Now, about Vasquez...


Super Moderator Emeritus
We'll see. Hopefully his ankles are fully healed by the time training camp starts.
It was only his right ankle, and it was to remove bone spurs. Here's the latest from

Vasquez goes under the knife: Hornets guard Greivis Vasquez had surgery to remove bone spurs from his right ankle last week, and tweeted from his personal account that he will likely need 12 to 16 weeks to recover fully from the procedure. That will likely put his return to the court between August and September, giving him plenty of time to be fully healed for training camp.
(Updated 5/29/13)
I think he'll be more than ready. :)
Vasquez is a LOT better than I think most realize. He is also a tremendous fit for this particular team. I'd be willing to bet he's a fan favorite REAL quick like!!! ;)
Vasquez is a LOT better than I think most realize. He is also a tremendous fit for this particular team. I'd be willing to bet he's a fan favorite REAL quick like!!! ;)
Doesn't take much for us to fall in love with a player. We're real fickle though. We are quick to turn on a player as well. I hope you guys are right about him. Watched him alot last year. Thought we could trade for him to pair with Reke not swapped for him lol.
I just personally choose not to look at it as "swapped for him" myself. Tyreke signed for $44 million, which the FO felt was more than he was worth. Personally, I agree. I look at getting Vasquez back + the salary relief as a GREAT trade and I think a few years from now, more will agree. Tyreke didn't fit on this team going forward. I like Tyreke and his game myself, but it's a done deal and I'm stoked we end up with Vasquez and some salary cap in the end.
He's not going to average 9 here, but he will get 7-8 a game here depending on the system we run. I don't expect Greivis to be the facilitator on every play, but I do believe that the team will be better with Vasquez at PG than it was with IT at PG. Regardless of NO's system Vasquez could see the floor and he's a decent PG prospect so I am not worried in the least bit.

Of course you will have the people that just want to argue so when he doesn't get 9apg they will try to say he's the worst player in the world or something to that effect.
I'm not even arguing about the fact that Vasquez is a better fit than Isaiah. it's just that when people see the 9APG and think we got an absolute stud back and start throwing around the idea he might even improve on it that it seems necessary to temper expectations a bit. Vasquez is a system player that was absolutely set up to succeed in NO. he is not monumentally creative and he has severe limitations due to his lack of speed. he will do fine as a stop-gap at the PG, but he is no long-term solution. that is all.
I'm not even arguing about the fact that Vasquez is a better fit than Isaiah. it's just that when people see the 9APG and think we got an absolute stud back and start throwing around the idea he might even improve on it that it seems necessary to temper expectations a bit. Vasquez is a system player that was absolutely set up to succeed in NO. he is not monumentally creative and he has severe limitations due to his lack of speed. he will do fine as a stop-gap at the PG, but he is no long-term solution. that is all.
That's where you and I will always disagree. He's going to be more than just a stop-gap. I am almost positive we will get him on an extension after this year.

He is the point guard we are looking for. Move along, move along.


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It's too early to say. What if we draft Marcus Smart?
Vasquez may end up being the role player needed at PG, with our new (as of yet unknown) star at the SF position. It'll make more sense as the year progresses.


Hall of Famer
I don't have much of an opinion yet on Vasquez's play and how he's going to work out on the Kings, but I heard him in an interview with Napier a couple of days ago and he was beyond impressive. He's very enthusiastic about being on the Kings, about winning, changing the culture, and doing whatever it takes to win. Very sincere guy. Very believable and likeable kid. He's the anti-entitled type of kid. Very engaging personality. Definitely a leader type of guy.
That's where you and I will always disagree. He's going to be more than just a stop-gap. I am almost positive we will get him on an extension after this year.

He is the point guard we are looking for. Move along, move along.
I don't think we'll always disagree on that issue. if he surprises me and does well in this new environment, then I'll be happy to have him as our long term starting point guard. if he struggles and turns out to be mediocre or worse, I doubt that you'll want him here in a starting capacity. this is no philosophical difference, I don't favour scoring point guards or anything, we just differ in our opinions as to where he falls on the spectrum of quality PGs.

in other words: I believe that this whole thing will resolve itself some months into the season. in the meantime there really is nothing more to do than to wait and see.
As an alum of U of Md, I have watched him play for years. He has all the skills, and the average of 8 assists is sorely needed. He will improve the Kings from the start. He is mentally tough and a good leader on the floor. He should make it tough on Thomas and McCallum.


Hall of Famer
It's too early to say. What if we draft Marcus Smart?
Vasquez may end up being the role player needed at PG, with our new (as of yet unknown) star at the SF position. It'll make more sense as the year progresses.
God forbid we draft Marcus Smart. How many PG's do we need to draft? I might add that at the moment, I'm not a huge fan of Smart's, and not because of his last name. He was downright terrible at the recent U 19 games for the USA, and got outplayed big time by Justise Winslow, who isn't even a PG, but was better at facilitating than Smart. Smart can't shoot a lick, and most scouts are now looking at him as a SG. If the best we can do in this next draft is Marcus Smart, then the whole management dept of the Kings should be fired on the spot.

As far as Vasquez goes, I have no idea what the long range plans the Kings may have for him, but I do think they look at McCallum as insurance against losing him. He's a similar player, with more athleticism. Some have said that New Orleans set things up for him to succeed, as though thats a bad thing. I think its a coaches job to play to his players strengths, and design a system for them to succeed. But in the end, the player still has to have the right mentality, and skill to succeed in that system. Vasquez obviously did, and does!

As I pointed out in another thread, Landry was very successful at Houston, and he was successful after his stint with the Kings, but with the Kings, he as average to below average at best. Why? Because we didn't play him to his strengths! We tried to fit him into the system we wanted to run, instead of adjusting the system to get the best out of him. Landry adapted, but the results weren't the same. Now you can argue (not you personally) that you shouldn't have to adjust your entire system for a role player. Maybe not, but you don't run a thoroughbred in a quarterhorse race, and you don't run a quarterhorse in a thoroughbred race. You can, but you won't win. Good coaches find a way to get the best out of all their players.

Of course we haven't had a real coach for so long, we've forgotten what they look like.
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Hall of Famer
As an alum of U of Md, I have watched him play for years. He has all the skills, and the average of 8 assists is sorely needed. He will improve the Kings from the start. He is mentally tough and a good leader on the floor. He should make it tough on Thomas and McCallum.
I was a fan of his at Maryland, and the thing I loved most about Vasquez was his toughness and his fire. Tough, tough competitor. He may be limited athleticly, but you'll always get a complete effort from him, and what people may not know about him, is his ability to be the general on the floor. If you slack off, or don't run the play properly, he's going to be in your face. He's one of those players, that if he's going to play hard, then your damm well going to play hard, or you going to know about it.
I was a fan of his at Maryland, and the thing I loved most about Vasquez was his toughness and his fire. Tough, tough competitor. He may be limited athleticly, but you'll always get a complete effort from him, and what people may not know about him, is his ability to be the general on the floor. If you slack off, or don't run the play properly, he's going to be in your face. He's one of those players, that if he's going to play hard, then your damm well going to play hard, or you going to know about it.
I get the impression that this was a major theme for us this offseason. We wanted to bring in players whose efforts you never have to question when they are on the floor. Landry, Mbah, and Vasquez all fit that "tough, disciplined, smart" type of basketball player where you know exactly what you're going to get from them on a nightly basis and they know exactly what the team expects from them on a nightly basis. We're not going to see Mbah struggle with "James Johnson" syndrome where he thinks he's Kobe Bryant. He knows his strengths and he's pretty darn good at them too

And honestly, that's been a major weakness for our team the last 4 years. I'd say JT and IT were the only 2 players we've had the last few years where you absolutely knew they were giving 100% on the floor. Whether playing well or not, you never had to question their effort. I think we added 5 new guys this offseason who fit that same mold


Hall of Famer
I get the impression that this was a major theme for us this offseason. We wanted to bring in players whose efforts you never have to question when they are on the floor. Landry, Mbah, and Vasquez all fit that "tough, disciplined, smart" type of basketball player where you know exactly what you're going to get from them on a nightly basis and they know exactly what the team expects from them on a nightly basis. We're not going to see Mbah struggle with "James Johnson" syndrome where he thinks he's Kobe Bryant. He knows his strengths and he's pretty darn good at them too

And honestly, that's been a major weakness for our team the last 4 years. I'd say JT and IT were the only 2 players we've had the last few years where you absolutely knew they were giving 100% on the floor. Whether playing well or not, you never had to question their effort. I think we added 5 new guys this offseason who fit that same mold
I agree with the premise. Obviously, the higher skilled, and more athletic the player is, the more beneficial he is. But sometimes it comes down to choosing between a player with a lot of potential and athleticism, but lacks desire, and a player that's very skilled with average athleticism, but has fire in his belly. You'll usually win more games with the latter. There's a reason Coachie used to say, "The strong take from the weak, and the smart take from the strong". All coachie had at Princeton were average athlete's. So he made sure they were very skilled, and they had very high BBIQ. They beat a lot of teams they weren't suspposed to beat.
Baja, baja, baja... I will just say that I disagree strongly with you on Smart. He can't shoot, yes, but I obviously rate him a lot higher than you. Let's see what the coming season bring! :p


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My only point was that I wouldn't pencil in Vazquez for the long term, given that we don't know how the next season/offseason will look. I don't care for drafting another guard-my head might implode. Maybe Vazquez is a stop gap, maybe he's the role player we need at PG.


Hall of Famer
Baja, baja, baja... I will just say that I disagree strongly with you on Smart. He can't shoot, yes, but I obviously rate him a lot higher than you. Let's see what the coming season bring! :p
Hey, I'm certainly open minded when it comes to Smart. But so far, other than some very good games here and there, he hasn't dazzled me. He's a good passer, but it doesn't show up every game. He's also not as good an athlete as I thought he would be. I guess I was expecting a freak athlete. Don't get me wrong, he's certainly athletic, and he's fun to watch at times. He was a terrific defender last year. I think he'd make a great tight end on the Oklahoma St. football team. He's built like Mitch Richmond.

I hope he proves me wrong. This is going to be a tough draft class to break in to, and from a financial point of view, he probably should have come out in this past draft. Probably would have gone top five. Next year, who knows! Maybe top ten, maybe lower if he isn't more consistent. If you end up being right, I'll be the first to admit it.... I hope he can convince me to stop cringing everytime he shoots a three.


Hall of Famer
My only point was that I wouldn't pencil in Vazquez for the long term, given that we don't know how the next season/offseason will look. I don't care for drafting another guard-my head might implode. Maybe Vazquez is a stop gap, maybe he's the role player we need at PG.
I think this next season is going to a dress rehearsal for a lot of the team. And that includes Vasquez. Whether he stays or not, probably depends on how well he melds together with Cousins, and whether Cousins likes playing with him or not. I believe that, at least right now, Cousins, Vasquez, Thomas, and Patterson are all restricted freeagents at seasons end. So there will be some decisions to be made. Hopefully the decision on Cousins won't have to wait till then.
I think this next season is going to a dress rehearsal for a lot of the team. And that includes Vasquez. Whether he stays or not, probably depends on how well he melds together with Cousins, and whether Cousins likes playing with him or not. .
And whether or not he can/will play non-liability D


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I think this next season is going to a dress rehearsal for a lot of the team. And that includes Vasquez. Whether he stays or not, probably depends on how well he melds together with Cousins, and whether Cousins likes playing with him or not. I believe that, at least right now, Cousins, Vasquez, Thomas, and Patterson are all restricted freeagents at seasons end. So there will be some decisions to be made. Hopefully the decision on Cousins won't have to wait till then.
Do second round picks become RFAs? I thought Thomas would be unrestricted after this season. Fredette's play this season will determine whether or not the Kings pick up his option for the 2014-2015 season. And Salmons will almost certainly be bought out and become a FA after this year, assuming he isn't traded before then.

Thornton, Hayes, Outlaw, and Mbah a Moute all come off the books in two seasons. The only guys currently signed for more than two years are Landry and Thompson. Presumably McLemore (team option) and Cousins (extension) will be as well. This team can be molded in a number of different ways going forward and as you point out, a lot depends on how the guys currently on the roster play next season.
My only point was that I wouldn't pencil in Vazquez for the long term, given that we don't know how the next season/offseason will look. I don't care for drafting another guard-my head might implode. Maybe Vazquez is a stop gap, maybe he's the role player we need at PG.
I am sure the FO thinks Vasquez will be a long term guard for us, which I would be more than happy with. Maybe then we could draft a SF. Whether or not he works well with Cousins though will probably play into if they sign him next year or not. But they probably expect Vasquez to be long term. I would like that.
I am sure the FO thinks Vasquez will be a long term guard for us, which I would be more than happy with. Maybe then we could draft a SF. Whether or not he works well with Cousins though will probably play into if they sign him next year or not. But they probably expect Vasquez to be long term. I would like that.
just to point out: Vasquez appears to have been a fallback option, once Jose Calderon declined the Kings' offer and getting him might just as well have been predicated on doing NO a favour by taking on his salary. so, while he appears to be the type of point guard the FO is looking for, I'm not convinced that he's the actual guy they want.


Hall of Famer
Do second round picks become RFAs? I thought Thomas would be unrestricted after this season. Fredette's play this season will determine whether or not the Kings pick up his option for the 2014-2015 season. And Salmons will almost certainly be bought out and become a FA after this year, assuming he isn't traded before then.

Thornton, Hayes, Outlaw, and Mbah a Moute all come off the books in two seasons. The only guys currently signed for more than two years are Landry and Thompson. Presumably McLemore (team option) and Cousins (extension) will be as well. This team can be molded in a number of different ways going forward and as you point out, a lot depends on how the guys currently on the roster play next season.
I'm a little confused by I. Thomas status as well. I, like you thought he would become an unrestricted freeagent. But both Shamsports, and Hoopsworld show him being a restricted freeagent, and I tend to believe in Shamsports. Hoopshype shows him as an unrestricted freeagent, but to me, their the most unreliable. Be nice if all these sources would get on the same page. Shamsports shows McCallum having two years guaranteed, and Hoopsworld shows him only having the first year guaranteed.