News from the NBA BOG meeting - April 2012

So lets just pretend that we have an agreement and tell the fans we have an agreement. You tool george.
I brought this up before. The majority of the home game schedule was in March. They would have lost a ton of money this year if they came out w/o an arena deal at the time. Just like last year, the extension on the relocation bought them more ticket sales.
These guys are going in 10 different directions. These guys are crazy!!
Ive heard for 3 years how PB CANNOT BE REMODELED. Now he's saying that may be the best option. Didn't the maloofs hire an architect who said it was impossible to remodel?
Like I commented above, I agree and yes it had been tossed out as a possibility, and it was concluded that a new arena would be cheaper to build than PBP would be to renovate...
George Maloof comes off a swarmy, slimy con man - with a crew of bozo yes men brought in at last second to give the run around. Did you notice how George cracked his knuckles a couple times?! It's obvious Maloofs still think they're big shots who can get exactly want they want on their terms and not the down and out stinking lot they've become.
How can you simultaneously not understand a question and disagree with it, George?

And yes, that presentation makes it seem like you're trying to slow if not kill the deal.
I brought this up before. The majority of the home game schedule was in March. They would have lost a ton of money this year if they came out w/o an arena deal at the time. Just like last year, the extension on the relocation bought them more ticket sales.
Hey man, i bought it hook line and sinker. My wife convinced me to re-up our season tix and we did 2 days ago. Don't I feel like an idiot.
These guys are going in 10 different directions. These guys are crazy!!
Ive heard for 3 years how PB CANNOT BE REMODELED. Now he's saying that may be the best option. Didn't the maloofs hire an architect who said it was impossible to remodel?

My thoughts exactly.

What is it like when the maloofs go out for pizza? How long does it take to order the pizza and do they reject the pizza once it arrives at their table? "Maybe we should just go out for hamburgers."
Oh man this thing is a huge mess. David Stern must be so proud.
He's blasting the mayor for giving the letter to the bee this morning.
You started this with your **** you gave to the LA Times!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
These guys are going in 10 different directions. These guys are crazy!!
Ive heard for 3 years how PB CANNOT BE REMODELED. Now he's saying that may be the best option. Didn't the maloofs hire an architect who said it was impossible to remodel?
They are such an incredible mess. If BOG members are listening in, and they must be, they've got to think it's IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate with these low IQ whackos.
They said the city put the deadline on them, but I thought the deadline was put on by the maloofs to come up with a plan for the arena by the beginning of march.
As bad as it is, I don't think the deal is dead. Basically, if the mayor can finesse issue of "reopening negoitations with Maloofs," it could get back on track. The pre-development cost due of $3.26 million surely could not be the ONLY thing holding this up!?!