well i could say that the sun is going to rise tomorrow without knowing why or how... its not based on any scientific data just based on the fact that ive seen it happen a thousand times... how many more times will i have to watch it rise before i stop worrying about it? ive seen several combo guards try to make the transition to full time pg and failed each and every time. how many more will have to fail before gms stop trying?
and evans played pg in college because his team didnt have one, not because they thought he would be the best pg the sacramento knings have ever seen. he was like the 3rd player on his team to try to play pg... he was just bigger and slightly better than his competition. its like playing a videogame on easy and using the same stupid tactic every time and winning. once you switch to hard that strategy no longer works...
i know how and why the sun rises i just used it as an example... dont know why im making a note of it but hey....
No actually they did have a point guard, and the team was going nowhere with him at the helm. That, is a fact.... Calipari admited that he had orginally played Evans out of position, and that it was a mistake. Also, using your logic, I guess we should just discount any accheivment at the college level, because, Well, is just not the NBA..
A lot of people want to stick their heads in a stat book and make all their judgements on them. And believe me, I look at the stats as well. But what I pay the most attention to in my judgement of a player, comes mostly two things. What I personally saw with my own two eyes. And, Results!!!
When a player has been a winner since he was 12 years old, and every team he's been on has been a winner, that is called results. When a person gets straight A's through gradeschool, highschool, and college. Am I now susposed to believe that he's going to be a failure. Where, prey tell is the logic in that? I'm susposed to believe that because his vertical isn't as high as others that he's going to fail. Because someone called him a combo guard, he's going to fail.
Gary! I probably saw Evans play as many games as you did last year. Maybe more, because, unlike you, I liked a lot of what I saw. No, he wasn't perfect. But you know what. He was a whole lot better than Holiday, and a bunch of other freshmen that were being held up as potential future stars. One could argue that he was hands down the best freshman in college last year. I don't personally care if he's a picture perfect point guard. I only care about results, and most of all,I care about the team winning. And to that end, I don't care who we trade to accomplish that.
I like Martin. I've defended him on this fourm. And, I've also pointed out his flaws on this fourm. And If trading him makes this team better, then so be it. Thompson is one of my favorite players. But if trading him makes this team better, then so be it.
This is a nineteen year old kid that hasn't even set foot on an NBA floor yet. And yet, he seems to be polarizing people. Maybe thats a good thing to the extent that at least it creates conservation and interest. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. But let us all remember that its just that. Opinion! The only facts that are on display here are the recent accomplishments of a 19 year old kid. A kid that almost singlehandedly took his team to the top of the NCAA championships. You can argue about how he did it. You can point out the things he may have done better. But you can't argue with the result. And my friends, no one cares if you look good losing. And if you look bad winning. No on cares how you looked. They only care that you won.