Please take a moment - you COULD save a life!

It'a a gray and rainy Sunday here in England, and about 67 degrees or so, and I'm sad because I just dropped my mom and my sister off at Heathrow Airport to send them back on their way to Sacramento after they had been out for a month to visit....:( HAVE A SAFE TRIP GUYS! I"LL MISS YOU!...*click*


Super Moderator Emeritus
Folsom Al said:
*** click ***

ABC News didn't say till when ... just that Pres Bush's push for energy saving is the reason why ..... the later we have NATURAL LIGHT ... the better, my guess.

It would be extended for another month...ending in November instead of October.

It's all incredibly stupid to me anyway. Instead of always changing the stupid clock, why don't businesses just change their operating hours for the summer?

The idea that people are so dumb they cannot figure out how to adjust their schedules to make the most of the daylight available to them astounds me.

My other pet peeve, now that I'm on a full-blown rant, is the stupid bleeping food pyramid. Does the government really think constantly changing the idiotic thing is going to change how people eat? Boy, I know I make sure and check the food pyramid updates regularly. God forbid I should have one too many portions of vegetables and too few portions of pasta...


All these crutches are dumbing down the American people, one IQ point at a time.

Teach people how to eat properly and they won't need a stupid pyramid. Do away with Daylight Savings Time and let people adjust their lives/businesses to match their needs. If it's 6 a.m. and you want to get up and take advantage of the daylight, do so. If it's 6 p.m. and you want your business to stay open because it's still light out, hey - no problem.

Okay, rant over...

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^^^ I couldn't agree more VF21!!

When did this stupid "food pyramid" come into play. When I was growing up all we had were the 4 food groups...and figure it out yourself. There were less obese people then too...

from what I was given to understand daylight savings time was started in the US so that we could have more time to produce to support WW2..

not exactly sure that's correct, it's something I was told once...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Daylight savings time was actually first adopted by the US and other countries during World War I.


And it was originally established because it enabled workers to work longer into the evening before losing light. They didn't actually gain any time because they generally came in later...

I could rant forever. I truly despite Daylight Savings Time. As my small token protest I refuse to reset the clock on my microwave. I'll fix them!!!

I also HATE daylight savings...I think we should get rid of has surpassed whatever usefullness (is that a word?!?) it may have had when they first began using it.

It feels FREEZING here today I think it's a high in the mid-60's today but the breeze feels CHILLY! Brrrr...I'm even wearing a turtleneck today!!...*click*