Mike Bibby was there, police say...


Super Moderator Emeritus
We don't know exactly what happened, kingsfan916 - Read the first post and you'll have as much information as the rest of us.
kingsfan916 said:
Bibby dosen't seem like a guy who would do that...........
Well, I will say this much...he has been known to be a bit of an egotist, and 'Team Dime' also consists of his relatives, his brother is in the crew. With that being said, who knows what happened...but when you're at a club, stupid stuff breaks off, thats half the reason I dont go, because they are stupid. Just a bunch of people drinking and talking mess. Anything can happen.
Just for the record. I'm sure Bibby had some friends there that night, but he walked in seemingly by himself. No entourage nothing. He went to the bar by himself, left it by himself, and I wasn't really paying attention after that. He probably had one of the VIP couches off to the side. People were saying hi to him in the crowd and he was very nice, cordial, smiling, and waving back at people.
VF21 said:
We don't know exactly what happened, kingsfan916 - Read the first post and you'll have as much information as the rest of us.
I did read it before i posted but i wanted to know if anything new had been found out. Thanks anyways!:D


Bibby needs an entourage? Team Dime? How self-important is this guy? He plays NBA basketball. Ok, so few of us have this skill to make it to the pros. You and I may be the best in our chosen professions. Do I need a posse to go out do McDonalds with my wife and kids?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Archibald said:
Bibby needs an entourage? Team Dime? How self-important is this guy? He plays NBA basketball. Ok, so few of us have this skill to make it to the pros. You and I may be the best in our chosen professions. Do I need a posse to go out do McDonalds with my wife and kids?
Oh puh-leez.

1. He goes out in public and he likes to have friends around, friends who won't hound him for autographs, try to get him into compromising situations, or trick him into something they can sell to the tabloids. His "entourage" as you choose to call them is compromised of family and friends.

2. The whole thing has been totally blown out of proportion. Evidence this bit from today's Bee:


Kings notes: Bibby says he wasn't involved in incident
By Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Kings point guard Mike Bibby responded for the first time to a report that police are investigating whether he was involved in a beating at a midtown nightclub.

The Sept. 12 incident took place in the MoMo Lounge above the nightclub Harlow's, Bee columnist R.E. Graswich reported Monday. Sacramento Police Capt. Joe Valenzuela was quoted as saying, "Bibby is not a suspect at this time."

"That (incident) had nothing to do with me," Bibby said before the Kings' preseason game against Phoenix on Wednesday night. "I was there, and I have money, so I guess I'm a target. It ain't nothing I did.

"I talked to (the authorities), got questioned, but I'm not a suspect. I saw the article. It was kind of a stupid article, saying Bibby was there, 'they' say. But it says I'm not a suspect, so why write the article?"


Why write the article, Mike? Good question - looks like I may have been wrong about R.E. Graswich once again. He hasn't changed his spots; he's just disguised them a bit.

R.E. Graswich - mountains out of molehills on anything Kings a specialty.


Can you imagine Tim Duncan, John Stockton, or Grant Hill with an entourage?

The whole "Team Dime" thing is idiotic. Grow up, Bibby.
I disagree. I think almost ALL of these guys have a group of close friends or family around them. I do, and and I am not a famous millionaire. Whenever I say, "The Girls and I are going out tonight," all of my family and friends know who I am talking about. It (obviously) is not my boyfriend, or casual friends. It refers to my three close friends that have been with me through EVERYTHING. Everyone knows us as "The Girls."
We are not a gang, just close friends. I think it is similiar.


Coach said:
Can you imagine Tim Duncan, John Stockton, or Grant Hill with an entourage?

The whole "Team Dime" thing is idiotic. Grow up, Bibby.
John Stockton with an entourage, mmmmm...........thats kinda tough to imagine, but Duncan and Hill, sure. I think you're are taking this entourage=gang thing a little too far. He rolls with his homies, big deal.


A grown man with 3 kids has "homies" who all sport tattoos celebrating his success. This appears to be a little more than friends who occasionally meet up for dinner.


"Team Dime is the name of Mike's Fan Club. The name was created by his brother Dane. The word Dime in basketball terms means great pass (something Mike likes to do), and the word Dime is also Ten cents. Ten being the key. Ten has been Mike's number since he picked up a ball. That's how 'Team Dime' came to be.

Proceeds from the Team Dime fan club go to sending under privileged Phoenix area youth to the Mike Bibby Basketball Academy, held annually in Phoenix every summer."

Team Dime sounds extremely vicious.
If his 'posse' was indeed involved, is it that big of a deal? As long as Mike himself didnt take part in the beating then I dont know who will care about what his friends did. Let me know when Mike and his 'posse' are found on a sex boat in public. Otherwise, pass...


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Staff member
R.E. Graswich: Bibby and his fight crew no longer welcome at some watering spots


Fight night: The nightclub owner who witnessed a brawl where Kings guard Mike Bibby was present last month is "100 percent sure" the basketball player did not throw a punch. "It was his boys, Team Dime, the guys who hang with him," said Danny Torza, co-owner of Harlow's and the MoMo Lounge on Jay Street. "We had nine security people there, and I told Bibby to get his guys under control and get them out of there. They are not welcomed back." Several members of Bibby's party fought with a customer, giving him a "fat lip," Torza said, before security broke up the battle. "We brought the guy into the office and kept him there until Bibby and his crew left," Torza said. "Some of them were still hanging around outside, so our security people escorted the victim to his car and he left." Cops interviewed Bibby, but he is not listed as a suspect, police said. "We have always had a good relationship with the Kings," Torza said. "It's a shame when we have to say a Kings player is no longer welcome." Sacramento restaurant and nightclub operator Randy Paragary said Bibby and his friends are not allowed at KBar, a Paragary club on Kay Street. "They had a fight the first week we were open and that was that," Paragary said. Bibby has denied involvement in the MoMo brawl. The Kings have declined to comment. ...
Graswich is a moron. He's following the story still, because the investigation hasn't stopped he said this morning on The Rise Guys. Hi. I'm reason....right over here. The guy that got punched said that Mike Bibby did it. ALL OTHER WITNESSES INTERVIEWED THUS FAR SAID MIKE DID NOTHING!!!! This guy is setting himself up to try to sue Mike Bibby in civil court and get a pay day. that's all this is. Nothing more. Graswich ought to be ashamed of himself for reporting in this fashion. He might as well go work for the New YorK Times.

Who cares what his friends do. That's on them. Bibby is still welcomed in this establishment, just not certain people he associates with. Mike Bibby could walk in to any of these places with no problem, just with out certain people. If my friend gets in a fight with a guy, and i had nothing to do it with it, and wasn't even right near it, nor did I involve myself in it, am I 86'ed?? No. That would be ridiculous.
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Bibby is partly responsible though because he is the one who brought the trouble into the bar. I echo what VF21 has already said at the beginning of this thread-this is not the first time there has been trouble with Bibby and this group, and I also personally know people who have had trouble with them.
If I know my friend has a tendency for fighting in a bar...I tell him to knock that **** off...doesn't mean I stop going out with him. Sorry folks it's personal responsibility time. We're pawning off the responsibility of the person who fought on to Bibby. Because he's famous he is everyones babysitter? I think not. He was just at a club having a good time, I saw it with my own eyes. It's this guys fault, and the person who was punched fault. No one else's. It takes two to tango.
Don't care much if Bibby is partly responsible or not but aslong as he didn't throw the punch and get his a$$ in trouble than I'm ok. Kings first, some guy getting beat up at a club, I could care less.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
DocHolliday said:
If I know my friend has a tendency for fighting in a bar...I tell him to knock that **** off...doesn't mean I stop going out with him. Sorry folks it's personal responsibility time. We're pawning off the responsibility of the person who fought on to Bibby. Because he's famous he is everyones babysitter? I think not. He was just at a club having a good time, I saw it with my own eyes. It's this guys fault, and the person who was punched fault. No one else's. It takes two to tango.
No, not Mike's fault per se. But this is what I was saying several pages earlier about hsi "posse". Posses can be trouble. Tema Dime seems innocuous on one hand, but there have been rumors about them being jerks before on here. And you roll into a club with a group of hangers on who want to pose and feel entitled, trouble can start.

I have an extremely hard time seeing Mike himself ever get into a physical altercation with anybody. But his crew is a different story, and he IS responsible for enabling them. I am sure like most hangers on, the vast majority of them are dependant on him financially. These are not just "friends", but practically employees with Mike the unquestioned king of the roost. He tells them to knock off the gangster crap, they knock it off. You can't just roll into clubs with an entourage starting fights and 100% wash your hands of it. They're your entourage. Your alter ego. And at some level you have a responsibility to make sure they don't act like asses and cause trouble.
Again I saw him enter Momo. He came in By himself. He obvioulsy met people there. But, he walked in by himself, got a drink from y friend. I know pretty much all the staff at Momo, excet for maybe one of the concierge's. He got the drink. waved and smiled as people realized who he was. Stopped and talked to a few folks that wanted to talk to him, and then joined his friends. Nothing different from any other person.
Obviously he's guilty by association, he's a celebrity.:rolleyes:
He's not responsible for what his friends do. If he came in alone and had nothing to do with it as Doc said they need to let it go.


Warhawk said:
R.E. Graswich: Bibby and his fight crew no longer welcome at some watering spots

Fight night: The nightclub owner who witnessed a brawl where Kings guard Mike Bibby was present last month is "100 percent sure" the basketball player did not throw a punch. "It was his boys, Team Dime, the guys who hang with him," said Danny Torza, co-owner of Harlow's and the MoMo Lounge on Jay Street. Several members of Bibby's party fought with a customer, giving him a "fat lip," Torza said, before security broke up the battle. "Some of them were still hanging around outside, so our security people escorted the victim to his car and he left." .
These words in bold just cracked me up. First its a brawl, then its a battle. And all the "victim" leaves with is a fat lip???

When I think of a "battle", I would expect a little more than a fat lip, that is weak. This is getting blown WAY out of proportion.
loopymitch said:
Obviously he's guilty by association, he's a celebrity.:rolleyes:
He's not responsible for what his friends do. If he came in alone and had nothing to do with it as Doc said they need to let it go.

If Mike hangs out with people who would act as foolish then it is guilt by assiciation. This is the real world afterall. You are the company you keep. Mikes Posse is getting a bad rep around town. Thats not a good thing.
RoyalDiva said:
Bibby is partly responsible though because he is the one who brought the trouble into the bar. I echo what VF21 has already said at the beginning of this thread-this is not the first time there has been trouble with Bibby and this group, and I also personally know people who have had trouble with them.