Pistons @ Kings Game Thread

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ARCO crowd doing what ARCO crowd does ;).

I really have to make pilgrimage before they build new arena. I feel electricity from 2000 miles away.


Hall of Famer
bozzwell said:
ARCO crowd doing what ARCO crowd does ;).

I really have to make pilgrimage before they build new arena. I feel electricity from 2000 miles away.
Absolutly! whn I think of moving ARCO is one of the thoughts that makes me sad.
whose calling the game with Al? He's actually fair, and he's actually anaylizing the game and the adjustments the coaches are making, what a concept!
Very nice first half.

And I still like Hubie :) LOL he is breaking the game down pretty good.

We are gonna need some output from Peja and Bibby tho in the second half.
Very good first half....... but they need to continue this...... and hope that the Pistons don't wake up and keeping thinking of flying home.

Hopefully Bibby and Pedja gets hot in the 2nd half... continue the rebounding, play D and SCORE.

GOOO KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
EXCELENT first half! MO, Mike, and Kenny all working on double doubles, Kings with 22 points in the paint... I like what I see! -2 or boards now so obviously Detroit waking up, but momentum goes to the Kings and now that Darius and Kenny both demad coverage I expect Pedaj and Mike to get lose for more shts in the second half.
Bballkingsrock said:
Bibby has 8 assits already, and the whole team already has 17 assits!!

This is Kings basketball!!!
yup looks like the Offense is running a lot better. Now after some more practice, I am feeling pretty good about this team.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Keep up the good work, guys. Pretty good D played.....gotta like that. Skinner, try to box out Sheed. He is getting too many 2nd chance pts. Mike and Peja, let's see you guys get hot.

ABC is saying Detroit will win the ballgame. Let's make them eat their words.

alright i just got home, and it sounds like the kings are doing awesome!!!

and the brainiac's on ABC are saying that the pistons will win.... eff you bill walton!!! and whoever else that is

We are shootingt over 50%,but a lot of that is due to offensive exicution, we actually missed a lot of open looks from outside. If we can hit those we will really be looking good. Great passing and moving without the ball in the first half. BTW Walton says Detroit will definately win this game.
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