Bricklayer said:
Here would be the distinction, if there is one -- bling is designed to shove your wealth in somebody else's face on completely useless items. Its like a gold plated yacht. Trashy and arrogant.
The world's nicest home, however, is generally yours alone to enjoy (and friends etc.).
There's just something wince worthy with intentionally walking by a janitor who lives in a rent controlled roach-pinfested studio apartment with his wife and two kids, and who was unable to pay for the treatment his mother needed before she passed last year, with a completely impractical gaudy trinket on your arm that would/could completely change his life if he had it and could sell it, and is worth more than he'll earn in 40 years of degrading backbreaking work.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree 100%.
My issue is not necessarily with the points being made, but with the argument itself.
Tell me that spending a tremendous amount of money on a gaudy bracelet is silly/wasteful/boastful/tacky and you'll get no argument from me. I deal with that kind of thing -- albeit on a much smaller level -- every day at work. I can't tell you how many people I've had to evict that had platinum chains and a tricked out Benz in their garage but couldn't manage to pay the rent. The importance that our current society has placed on certain material possessions is disgusting.
However, I can't agree with the argument that a $140M house is somehow of more inherent value than a ton of diamonds. Who determines this value? Who determines what is considered gluttonous excess and what is considered just a "splurge"? I would argue that having a house fitted with new fangled techno dodads that allow each room to automatically adjust to your preferred temperature/musical tastes/whatever is every bit as unnecessary and boastful as a huge bedazzled arm cuff. Only thing stopping someone from waving around such a status symbol is that it's hard to strap an entire estate to your wrist.
In the end, I think I just have a bit of a problem with seeing Bill Gates' name waved around as if he's the latest philanthropic messiah. He's not. He's a billionaire. He lives like a billionaire. He gives a tremendous amount of his time and money to various charities and organizations. As he should. Good for him.