Pistons @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Life is good

On November 8th 2000 Kings crossed the bridge and beat up on Warriors winning 115-84 and the game itself wasn’t even that close. Kings improved to 4-2 at that point of the season. Every Kings player on the roster scored in a game in which the whole 2nd half was garbage time. In the first half it was Webber&Pedja show. Each finished with 27 points in about 30 minutes of work. The team had 34 assists and the bench contributed 40 pts lead by Funderburke who had 12

[FONT=&quot]Stojakovic connected on 11-of-18 shots and 3-of-6 3-pointers in 27 minutes and Webber,
who has made a habit of burning his former teams, hit 12-of-17 shots and grabbed nine rebounds in 31minutes. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"It was a great win," Webber said. "And it was great to have Jason back and his style of play -- he's great with the up-tempo play. I want (the Warriors) to remember every game, not just when I play against them, what they gave up. I always try to get few more boards when I play against my former teams." [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"Obviously, we found our offense," Sacramento coach Rick Adelman said after watching his team grind out an impressive 79-75 victory against Portland here on Monday. "Jason was a little excited to play. He was terrific the way he set the tone at the start, pushing the ball up the court. The first quarter, we really moved the ball well as a team." [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"I won't look at this tape, in fact, nobody gets to look at this," Golden State coach Dave Cowens said. "We already saw it and that's enough for a lifetime. We just weren't ready to play,we played awful and that's the end of the story. Hopefully, it won't happen again." [/FONT]
Finally, a convincing performance by the Kings who are 2-2 at the moment with 3 more home game coming up and a chance to build a momentum despite the early chronical injury problems that we always have this time of the season or any time of the season if You will. Also a chance for a first winning streak of the season presents itself. This NBA season will be a very close race and Kings will be there unless... - let's not go there. 2-2 is the best season start we had in a while. It could be worse. We could be Mavs who already packed it in and they are currently waiting fot Oden;) .
This is a first national televised game this season and it is on BSPN so I feel obligated to issue:

I still hope for Tolbert but I suggest You take the usual precautions.

-Make sure You know at all times where is the mute button
-Make sure that You have plenty of valium or caffeine around since it can go either way
-Do not try to rationalize things that he says
-Do not feel good about compliments he makes because he doesn't mean it.
-Watch out for sarcasm
-Do not try to count his favorit phrase "in the history of western civilisation"
-Do not try to look for deeper meaning because there is none.

-Watch out for the 2-3 stooges in the studio during breaks. It is great opporunity for bathroom break/snacks/checking out other channels.
-Hope that they don't give us any credit because otherwise - our season is over
-Expect everyone to pick Detroit to win the game
-You wll get to listen to several reason why Kings are not good and why they are leaving Sacramento.
If Steven A. Smith is there by any chance - press the mute button and throw away Your control.

Almost forgott - expect the forst game to go into tripple overtime and to miss at least the first quarter of the Kings game.
Home sweet home - what else is there to say. The energy is there, the shots are falling, even Kenny Thomas looks like a basketball player - for a quarter at least. Still it looks like the things are a little bit different. The arco did not look sold out to me. It wasn't as loud as in the past except the 3rd quarter. Maybe it is just me. Anyways, Kings will need the support now more than ever because there is less talenton this team especially with injuries which are always there by default.
Looks like we will be without Brad for a while because every Kings injury starts with 4 weeks and up. Other players will have to step up. What other players - You might ask Yourself. I don't know either but someone might just surprise us. Someone just has to. Maybe everyone can just raise their level. We can't replace Brad lomg term and we will have games in which we will pay for lack of size. Nothing we can do about that. However, there are bunch of teams that play "small ball" or "ultra small ball" and we should be OK there. Also Mike is hurting and it is affecting him. Turnovers and missed open shots have got to do something with that wrist. We can only hope that this is as bad as it will get. (don't even go there).
At one point if I am not mistaking we had a lineup Bibby, Martin, Salmons, Artest and SAR/KT (not sure about last one). Even Rick Adelman'e response was - "You can do that?":eek: It worked well in that 3rd quarter that blew the game open for us. It looked like we have a new slogan - "don't be tall - play small ball" or something. Wolves who BTW are a horrible team - couldn't handle it. WHo knows - maybe GP is a genius.
It might sound familiar but we have bunch of players who plys big minutes and who will continue to play big minutes. With 78 games to go - it is insane. I am not aware of the amount of back to backs we have this season but knowing our luck - we have bunch of them. My point - we need to find a way to reduce minutes and also find a way to play some other guys without hurting us in the big picture. That is why I was pissed last night when we played our starters during hte last 2 minutes of garbage time. How dumb does one have to be to hav the guys who played 40 minutes on the floor at +18 with 2 minutes to go. Even Mo Taylor could not screw this one up - or could he ? The lineup for the last 2 minutes should have been Hart, Douby, Williamson,Taylor, Potapenko. This lineup would do 2 things. First it would have prevented key players from getting tired or even hurt ans second it would help to clear the building much faster than a "fire alarm" or a "bomb threat" I bet if someone would take the Musselman's mask off - Rick Adelman would stand behind it.
Now, that I have given Kenny Thomas hard time most of the time and I will continue to do so when warranted - I am going to praise him for the 3rd quarter of the last night where he actually looked like a basketball player. I also reserve right to call this an "accident" or the case of " even a blind chicken finds a corn from time to time" He did well and deserves the recognition. I still think that overall he sucks but I would like to be proven wrong night after night after night because in doing so he might get in position to actually be tradable. Keep it up Kenny!
Wolves were the ideal opponent for the home opener mostly because they really suck. We needed one quarter to take care of business. The great quarter it was. We didn't score 100 points and me might not do it for a while but we wo a game. Only thing that wasn't good is 17 assists vs. 20 turnovers. Usually You don't win many games that way but as I said - Wolves suck.

TDM goes to M. Blount who looked lik Shaq for streches. Had a double double11/10 with 2 blocks. Thank god - they did not use him more.
LW-VC award goes to R Davis who is currently located at the bottom of Ron's pocket. Thanks for sucking Ricky.
JHA goes to yet again Mo Taylor who only needed 5 minuts to remind us all that quality means more tham quantity since he managed not to matter in thos 5 minutes so much. Some others need a whole life time and still can't do it.
Pistons are next and they are currently also 2-2. We haven't beaten them in a long time. They aren't as good as they were in the past 2 seasons but still dangerous enough especially considering that our small ball might not work against them. Rebounding will be the key again. Maybe we can help Sheed get ejected early in the game.

Mike - injury or not - those turnovers have to go away
Ron - 7-17 might be as much as we can expect. Let's hope he stays out of trouble.
Kevin - I would mention all star but he would get hurt and we can't have that
SAR - we need more
KT - earned the right to be mentioned for now
Salmons - will see if there is consistency
Cisco - even for a short time - it was nice to see that he is alive
rest execpt Mo Taylor - mateen
Muss - hope he calle cab last night. Maybe Mo Taylor could be the designated driver since he isn't really doing anything else but then agan would we trust Mo Taylor driving around people that we need.
Pistond will be a good test for us. Any chances of Bibby stopping Billups ? Their bigs might have a field trip. We can still win this but it will require more that one quarter. TDM will most probably go to Nazr Mohammed.
LW-VC award should go to Flip Murray
JHA will depend of Mo Taylors consistancy.
Go Wolves ! (tonight)
Go Blazers !(tomorrow night)
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"It was a great win," Webber said. "And it was great to have Jason back and his style of play -- he's great with the up-tempo play. I want (the Warriors) to remember every game, not just when I play against them, what they gave up. I always try to get few more boards when I play against my former teams."
This applies to his first NBA head coach as well.:)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Detroit lost in tough fashion last night against Utah. They should be angry.

That may be, but the question is do they have the guns for that to be decisive anymore?

Also of course how much discord with the coach there is in that lockerroom? He seems to be a scapegoat when pretty much anything goes wrong, so maybe Utah is his fault too and they are going to be more worried about infighting than fighting the world.
It will be fun to see who the new 7 footer is we add to the team tomorrow night. I'm certain we'll actually see a new wide body or hear of it. Anyone reasonably athletic will help a ton. (i.e. a notch above oyster & potty). It has to happen. We need help.

I haven't been this hopeful and optimistic since the free agent signing deadline the past two years. Tomorrow will be different, we are going to get someone. I just feel it. We haveta, right?

Or not.


Hall of Famer
every game should be on TNT

kevin harlan should call more games
I hate to say it for all the not league pass subscribers. But i hate Nationally televised games because they seem to take 30 to 45 min longer. I live on the east coast and i have to get up at 4:30 am and i am drained the next day. But on the other hand the kings are worth it.
I'm pumped -- been away in San Jose, and this is the first time I've gone this long without seeing a Kings game. It's been burning my soul nonstop. I have no doubt that this Kings win is gonna be worth the wait though.


Hall of Famer
Piski who do we want to win the SA/PHX game. Do with stick with divisional losses or de we want to keep all the top dogs within reach? Also i don't see an overtime in the making and it looks as if it will end well before our tipoff.


Hall of Famer
this will be the first game i have watched live. most of them are Tivoed for about an hour. I will hate all the commercials and the god aweful halftime show.


Hall of Famer
Piski who do we want to win the SA/PHX game. Do with stick with divisional losses or de we want to keep all the top dogs within reach? Also i don't see an overtime in the making and it looks as if it will end well before our tipoff.
We want Spurs to win - for now


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Atleast I can watch this on CSN and not listen to Walton on ESPN

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