[LAL/BOS]Battle of the top seeds!!

Who will win the 2008 NBA Finals?

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What a fantastic way to open up a Finals series! I'm impressed with the Celtics defense on Kobe, who continues to shoot poorly against them. Paul Pierce had a great game and his return from the tweaked ankle inspired the whole team to another level. Great stuff.
If Doc Rivers and Ray Allen go on to win the title it is going to suck. I dont mind KG and Pierce but Ray Allen and Doc, Jeesh.

Im not going to lie, but for the first time in the playoffs I have doubt that the lakers will pull through. Against Denver, Utah, and SA I never worried not one second that we would win the series, because we were just better than those teams, but this loss and KG's intensity have really shaken me.

Before the series I thought that Duncan was going to give us the most problems in these playoffs (and I still do) but the Celtics seem to feed of Garnett which I never took into consideration.

This is the Celtics year, its either now or never.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I'm impressed with the Celtics defense on Kobe, who continues to shoot poorly against them.
I was too. Early Kobe was hitting his fadeaway and I was cringing and then when it started to matter they completely shut him down.

I'm not convinced the Celts can do this 3 more times but those that thought the Lakers were going to run through the C's clearly received a rude awakening tonight.
Pierce was awesome returning like that. The guy is a warrior and has been one of my favorite players for a while but really after that I have even more respect for the guy.

KG owned Gasol a couple times too. He did a great job defensively and on the boards so if he can do that again that will be good.

Hope Boston can do it again in game 2.
Some of the best highlights I can remember in a long time came in this game. And plus it ended the way a just God would intend it. Great game.

edit: woot 500
I feel pretty good about the Celtics chances now. Before it began I figured their chances lied in their defensive dominance. Shutting down and limiting all 3 of LA's "big 3" certainly showed it. The Lakers will probably bounce back from this game, but none of the Celtics Big 3 (+ random stepping up role player, except maybe Rondo) really excelled in this game... and that's a good thing in a way. They still have plenty of firepower left in the tank.

I have no idea why anyone could hate any of the Celtics core. If they win, I'll be glad for every one of them.

This is a great series but I still don't like either team.
However I will root for Boston after hearing Pierce chanting Beat LA, Beat LA. It warms my heart hearing it.


One down, three to go.
It'll be interesting to see what the Laker fans at work made of Pierce's injury.

Also, I'm assuming he'd get an MRI today, although I haven't read that anywhere for sure. Gotta hope there are no partial tears or anything... regardless he's going to have a really stiff knee, and probably some swelling that he'll need to ice constantly to try and get it down by Game 2.

I never really saw him test the lateral movement hard when he came back.
Piece has been told by the Doctor that he has a strained meniscus, not torn, just strained. I'm guessing that means the meniscus was stretched, but not torn.

The Celtics played a pretty flawless game last night and everything went their way. The big three were firing on all cylinders and their defense was excellent. That is what it will take to win this series. If the Celtics continue to play like last night, then they will win.

All it takes though is one thing not hapening for them. One of the big three has an off night, and/or some defensive lapses, which may cause to start tinkering with the line-up. If that happens the Celtics are in big trouble.

This is why my prediction was that I'd like to see Boston win, but I just didn't think they can do it. They will have to play flawless, and an extremely high level, with high intensity for every second, of every game of this series to win. The margin for error is small.
The best part about me, as a Kings fan, predicting the Lakers to win is that even when they lose, I still win! :D

That was quite a performance by Boston. Defense was smothering Kobe and forcing him to make tough shots. Like San Antonio, they weren't allowing him to get to the lane at will. However, the Lakers gave that game away. When you shoot 25% in the 4th quarter, have your best player be invisible in crunch time, play on the road, get killed on the glass, and still are within 2 possessions into the final 3 minutes, I'd say that says a lot about the Celtics.

The Celtics are going to have to play better than that to win the series, unless the Lakers keep taking 4th quarters off.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The interesting thing in this playoffs has been how often Paul Pierce -- always a 2nd tier superstar -- has stepped up and proven himself the true captain and leader of the Celtics. KG is the heart maybe, but time and again it has been Pierce who has shown the extra gear and looked like the best player. Not only coming up with timely offensive stands, but this whole playoffs his defense has been just outstanding. Before this season there was always the feeling he could be a good defender when he wanted to be, and with KG powering them he became much more focused this year, but throughout the playoffs his ability to square off with the other team's top wings and combine with Posey to give 48 minutes of defensive intensity while still coming back the other way and be their goto guy has really raised his profile. From merely the best Celtic in a bad era, like Reggie Lewis before him, if they can pull off these Finals he's earning his spot in those rafters.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
No kidding about Pierce. I was off the Pierce train a few seasons ago and was fine with the Celts shopping him around, but he has been a stud everytime the Celts needed one. Garnett has mostly only been great on the defensive end, particularly last night when his offensive game disappeared yet he kept taking bad jumpers. Still, there's no denying that the energy the Lakers spent to contain Garnett opened it up for everyone else.

Re: Reggie Lewis. Reggie actually died in 93 before the Celtics "bad era" truly began. I remember very vividly because the night he collapsed on the court was one of the last nights of my freshman year at BU. They would make the playoffs the following year where they were swept by Shaq's Magic squad. You could pretty much make the case that Reggie's death was as much of a spiritual ushering in of the dark ages as the retirement of the original C's Big 3.
Piece has been told by the Doctor that he has a strained meniscus, not torn, just strained. I'm guessing that means the meniscus was stretched, but not torn.

The Celtics played a pretty flawless game last night and everything went their way. The big three were firing on all cylinders and their defense was excellent. That is what it will take to win this series. If the Celtics continue to play like last night, then they will win.

All it takes though is one thing not hapening for them. One of the big three has an off night, and/or some defensive lapses, which may cause to start tinkering with the line-up. If that happens the Celtics are in big trouble.

This is why my prediction was that I'd like to see Boston win, but I just didn't think they can do it. They will have to play flawless, and an extremely high level, with high intensity for every second, of every game of this series to win. The margin for error is small.
I'm giving the Celtics more credit than that. I mean they have players that have proven themself in the league for years. KG, Ray Allen, and PP, those aren't just any NBA player that suddenly became good this year. Rondo is showing that he got game and Posey is impressive (atleast to me on how aggresive he plays).

I think the Lakers better play their A game too or else they going to lose the series. Depending on Kobe/Gasol alone is not going to win this one.
I'm giving the Celtics more credit than that. I mean they have players that have proven themself in the league for years. KG, Ray Allen, and PP, those aren't just any NBA player that suddenly became good this year. Rondo is showing that he got game and Posey is impressive (atleast to me on how aggresive he plays).

I think the Lakers better play their A game too or else they going to lose the series. Depending on Kobe/Gasol alone is not going to win this one.
If all the support players do what they are supposed to do and Kobe and Gasol play at a high level with Odom playing mediocre, yes Kobe and Gasol can win the series. That is because Kobe Bryant is arguable the best basketball player on the planet currently.
The best part about me, as a Kings fan, predicting the Lakers to win is that even when they lose, I still win! :D

That was quite a performance by Boston. Defense was smothering Kobe and forcing him to make tough shots. Like San Antonio, they weren't allowing him to get to the lane at will. However, the Lakers gave that game away. When you shoot 25% in the 4th quarter, have your best player be invisible in crunch time, play on the road, get killed on the glass, and still are within 2 possessions into the final 3 minutes, I'd say that says a lot about the Celtics.

The Celtics are going to have to play better than that to win the series, unless the Lakers keep taking 4th quarters off.
That's exactly my point. My friend called me saying me I told you the Celtics are going to take this, etc. etc. I told him, the Lakers had a bad game. Do you really think they are going to score 88 every game??

His response was they will if the Celtics keep defending the way they did. My argument is it wasn't the Celtics defense that solely kept LA to 88. It was also partly LA who held LA to 88.

Only time will tell though.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
That's exactly my point. My friend called me saying me I told you the Celtics are going to take this, etc. etc. I told him, the Lakers had a bad game. Do you really think they are going to score 88 every game??
I'm not sold the Celts can do it for 3 more games, but its not like every Celtic played above and beyond either. KG had a very mediocre game offensively so if Kobe resumes being Kobe there's no reason to suspect KG won't rebound offensively either.
I don't want anyone to confuse me for a Laker fan, as that's happened in the past. In fact, it happened when I first started posting here, primarily because of my username. I don't want it to happen again.


That having been said, why do the refs continue to give Paul Pierce the foul on that bs up-fake, even though he's moving his feet to get under the defender? They called him for the offensive foul in Game 6 of the ECF against the Pistons, because he literally took steps to the side in order to get the foul called.

I'm sick of seeing players circumvent the rules to their advantage, especially when they break the rules in order to do so. It's really annoying.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Why do they give it to him? Because they've been giving to shooters for a long time. If they singled Pierce out in the finals and started NOT giving it, it would be patently unfair IMHO.
Why do they give it to him? Because they've been giving to shooters for a long time. If they singled Pierce out in the finals and started NOT giving it, it would be patently unfair IMHO.
No. That's not true.

Shooters have been leaning into defenders for a long time. Pierce is now moving his feet to the side to get under the defender. He's picking his feet up, without dribbling, and getting under the defender. Look at the replay; it's as clear as day. At the very least, it's traveling. In my mind, it's an offensive foul.

And it's not patently unfair to enforce the rules. It's unfair to reward players with a four point play when they are clearly breaking the rules.

Arnold bets the Gov. of Massachesetts.

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger made their own wager. If the Celtics win, Schwarzenegger has promised to donate locally grown California food and beverages to a charity of Patrick's choice.
Should the Lakers prevail, Legal Sea Foods will donate 17 pounds of clam chowder to a charity chosen by Schwarzenegger.

Is this the same geezer that resides in Sacramento and attends Kings games? Its one thing for (fill in kings fans rooting for LA) to hop on the wagon but Arnie? Thats where I draw the line. You had a chance to pick any team in Ca and you picked the Kings, sorry but no do overs.

I kid, I kid. :eek:
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The best part about this series is the 'lulz' coming from one particular team forum. If they can't buy a win, they are ready to tear a player apart. They are ready to bench him.

It's hilarious. :D

I wonder if Boston will consider Hack-A-Odom.;)

Arnold bets the Gov. of Massachesetts.

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger made their own wager. If the Celtics win, Schwarzenegger has promised to donate locally grown California food and beverages to a charity of Patrick's choice.
Should the Lakers prevail, Legal Sea Foods will donate 17 pounds of clam chowder to a charity chosen by Schwarzenegger.

Is this the same geezer that resides in Sacramento and attends Kings games? Its one thing for (fill in kings fans rooting for LA) to hop on the wagon but Arnie? Thats where I draw the line. You had a chance to pick any team in Ca and you picked the Kings, sorry but no do overs.

I kid, I kid. :eek:

Wait he attends Kings games? Hell I thought he actually had a house in LA and lives there too sometimes too.
I'm not sold the Celts can do it for 3 more games, but its not like every Celtic played above and beyond either. KG had a very mediocre game offensively so if Kobe resumes being Kobe there's no reason to suspect KG won't rebound offensively either.
In my opinion, I see a lot of match up problems for LA. Gasol just cannot guard Garnett. He isnt used to stepping out to guard a 6'11" PF that can take long range shots. Nobody could keep up with Ray Allen and the Lakers just completely forgot about Cassell (didnt score many points, but hit key baskets) with Pierce, Allen, and Garnett out there to worry about. With that said, Kobe is obviously unguardable and creates openings for other players on the Lakers like Gasol down low, but they have a lot to fix defensively to beat Boston. And like you said, Garnett wasnt totally on, but when he is hitting those mid-large range jumpers, I dont think it is going to matter if Kobe has a big game or not.
Its one game :)

Stern will want this to go atleast 6 games, most likely the next game lakers would win, then we will talk about how Kobe was unguardable, how Odom is a mismatch for the celts etc. Both teams have good talent and can win on a given night, it depends how the refs manage the game.

Game 1 was officiated well from Sterns point of view, the refs did not allow any team to take a sizeable lead anytime in the game until the last few minutes of the game. Even then they kept it close with that non call for Garnett where they could have taken a 10 point lead, instead it came down to 5 after LO free throws. For the celts they got some breaks with those touch fouls called that put them on penalty in fourth quarter with 8 minutes to go and you have Ray and Rondo taking free throws all game long.

Well lets see who is in penalty game 2 ;)
The Lakers are going to come out with (I think) a sense of desperation in Game 2. The Celts really need to be ready for this and not get behind by too much early (the Lakers love to jump out to big leads and make you play catch up).

Kobe's probably going to have a good game, and you figure Odom might as well as he had a relatively poor outing last time.

Pierce, sure hope your knee heals fast. :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
The best part about this series is the 'lulz' coming from one particular team forum. If they can't buy a win, they are ready to tear a player apart. They are ready to bench him.

It's hilarious. :D

I wonder if Boston will consider Hack-A-Odom.;)
You know, that the one thing I'm very hopeful we won't see - a team resorting to a Hack-A-Player to cover their defensive deficiencies.
Its one game :)

Stern will want this to go atleast 6 games, most likely the next game lakers would win, then we will talk about how Kobe was unguardable, how Odom is a mismatch for the celts etc. Both teams have good talent and can win on a given night, it depends how the refs manage the game.

Game 1 was officiated well from Sterns point of view, the refs did not allow any team to take a sizeable lead anytime in the game until the last few minutes of the game. Even then they kept it close with that non call for Garnett where they could have taken a 10 point lead, instead it came down to 5 after LO free throws. For the celts they got some breaks with those touch fouls called that put them on penalty in fourth quarter with 8 minutes to go and you have Ray and Rondo taking free throws all game long.

Well lets see who is in penalty game 2 ;)
For sure. I just wanted to provide that different point of view since most of the analysts think it is a forgone conclusion that LA will win the series. I just think it's hard to find a better big three in the NBA than Boston has. LA has a big two, but not really a big three (I wouldnt throw Odom in there). As much as it pains me to say it, there's no doubt that Kobe is the best player on the floor though.

It's like any pro sport. The talent levels overall are so close that any call by the refs or any mistake by a team can make all of the difference in the world. We shall see if LA plays with a little sense of urgency this game. All isnt lost if they lose this game though, considering they only have to win once in Boston and take care of home