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A big Ohio "HOWDY", VF! Kingsgurl has done an excellent job keeping us up-to-date on the happenings out west that we don't see or hear about.
I just want to let you know that you guys are great! We're glad to be back here.
I always watch you guys, and agree with most!
I'm just jazzed we are back!
Tonight was great! Webb was awesome!
Lets all give a big shout...
Talk about scrawny, last night was the first time I've ever seen Stromile Swift. How in the world does he stand up on those sticks he calls legs?

I"m tellin' you guys, Kevin is built just like his mom's side of the family, They're all tall and lanky and can eat enough for three people but never put on a pound. It's disgusting! :D Wish I had that metabolism! He has managed to put on some muscle I've noticed, which is going in the right direction.
Hello - I've been reading this board daily (during the season) for the last 2 years - so I feel like I know everybody, at least the more gregarious types ;) I finally had enough courage to actually say something. This board has always been an enjoyable part of my day. Thanks for the daily insights.....


Super Moderator Emeritus
Glad to see another "lurker" finally jump in. ;)

Don't worry. Jeremy makes sure most of us have our shots at the beginning of the year.

Come on in, pull up a seat, fasten your seat belt and get ready! This is gonna be another E TICKET ride!!!



Homer Fan Since 1985
SCKingsfan said:
Hello - I've been reading this board daily (during the season) for the last 2 years - so I feel like I know everybody, at least the more gregarious types ;) I finally had enough courage to actually say something. This board has always been an enjoyable part of my day. Thanks for the daily insights.....
Oh, we are so glad you have decided to join us. A big welcome to


Super Moderator Emeritus
A hearty WELCOME BACK to one of my favorite Laker fans - 8KOBE8. Those of you who are new to the board can rest assured this is one of the Laker fans who always has good takes and is fun to have around...

Good to see you back!
How is everyone?

Hi guys and gals!

Been awhile since I've been here, had to register again and all that good stuff, but I'm happy to be one of your favorite "trolls" again.

Been really busy. Bought a new home in Lake Forest, CA, paid entirely too much. Busy getting things together, and working my butt off.
Ventured into a side business with a friend of mine, trying to get that off the ground. Opened a store in RENO as well. Name of the place is "The Sports-Minded" and our website, (that needs lots of work) is If anyone needs anything by way of sporting goods equipment, feel free to let me know, I'll help ya out all I can.

As for my sporting life, well, at least SC is undefeated, and going for another National Title. Nice to see Matt Leinart win the Heisman last night too!
As for my Lakers... well, not sure what to say. Kobe Bryant sure hasn't acted like my favorite Laker lately, that's for sure. Constant crap going on, and now this tiff with Malone. Unreal. New team is different, that's for sure, and it's pretty easy to see we won't be competing for any titles anytime soon, much to your shagrin, I'm sure. I was cool with the moves they made though, and Shaq, even if I loved the guy, I'm glad he's gone. Nice to see him get in shape for his new team, considering if Buss had paid him a measly 30 mil, he'd have shown up as a fat slob, as usual. I don't want to "become the Chicago Bulls" so if these are our rebuilding years, I'm on board. I tell ya, some of my favorite years of being a Laker fan were pre Shaq days, and after Magic had left. Young teams that bite and scratched in the playoffs, and pulled off an upset here and there. Geez, back then, I could afford a $40 playoff seat at the Fabulous Forum. Those days are definately gone!

Anyways, life is pretty good. Wife and I are doing fine, trying to get everything together for Christmas... you know, the normal life junk.

Well, obviously our rivalry aint what it was, but I still get that tingle watching them slug it out.

Okay, I've yapped enough. Wanted to say hi to everyone, and I'm hoping everyone is doing well. I'll be in here more often to see what's up, but in case I forget to say it, hope you all have a great Christmas, and of course, best wishes for the New Year.

Take care all!


Super Moderator Emeritus
I am truly glad to see you back. Did you buy the house you sent me the picture of?

Hope you and the lovely Mrs. 8K8 have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2005! Be sure and check in once in a while.

I do still have your picture on my hard drive. I might just post it one of these days!

VF21 said:
I am truly glad to see you back. Did you buy the house you sent me the picture of?

Hope you and the lovely Mrs. 8K8 have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2005! Be sure and check in once in a while.

I do still have your picture on my hard drive. I might just post it one of these days!

We didn't get the house I sent you, it fell out of escrow, (seller couldn't find a home.) That same day it fell out, we found the one we bought. All things happen for a reason, this house is much bigger, (but no pool.) We're really happy.

Glad to be back! You're my favorite moderator, that's for damn sure!


Super Moderator Emeritus
You live in Southern California and DON'T have a pool? OMG - Is some local charity planning a fund raiser for you yet?


Homer Fan Since 1985
Hey, 8KOBE8, it is so good to hear from you. Glad all is going well, and congrats on your new house and business. If they don't keep you busy, nothing will.

Come around and visit anytime. Actually, since our Kings are playing your Lakers this Thurs, I expect you to show afterwards to extend us your congratulations on a great Kings win. ;)
Rockmeister said:
Hey 8KOBE8, good to see you posting. Your always welcome here! I just checked your website and you don't have any golf items. You don't like golf? ;)
I LOVE GOLF! I mean, I stink at it, but play it any chance I get. Unfortunately, don't have anybody signed that does anything in the golf world, except for WILSON. So, if you like anything from those guys, I can get you something for less than you'd pay elsewhere, that's for sure. I'm just not much of a Wilson golf guy, I use Clevelands!

Golf gear is in the plans, one of the "to do" things on a lonnnnng list.
8KOBE8 said:
I LOVE GOLF! I mean, I stink at it, but play it any chance I get. Unfortunately, don't have anybody signed that does anything in the golf world, except for WILSON. So, if you like anything from those guys, I can get you something for less than you'd pay elsewhere, that's for sure. I'm just not much of a Wilson golf guy, I use Clevelands!

Golf gear is in the plans, one of the "to do" things on a lonnnnng list.
I'm not a wilson type of a girl. In fact, I never cared for Wilsons. However, let me know when you get the golf gear going and I'll make sure I visit your website.
Hey all my fellow kingsfans, well I have joined in June, but because everything was lost, of course I had to register again..and I kept waiting for my password to get sent on my old username..then I find out all the usernames were I accidentally waited all the way to December. I just want to say, I am so HAPPY to be back to kingsfans and we wont be fooled this year!!!:D


Homer Fan Since 1985
Serb_Sweetie16 said:
Hey all my fellow kingsfans, well I have joined in June, but because everything was lost, of course I had to register again..and I kept waiting for my password to get sent on my old username..then I find out all the usernames were I accidentally waited all the way to December. I just want to say, I am so HAPPY to be back to kingsfans and we wont be fooled this year!!!:D
Glad you finally found your way back to us. Better late than never.

welcome to all!!!!

hehehe.... i'm sorry for not posting for so long. work has been tough but fun. i think it's kinda eating me up though. right now, i'm making sure it doesn't so i'm having some r&r. thank God for vacation leaves.

to all the newbies, thanks for joining. you won't regret it. this is the place to be. :)
Welcome back!

Hey, hey, hey! I finally got back! PTL. I can't let you guys get all the reports from Unc/Auntie! [ha]. They are my great kid's ya know! I have been yapping on the phone with all of Cambridge who has seen sportscenter highlights. WHAT CAN I SAY/ I TAUGHT HIM EVERYTHING HE KNOWS? No response required OHSACFAN or Kingsgurl. [please]
That slim kid sure knows his stuff!! and to the talented person who designed the cereal box....I LOVE IT! So will he. It's my screesaver. Whenever someone comes to the house, the first place they go is to my computer to see what I have on it. This will be a fav for a loooong time, I think. All of the family says WTG! Auntie is good at ideas....a trophy? Get outta town! that would be too cool. Hi VF. You guys say so much [good stuff] about my grandson that I am left speechless,,,and that's not an easy task. keep up the good work. All I can say is Thanks Rick for finally waking up! You will be amazed at the talent this kid has. The tougher the opponent...the better he plays.
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