I think Orlando is for real. Lost on. Last possession against the Hawks to end their 6 game winning streak. Think they are out of bottom 5 contention
League is in such a strange place. The talent infusion the last 5 years has really helped the floor of a lot of these teams. Like we talked about, I don't think the Hornets are true bottom-feeder with Melo healthy and the Magic are starting to see results from those top draft choices in the last few weeks.
Spurs are in the first year of a true tear-down, so they're bad. Rockets probably one of the most disappointing teams since they just can't seem to get all those first round picks to gel with one another. I like almost all their main guys (Green, Sengun, Eason, Jabari, KPJ), but it just doesn't seem to work together. Pistons are bad, but you see the light at the end of the tunnel down the line with Cade/Ivey/Duren to start and hopefully a few more strong drafts to finish a really nice core.
This really does feel like the first year in a long time where almost every match-up is competitive and not a complete push-over game. I think that's mostly true with the top of the league in the "true contender" category. Really, only the Bucks and the Celtics have been able to show themselves a step above everyone else. The West keeps changing hands and pillaging each other, so no true #1 has been made apparent yet. So like 2-4 teams up top as "contenders" 2-4 teams on bottom as "truly bad teams" and a giant pile in the middle of "pretty good" teams with talent that can win on any night.