Thanks, Slim. That's more what I was looking for as a reply - I watched one of the holiday football games on KG4 and Josh's TV and quite frankly didn't see the earth-shattering difference they were insisting was there. Of course, I have old eyes and I remember when TV changed from all black and white to one or two color broadcasts a week, so maybe I was expecting a similar kind of OMG moment.
You know, when you see it for the first few times, it's nice, and you say, maybe I'll think about upgrading, and then you forget about it. But if you actually do the upgrade to full HD, after a week or so, you get so used to high quality picture that you just can't go back. After a while, you stop watching non-HD broadcasts altogether, because they are so inferior in your mind.
Slim's right, it won't make a bad game good, it won't make the Kings a 50 win team, but it's a superior way to watch TV, especially sports.