OFFICIAL: Kings trade Webber to Philly!!!!!

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Crackerman said:
Can these guys be traded again before the deadline or are we stuck with them for the year?
i would pray that petrie has some master plan for the next less-than-a-day, but i wouldnt count on it. he's shown poor judgement in this trade, and it would take some serious pulling of strings to move these guys (and their contracts) before the deadline tomorrow.


Hall of Famer
rnmeuy said:
For some reason, I don't think Petrie is done dealing. It just doesn't make sense. I am a huge Peja fan, but I have the feeling he's gonna be gone too.
Now Peja for Odom would make sense. then we would have a PF again.
ReinadelosReys said:
Ok, I'm looking forward. I don't see anything. ...No wait, I see this season maybe ending in the first round. I'm seeing a team giving the reigns to a guy who can't creat his own shot. I see our only post presence is a guy we used to call scoreless. I see an a$$ kicking on Saturday. I see guys on a Kings team who will be heartbroken. I see Mike Bibby loosing his running mate. I see Brad Miller's job getting whole lot harder. I see Rick Aldeman lose the guy he ran his team through, one of the only guys he trusted. I see Allen Iverson jumping for joy. Should I go on, becasue I really don't feel any better doing so.
Did I say pin the whole team on Peja. NO. I say the team will be just that...A TEAM. Us here in Sacramento are so used to pinning the team on ONE person we forgot what a TEAM IS. It's a bunch of people working together as equals. Bibby losing his running mate??? Are you kidding me. WEBBER CAN'T RUN THAT FAST. He is physically incapable. And this season may end in the 1st round...we may not make the playoffs who knows. But we will be MUCH MUCH better in the future for this trade.

It had to happen sometime. WE all knew he was gonna go soon. If not this or definitely at the end of next. Let me let you in on something the maloofs and petrie saw aleady, THE KINGS WERE NOT GONNA GO FAR OR WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP ALREADY!! With or without Chris. This is a move for the future. It will help us.
I've always had faith, during the bad times, I always thought we would be able to pull out. This time, I'm not so sure. We gave up, we just gave up on the season. We were still a contender and we gave that up. Why not wait till the off-season? The players we got would still be there. I just can't understand it at all. All this talk of no chemistry, but at times, only one player looked left out. What does this do to the rest of the team.
Since93 said:
I am ashame of Maloof brother. They think they can save a couple million dollors. But if our team suck you tell me who will watch the game anymore? None. I really hope the fans send a message to the Kings origanization: don't go to Kings game anymore. I have the 3/12 vs Detroit ticket. Man I regret I bought that ticket right now. Call me a bandwager but I honestly think I am going to jump ship. Sorry guys.
PM me, i'll GLADY take it off your hands for you if you really don't want it.
OptimusRhyme said:
And Stop Bashing Peja, This Is Pissing Me Off

Listen bucko.. being truthful about Pejas shortcomings is not bashing. HE cannot create his OWN shot. He is not gonna be the Kings savior for this season. Its a fact. Look at my avatar would ya. This is not coming from someone who has not been a fan of Peja. But I am also a realist and I can see the handwriting on the wall. I think trading Webb was a huge mistake period!!
Bricklayer said:
No he wouldn't. He wasn't even a real one last year. "Hi I score" doesn't cut it unles you have a SERIOUS down year in the NBA.

that just made me laugh big time.

lol try to fit that on a nametag LOL!

thanks brick, i needed that
DocHolliday said:
THE KINGS WERE NOT GONNA GO FAR OR WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP ALREADY!! With or without Chris. This is a move for the future. It will help us.
I think that is the key.

Can someone tell me what the Kings record is against +.500 teams this year? It just was not there. I saw it watching the Hawks game. Again, not saying Webber should be blamed but his contract was an albatross.

P.S- Anyone watch the Kings prior to Webber's return last year? Maybe Petrie is a little smarter than we think!
DocHolliday said:
Did I say pin the whole team on Peja. NO. I say the team will be just that...A TEAM. Us here in Sacramento are so used to pinning the team on ONE person we forgot what a TEAM IS. It's a bunch of people working together as equals. Bibby losing his running mate??? Are you kidding me. WEBBER CAN'T RUN THAT FAST. He is physically incapable. And this season may end in the 1st round...we may not make the playoffs who knows. But we will be MUCH MUCH better in the future for this trade.

It had to happen sometime. WE all knew he was gonna go soon. If not this or definitely at the end of next. Let me let you in on something the maloofs and petrie saw aleady, THE KINGS WERE NOT GONNA GO FAR OR WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP ALREADY!! With or without Chris. This is a move for the future. It will help us.
I did mean running mate litterally, come on now, I'm heart broken, not blind ;). I meant Chris was Mike's partner in crime. Webb-Bibby pick and roll was practically the Kings bread and butter. Can Brad do that now, sure. But like I also said I see his job getting a whole lot harder.

All of this may not mean giving the team to Peja, who knows he still may want out, but right now it sure seems like that right now.

Fact, Chris might not ever play better than he is right now-post surgery...but to give it all up now. I might even have accepted it in the summer, but now! And for what we got in return!

Chris was the face of the a lot of people in Sacramento and without a doubt to everyone outside of it.
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OptimusRhyme said:
OK BUCKO, SINCE WHEN does this offence rely on Creating its own shot, we pass the ball around threw the big men if you haven't noticed, Peja dosen't need to create his own frickin shot, man you just plain ignorant, how is it a fact you moron.
What big men? We just lost out best passer. Brad's role just got a whole lot larger.
G_M said:
I think that is the key.

Can someone tell me what the Kings record is against +.500 teams this year? It just was not there. I saw it watching the Hawks game. Again, not saying Webber should be blamed but his contract was an albatross.

P.S- Anyone watch the Kings prior to Webber's return last year? Maybe Petrie is a little smarter than we think!
Exactly, remember how good we thought we would be when Webber was going to come back last year, then we went down hill, think that right now.
I smell a rat.

Remmeber what the owner of the Florida Marlins did a while back after they won the World Series. He cashed-in on his investment and sold their best players.

The Sacramento Arena deal seems to be demolished and ARCO is standing. I see light at the end of the tunnel, and it's an oncoming train.

Remember the Cleveland Browns, Oakland Raiders, and the Los Angeles Rams?

Adelman recently received a one-year extension. Petrie got a five-year extension after that. This implies job security at a time of flux and great uncertainty. The management team is secure.

Remember ENRON and Global Crossings?

Chris Webber is traded for three used Chevrolets at mid-season, the night before the Kings play Dallas.

I don't feel well. Maybe I'll switch back to football after all these years.
I am disgusted by the trade, but I am also disppointed that many "kings fans" are acting like Webber fans only. I understand speaking out of frustration, but come on people.

It's all about the Kings. Like we said before... it is not about Peja or Webber or Bibby or Brad. It is about the Kings. We might have a rocky 2nd half of the season, but it is not fair to give up on Bibby, Brad, Peja, DSong and others.

Go Kings!!!!!!!!!
ReinadelosReys said:
What big men? We just lost out best passer. Brad's role just got a whole lot larger.
How many big men does it take, Brad Miller and Songaila both have proven they can pass the ball, he was our best passer because he got the ball everytime down the floor, I'm sure brad could average 6 assists a game too.
Holy crap.

Is Petrie that blinded by his love of Peja "Get Me Out Of Here" Stojakovic?

Great idea, build the franchise around the softest player in the league who doesn't even want to be on the team.

I am shocked and saddened.

Philly becomes my favorite Eastern team... hopefully Webb will have fun playing with AI.
ReinadelosReys said:
What big men? We just lost out best passer. Brad's role just got a whole lot larger.
I love Brad, but guys routinely punk him. They go after him purposely. It was hard to watch all last year. With Chris back, there was at least some level of respect.

Edit: I hope Peja can take the heat that will be coming his way. This opens up the door for him. But can he take the heat, or will he decide to move on to cooler pastures.

I was not for trading Peja, but the past month I wasn't as against it as I was before, especially after that recent interview on fox40. He doesn't want to be here, and there's no telling if this will change that.
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quick dog said:
I smell a rat.

Remmeber what the owner of the Florida Marlins did a while back after they won the World Series. He cashed-in on his investment and sold their best players.

The Sacramento Arena deal seems to be demolished and ARCO is standing. I see light at the end of the tunnel, and it's an oncoming train.

Remember the Cleveland Browns, Oakland Raiders, and the Los Angeles Rams?

Adelman recently received a one-year extension. Petrie got a five-year extension after that. This implies job security at a time of flux and great uncertainty. The management team is secure.

Remember ENRON and Global Crossings?

Chris Webber is traded for three used Chevrolets at mid-season, the night before the Kings play Dallas.

I don't feel well. Maybe I'll switch back to football after all these years.
Your killing me!:D

This is NOT a salary dump. The Marlins just flat gave up!

Again, have you seen Webber run? I'm thinking the Maloof's stayed up at nights wondering if his knee would "act" up. A HUGE investment for a VERY questionable knee.
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