/in the past I have been on the other side of these types of discussion, but anyhow...)

Despite the trade, (on paper) the Kings still have more talented players, a better system and a better coach. They should have won this game. Webb will/is supposed to mean a whole not more to the 6ers than the three guys we got back will ever be for the Kings, today, tomorrow and five years from now. Therefore, despite the loss, this was still a good game for them, while the Kings are just trying to win.

In an case, a win is a win is a win.
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