Oh Boy, Kings look set with players



what good is a perimeter defender in the post? how about a flopping foreigner?

sam cassell could have done the same thing to those 2....
I don't like Ginobili. If you were to make him go right, he wouldn't be half as effective as going left. I hate guys that overflop like Ginobili.
yeah, all the commentators keep saying it, and you always know it's coming, so i don't get why teams will not force him right.

(e.g. game 3 of the playoffs, with kevin's winner; ginobli still drove left!)
yeah, all the commentators keep saying it, and you always know it's coming, so i don't get why teams will not force him right.

(e.g. game 3 of the playoffs, with kevin's winner; ginobli still drove left!)
When a really good palyer has a pet move down even though you KNOW it's comming that does NOT make it simple to stop. Every guy in the NBA knew Bird would pull up that fadeaway jumper, every team KNEW Stocktona nd Malone were running a pick and roll...
I have to respectfully disagree with this analogy. Bonzi is 29 at the moment and will be 30 when the season starts. 30 is hardly a guaranteed injury prone age. For example, KG is 30 but many are lobbying to trade for him. Do we pay a guy the max whose 30? I mean by your definition KG is an injury waiting to happen at the ancient age of 30...

Another perspective, Brad Miller, Sharif Abdur Rahim, and Corlis Williamson were all born the same year, or earlier than Bonzi, Does this mean that these three guys are "at the point where their body's connot sustain a full season"? If so I think we're in real trouble with 2/5ths of our starting lineup expected to be injured for large chunks of the season. Also means Bibby only has a couple years left in the tank, and Artest only has 3 years of health left. Pretty alarming, maybe we should just trade our whole roster for draft choices to be certain we're safe from the dreaded 29 year old body break down.
I guess I should've elaborated. It's not so much of age alone than it is age combined with how these guys play. Miller, as stated in threads almost daily it seems, isn't a physical player. SAR and Williamson don't put in huge minutes, being bench players even when healthy. Are two cars which are built in the same year going to have the same likelihood of breaking down at any given point in time? It depends on how often and how hard they're driven. Bonzi throws his body around like no one else on the team, but unlike a KG who has a more athletic frame, it's easy to see how Bonzi might not last 82 games.


Super Moderator Emeritus
So I don't have to read the previous 120+ posts, how about if those who were wrong just come out and admit it?



Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Just goes to show ya how important summer opinions are :rolleyes:

Now it's the half-way mark and Kings are at bottom of the league. Brad's defensive liabilities far over shadow his offensive contributions, Bibby and Ron Ron both want to be the go-to guy in the fourth and neither is pulling it off, Woods was an apparent joke, we don't have a decent PF and the bench is very inconsistent. Reality is the slap in the face we all have to deal with :eek:
Our front court has negative dominance.

I get a mailer from a gambling site. In their NBA preview it said the Kings were doomed without Bonzi. I laughed, those guys are bozos who don't know what we've got, I thought. Who's laughing now?
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Our front court has negative dominance.

I get a mailer from a gambling site. In their NBA preview it said the Kings were doomed without Bonzi. I laughed, those guys are bozos who don't know what we've got, I thought. Who's laughing now?
I don't think the Kings are doomed because they don't have Bonzi. In fact, right now that looks like the uber-least of their problems, especially when you look at what Mr. Wells has (or has not) done this year...
I wasn't at this site yet, but my thoughts at the time were:
(1) Losing Bonzi seemed bad (OK, in retrospect I was wrong)
(2) Waiting all that time for Bonzi and losing the chance at most of the FA market made it much worse -- I would have loved to have gotten Przybilla
(3) Salmons was kind of expensive for a player best known for his inconsistency, and didn't address our most pressing roster needs
(4) Signing Justin Williams was absolutely perfect
(5) Waiving him for Mo Taylor was completely idiotic
(6) What was with that whole Loren Woods thing? An exercise in money wasting?
(7) The Adelman to Musselman change was going to be a huge variable, and one that I was nervous about

All told, I expected a worse team, but didn't expect that morale would completely collapse. Guess I wasn't pessimistic enough about #7.
I remember this point - and this thread - and had come to feel that this season was not going to be pretty. My typically-pessimistic view at the time was that we got WORSE in the offseason, and the coming season was going to be ugly. At this point, can't say I'm surprised. I'm not upset, for these seasons must happen every now and then, especially for a team blessed with year-after-year postseason appearances.

I will say that I have been slightly surprised by Salmon's play, as he has improved...but he's still not that great and continues to be a little too pricey for his talents. I am not surprised that Brad continued to debilitate, Kenny's attitude remained negative, and Reef continued to be a poor fit on this team, however.

Did not expect Mike to have such a downer season...Yikes. Knew Kevin would break out, but did not expect him to perform as well as he's been doing...much improved! Cisco has been a disappointment, as he hasn't improved at all...still like his passion for the game, though. Big cheers to Corliss' comeback...can we get you for half-price next year?

Very surprised Bonzi has turned out the way he did in Houston - I truly believe that this would not have happened had he signed with Sac. Although he definitely would not have topped his stellar playoff performance, his chemistry and role with this team helped both Bonzi and the Kings - and especially Artest IMO. Perhaps his non-signing will be a blessing in order to accelerate the rebuilding process, but that remains to be seen.

Disappointed by Musselman & Co's performance. At the beginning, I knew our offense would take a hit - you just can't top Carrill's style. Once Musselman said he'd drift away from Princeton/Motion offense, I knew we would lose some prowess, but my initial feelings have proven to be a gross understatement. However, I expected slightly better defense as a result of different plays and fresh perspective - and that lasted for a few weeks. Just goes to show what Adelman said "You can't be a defensive team without defensive-minded players."

Here's to rebuilding...and the 76ers, Bobcats, Hawks, Grizzlies, Hornets and Celtics going on massive winning streaks.
I don't think the Kings are doomed because they don't have Bonzi. In fact, right now that looks like the uber-least of their problems, especially when you look at what Mr. Wells has (or has not) done this year...
As Tiffany sang "Could have been so beautiful, could have been so right, you can't hold what could have been on a cold and lonely night" so it's not worth running too far with, but if Bonzi came back I think it would have been a different world. Bonzi would have come back ready to play and Ron and him would've have been a pair that struck fear into every team in the league. The Kings would not have been a top contender, but would at least have an identity and be a fun mid-seed team.