New Kings fan from Utah re: Jimmer

I don't know how much of Jimmer everybody was able to watch during the college season aside from his highlights. The mtn and versus aren't the easiest channels to find. I watched a lot of Jimmer so I wanted to give you my take on who he is and how successful he is likely going to be in the league.

He will help sell tickets and generate revenue for the Kings. He'll sell a lot of jerseys (just like Tebow did) and the Kings should anticipate an increase in ticket sales. I think that you'll find the less avid basketball fan more willing to come to games, my wife cried when she found out that Jimmer wouldn't be playing for the Jazz and she declared the Kings her new favorite team : )

In the highlights that everybody saw all year they saw him hitting shots from Jimmer range, but he's much more complete of a player than many people realize. A friend of mine that I play basketball with was invited to watch the Jimmer vs Kemba workout for the Jazz, and he said that Jimmer was the better player of the two. The most impressive thing is that he stayed in front of Kemba on defense. He said Kemba hit some tough shots and made some nice plays but Jimmer did a good job defending him. He also said that Jimmer really made some nice passes which is another thing that scouts wondered if he was capable of doing.

I think you all have reason to be very optimistic. Go watch a Mark Price highlight video and if you've been able to watch Jimmer play you'll see a lot of similarites aside from their elite outside shooting abilities. They penetrate and hit shots in the lane the same way, they finish around the rim the same way, they move and create space similarly, and I think Jimmer will surprise us and we'll find him passing like Price did too. The wikipedia article about Price sounds a lot like Jimmer as well, it talks about how Price was criticized as being too slow and too small to play in the NBA and it quotes Steve Kerr as saying that Price was the pioneer of splitting the double team on ball screens. Jimmer was pretty much double teamed all year long at BYU and his splitting of double teams is really impressive.

If you don't like the Price comparison I think Steph Curry is a really easy comparison to make. I anticipate Jimmer's career and numbers to mirror that of Curry's, but I like the Price comparison because of how similar their style of play is (Price's numbers are very similar to Curry's also).

I know a lot of you are upset about the draft day trade since Knight dropped so far and would have been available at 7. I think you'll find that Jimmer is just as good of a fit for the Kings as Knight would have been. Jimmer is much more NBA ready than Knight, which is a big need for the Kings (a lot of you have been saying that you need a veteran PG, Jimmer has a decent shot at rookie of the year this year so I think the Kings PG position will be just fine with Tyreke and Jimmer there). Jimmer's upside is pretty equal to Knight's, I don't think Knight has much of a chance of being better than Price and Curry. And Jimmer is the perfect backcourt player to put alongside Evans, their strengths and weaknesses really compliment each other well.

I don't know if Jimmer will start this year, I think we'll see the backcourt trio of Evans, Jimmer and Thornton all get 28+ minutes regardless. If I had to guess I would say Thornton will start, Jimmer will come in off the bench at SG when playing alongside Evans, and would be moved to PG when playing alongside Thornton. It's a heck of a back court, and I think we have good things to come.
Glad to have you in the forum, and thanks for your analysis of Jimmer. I was trying to imagine a better historical comparison for Jimmer than Curry, and I thought Stockton for a minute, as a high reach (although he'd really have to earn that over time), but Price is one I overlooked. I think most people here agree that he was the best fit for the kings at #7 or #10. I also agree that the 3 guard rotation will likely be preferred, and it should be deadly offensively (defensively will remain to be seen).
Thanks for the great info! I was one the people who was upset about the Kings missing out on Knight (even though I did like Jimmer). But I'm a lot more optimistic about the situation now. You're right the Kings do need a player that is more NBA ready and I'm hoping Jimmer can be the right fit.
I don't know how much of Jimmer everybody was able to watch during the college season aside from his highlights. The mtn and versus aren't the easiest channels to find. I watched a lot of Jimmer so I wanted to give you my take on who he is and how successful he is likely going to be in the league.
Thanks for providing some informed insight on him. Trust me when I say it's highly valued here amongst all the uninformed throwing out career trajectories like "poor man's JJ Barea," "poor man's Mike Bibby," or "JJ Redick 2.0."

I agree that replacing Beno with Jimmer helps satiate our need for three-point shooting and (hopefully) athleticism from that bench role. And if all three guards develop like they should, we will potentially have one of the most potent guard rotations in the league in the near future. Let's hope it pans out that way. And in Sacramento.
Thanks for providing some informed insight on him. Trust me when I say it's highly valued here amongst all the uninformed throwing out career trajectories like "poor man's JJ Barea," "poor man's Mike Bibby," or "JJ Redick 2.0."

I agree that replacing Beno with Jimmer helps satiate our need for three-point shooting and (hopefully) athleticism from that bench role. And if all three guards develop like they should, we will potentially have one of the most potent guard rotations in the league in the near future. Let's hope it pans out that way. And in Sacramento.
You think he's a "poor man's Mark Price?"
I would hope he's not an inferior version of anything. You can't really name a player exactly like Tyreke Evans or even Cousins, and I hope in the future that Jimmer can develop into someone who can't be forced into another player's mold either.
I agree. When I'm comparing players, I'm not thinking who they physically resemble (body movement or skin color). I'm looking at whose style of play I think he matches, or would like him to match. Mike Bibby was pg in name only during the Webber days. Christie was facilitating the offense a lot of the time, or it was Webber at the high post making decisions. Bibby was running pick and rolls and spotting up for the three when the ball got kicked out. If the coaching staff wanted to go back to that style of play, I believe we could with the players we have. Cousins seemed very comfortable making passes from the high post. It's an option and not a prediction. If Jimmer takes on a more traditional point guard role, then you have to figure out how to use Tyreke. And that could be an issue unless Tyreke develops a consistent outside shot.

As far as what Jimmer turns out to be, that remains to be seen. No one can assure or guarantee anything yet. Let him get on the court and have his ups and downs and hopefully he grows into everything we want him to be. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Hall of Famer
Having watchet the MTN channel all year, and the year before, I watched almost every game Jimmer played last season, and I think your analysis is spot on. I particularly agree on Jimmer's ability to split doubles. He made some absolutely amazing shots last season when I thought there was nothing there. If nothing else, it showed how strong he is, and also how creative he is.

I was talking to friend yesterday about Fredette, and he asked me if I thought Jimmer would be amost automatic shooting an open spot up three. I started to just blurt out, absolutely, but when I really thought about it, its hard to remember when he actually had an open spot up three. Almost every shot he took was contested, and the most open he got, was taking shots from 15 feet from behind the three point line. And even then, he was shooting off the dribble.

I've compared him to Curry, and to some extent, Timmy Hardaway. But Mark Price is a good one as well. I do think Fredette is more athletic than Price. I realize the lightning quick, athletic PG's are the current rage in the NBA right now. And I've got nothing against them. But aquiring one with skills is difficult, because there just aren't many. I think some folks tend to forget that some of the greatest PG's of all time wern't all that athletic. John Stockton, Mark Jackson, Mark Price, and currently Steve Nash.
I compare him to a homeless man's Deron Williams. Their crossovers are exactly the same (although Deron has a better handle). Their combine measurements are nearly identical except D Will is just a tad better in most categories.

And of course, in college Deron Williams played defense and never went into mamba mode as Jimmer was allowed to.
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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I compare him to a homeless man's Deron Williams. Their crossovers are exactly the same (although Deron has a better handle). Their combine measurements are nearly identical except D Will is just a tad better in most categories.

And of course, in college Deron Williams played defense and never went into mamba mode as Jimmer was allowed to.
You edited "poor" to "homeless?"
my wife cried when she found out that Jimmer wouldn't be playing for the Jazz and she declared the Kings her new favorite team : )
Welcome to the Kings!

I'm a Sac native that moved to SLC about 5 years ago. I've been to most Kings vs Jazz games in SLC the past few years and have always been mocked, mostly cause the Kings were horrible. I find it funny, and some what annoying, that now the Kings vs Jazz games will probably be sold out and I won't be 1 of 10 fans wearing a Kings jersey, except mine has #13 on the front!
I was comparing to him a college Deron Williams when I used poor. I considered that most of you would think I was comparing him to Charles Barkley's best-PG-in-the-league Deron Williams so I changed it to homeless.
I was comparing to him a college Deron Williams when I used poor. I considered that most of you would think I was comparing him to Charles Barkley's best-PG-in-the-league Deron Williams so I changed it to homeless.
I'm surprised you're not comparing him to a poor mans Ryan Thompson.
Oskor: Yeah, it's going to be a mad-house in SLC when Sacramento comes to town. Jimmer could also have a heyday against the Jazz if their perimeter defense stays as bad as it was last year. Sorry about the sell-out : )

Cuad: Deron and Jimmer's combine measurements are interesting, because Deron has an inch and a half better standing reach and a two inch better vertical, but Jimmer was considerably more agile and he was a bit faster in the sprint as well. They were both unusually strong for a PG so it is a good comparison combine-wise.
Oskor: Yeah, it's going to be a mad-house in SLC when Sacramento comes to town. Jimmer could also have a heyday against the Jazz if their perimeter defense stays as bad as it was last year. Sorry about the sell-out : )
Will make for some fun games, at least i won't be the only one chearing for Sac!

Then again, this is assuming 2011 -12 is not a lockout year *sigh*.
Curry was one of my favorite players from the 2009 Draft and since then I would love to see him on the Kings.

If Jimmer is that type of player then we did a good thing in drafting him!