Miami vs. Detroit - Conf. Finals

Pistons open the third quarter on an 8-0 run to push their lead to 9. Heat having trouble getting the ball to Shaq, and Wade just doesn't sound like he knows what to do against the Pistons' defense at this point. Welcome to the playoffs.
Pistons now up 12 halfway through the third. Sheed with 20 (4-4 from three).

Shaq had no effect in the third quarter when he was in the game. Pistons just out playing the Heat right now. Wade 5 for 18 from the field for 12 points, and he's only been to the line twice.
Heat on a 9-0 run or so to tie the game at 80 in the 4th, and all this with Wade having a subpar game.

Chauncey gives the Pistons a two point lead with 4:30 left in the 4th.
Chauncey with the last 4 for the Pistons to give the Pistons a three point lead. George Blaha (Detroit radio guy) calls him "Mr. Big Shot", and he seems to be right at this point.
After tying the game, the Heat have only scored 1 Shaq free throw in the last 4 minutes. Pistons up 88 - 81 with 17 seconds left. Road team steals game 1 in both CFs.
The Pistons were just joking around in the previous round ... I hope they flush the Heat down the toilet in 4 (my hatred for Shaq will never stop).
SHEED for 3!!!! What a game. Det. looked good out there last night. Their defense was superb. Big Ben hitting those jumpers. Carlos came off the bench and had great assists. Where was Wade? Hmmm? Shaq? Hmmm? Who cares!!! Detroit WON!!!!!!
Love it.

Now, if only the press would give the Pistons the time and props. they deserve it would good.
O'Neal took only three shots in the fourth quarter, coinciding with the Pistons' increased defensive pressure. He said there's a way to counteract that.
"Just get me the ball," he said. "Get it in to me. Tired or not, bring it in to me. I should have had the ball more."


Deja vu.
Gargamel said:
O'Neal took only three shots in the fourth quarter, coinciding with the Pistons' increased defensive pressure. He said there's a way to counteract that.
"Just get me the ball," he said. "Get it in to me. Tired or not, bring it in to me. I should have had the ball more."


Deja vu.

That didn't take very long.
What an idiot. I can't stand that guy. It's all about him. If I never saw him again on TV or in the paper or in a magazine it would be too soon. He BUGS!!!!! I just don't get the hype. Plus he is an egomanical jerk IMHO.
Daniela said:
What an idiot. I can't stand that guy. It's all about him. If I never saw him again on TV or in the paper or in a magazine it would be too soon. He BUGS!!!!! I just don't get the hype. Plus he is an egomanical jerk IMHO.
I hate how most media used to recognize that fact when he was with LA, but now he's appreciated for it.
If the Heat are insistent on getting the ball into Shaq instead of trying to help Wade get good looks to improve his FG%, I think it's more than likely that Detroit will prevail. That would be dependent on Wade not having equal or slightly better output than Shaq.
One thing about Shaq I do like is that he is honest. He'll tell it like it is. A lot of people beat around the bush or sugar coat things, he doesn't. you ask him a question and most of the time you will get a direct answer.
Game 2

Miami on a 12-0 run in the middle/end of the 2nd quarter to take a 44-30 lead with 1:45 left before halftime. Pistons with 7 points in the second quarter to this point...give them 9 after McDyess hits a jumper.
Miami squanders an 11 point lead in the third quarter by scoring only 15 points to the Pistons 27. Basically a new game with 12 minutes left to play. Shaq with 12 to this point. Looks like the Pistons have his number.
Miami is going to have to survive Detroit's championship experience. Game tied with 6 minutes left. Wade has 32 to this point (12 in the 4th). If Shaq can show up at this point, Heat would have a much better shot at winning this game.
Darn it!! Maskman could knock down his FTs. And the dude that seems to always play extremely well against the KINGS could not hit any open 3s within the last 2 mins.
loopymitch said:
One thing about Shaq I do like is that he is honest. He'll tell it like it is. A lot of people beat around the bush or sugar coat things, he doesn't. you ask him a question and most of the time you will get a direct answer.
He's a liar. He'll tell you a lie, but make it sound convincing. Big diff.
I liked the piece Huber did on Wade, I didn't know he was married with a baby. The more I see of him, the more I like him. He seems like a good kid with his head on straight and that's rare these days espec. in the NBA
Arrrgh. Boy, the Pistons couldn't make a shot drop to save their lives in the first half. They were getting good looks but they just couldn't sink em. Sheed and Prince being out most of the 1st half didn't help either. They pulled it together and rallied back thanks to Prince, Sheed and Chauncey but Wade and the refs. were not going to let Detroit take 2 in a row in Miami. The refs. were pretty horrible in the 2nd half and seemed to favor Miami, but Wade lit it up as well. It was a good game. Let's hope Detroit takes their 2 at home.