[LAL/BOS]Battle of the top seeds!!

Who will win the 2008 NBA Finals?

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If the Lakers go on to lose it will be a huge letdown. In my opinion the Spurs were a better team than Boston.

Duncan, Gino, Parker > Garnett, Allen, Pierce

Pop > Doc

We better not lose. GO Lakers.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If you want to start a discussion about the Spurs v. the Celtics, you should probably start a different thread. This one is, as usual, reserved for discussion of the upcoming series.
he's using the spurs as an example stating that the lakers shouldn't have a problem with Boston cause theyre not as good as the spurs. He never said anything about spurs vs celtics he just compared their trio to bostons trio

Anyways go celtics!!!
he's using the spurs as an example stating that the lakers shouldn't have a problem with Boston cause theyre not as good as the spurs. He never said anything about spurs vs celtics he just compared their trio to bostons trio

Anyways go celtics!!!
Thank you.
If the Lakers go on to lose it will be a huge letdown. In my opinion the Spurs were a better team than Boston.

Duncan, Gino, Parker > Garnett, Allen, Pierce

Pop > Doc

We better not lose. GO Lakers.

IMO KG/Ray/Pierce are all better than Ginobili and Parker. Duncan got his vs LA too, it was their other players like an injured Ginobili on a gimpy ankle that let them down. So TD might be the best player out of those 6, but the next 3 are all Celtics.
IMO KG/Ray/Pierce are all better than Ginobili and Parker. Duncan got his vs LA too, it was their other players like an injured Ginobili on a gimpy ankle that let them down. So TD might be the best player out of those 6, but the next 3 are all Celtics.
From what we have seen these playoffs Pierce is definetly better than Gino due to injury, but Parker had been more effective then ray allen. Lets call it how it is Ray Allen is nothing more than an overpaid jump shooter who has a good game here and there.

Lets break it down.

Duncan>>>>>>>>>>Garnett (and its not even close)
Parker>>>> Allen
Gino<<<<<< Pierce

The thing that Boston has going for itself its that it has home court and has a deeper bench than SA. But in no position does Boston have an abundant advantage over the Lakers like the Spurs did (PG and PF).

Add to that Phil Jackson will be playing Chess whil Doc will be playing Checkers, that the Lakers should win this series.

Should being the key word.

Lakers in 5
From what we have seen these playoffs Pierce is definetly better than Gino due to injury, but Parker had been more effective then ray allen. Lets call it how it is Ray Allen is nothing more than an overpaid jump shooter who has a good game here and there.

Lets break it down.

Duncan>>>>>>>>>>Garnett (and its not even close)
Parker>>>> Allen
Gino<<<<<< Pierce

The thing that Boston has going for itself its that it has home court and has a deeper bench than SA. But in no position does Boston have an abundant advantage over the Lakers like the Spurs did (PG and PF).

Add to that Phil Jackson will be playing Chess whil Doc will be playing Checkers, that the Lakers should win this series.

Should being the key word.

Lakers in 5

Allen doesn't play point so why are you comparing him to Parker? If you want to do that I can just say:

Allen>>>>>>>>>>>>Gimpy Ginobili

Manu was injured for one, and even a healthy Manu<Ray. Ray was actually a superstar, Manu's always been the 2nd/3rd wheel on that team and Duncan makes his job a lot easier IMO. If Allen isn't in his shooting slump that would help a ton.

Perkins is a better shotblocker/defender than any other Spurs 2nd/3rd/4th big also. Duncan is a great defender, I understand KG isn't Duncan. But he is incredibly long, mobile, athletic, and pretty damn strong himself.

You said Boston doesn't have an overwhelming advantage at any position but that's simply not true. You guys start Vlad at SF, well Pierce SHOULD be able to absolutely own him. Bowen's defense is also pretty overrated now, sure he can lock down a jumpshooter like Peja but he has more problem with quicker players now that he's 37 or whatever. Boston's interior defense should be better than SA's also considering they have 2 mobile bigs who are both athletic, big, block shots, and rebound. If they can out rebound Odom and Gasol that is really going to help them a lot. But they are great at rotating and stuff so there mobility and team defense will really help whenever Kobe or another player on LA drives to the basket.
Allen doesn't play point so why are you comparing him to Parker? If you want to do that I can just say:

Allen>>>>>>>>>>>>Gimpy Ginobili

Duncan and Garnett are PF, Pierce and Manu are SG, so do you want me to compare Parker to Rondo who is not part of the Celts big three or to allen who is? Were we not discussing each teams big three? It only makes sense to match up Parker and Allen due to the fact that the other four guys match up well.

Manu was injured for one, and even a healthy Manu<Ray. Ray was actually a superstar, Manu's always been the 2nd/3rd wheel on that team and Duncan makes his job a lot easier IMO. If Allen isn't in his shooting slump that would help a ton.

Was is the key word here. This Ray Allen is not the Ray Allen that tore the Kings a new one in 05, this Ray Allen is closer to a scrub than an actual superstar. But yeah if he discovers the fountain of youth during the series he could do some damage.

Perkins is a better shotblocker/defender than any other Spurs 2nd/3rd/4th big also. Duncan is a great defender, I understand KG isn't Duncan. But he is incredibly long, mobile, athletic, and pretty damn strong himself.

I agree here, the Celts back up big man are far better than the Spurs scrubs.

You said Boston doesn't have an overwhelming advantage at any position but that's simply not true. You guys start Vlad at SF, well Pierce SHOULD be able to absolutely own him. Bowen's defense is also pretty overrated now, sure he can lock down a jumpshooter like Peja but he has more problem with quicker players now that he's 37 or whatever. Boston's interior defense should be better than SA's also considering they have 2 mobile bigs who are both athletic, big, block shots, and rebound. If they can out rebound Odom and Gasol that is really going to help them a lot. But they are great at rotating and stuff so there mobility and team defense will really help whenever Kobe or another player on LA drives to the basket.

In the fourth quarter when the game is tight and the teams go to their go to team here is how it stacks up.

Rondo v Fisher adv. Lakers

Kobe v Pierce adv. Lakers

Allen v. Sasha adv. Celtics (mostly based on reputation)

Odom v. Perkins adv. Lakers

Garnett v. Gasol adv. Celtics (but not like Duncan v Gasol)

Even if the teams were even in every position here is the tie braker.

Phil "lord of the rings" Jackson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>>> Doc Rivers.

Lakers in 5


celtics in 6, the key is ray allen... as long as he plays well enough to keep sasha on the bench the celtics can win it. manu was hurt so the lakers could put sasha on him on defense and would be quicker than him on offense. manu could stay with vlad but would get burned by sasha. as long as ray can hit his open shots the celtics can win. odom has to play kg or perkins... pierce and allen can switch off on kobe. the other player would get vlad, luke or sasha. pierce should be able to contain all 3 of them. when he is on them....
What's hard to believe about it? LA's performed extremely well in a much stronger conference, while Boston's struggled against inferior teams.
Boston has been playing down to its competition in my opinion. That was made obvious when Atlanta and Cleveland took them to seven games but they finished a Detroit team in 6.
And last time I checked Detroit > Cleveland > Atlanta.

As far as playing well in a much stronger conference all I can say is that Denver flat out sucks. They have 0 heart and 0 pride. The Jazz put up the best fight. Spurs weren't anything like previous years. They should have never gotten passed NO. I can't guarantee a Celtics win but I will put all my money on the fact that this series goes 6 at least.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Boston has been playing down to its competition in my opinion.
I tend to agree. I just hope both teams come out with desire and energy and determination. If they do, and I really think they will, this could be a finals to remember.
I believe that the major factor in this series will be coaching. Doc Rivers is going to need to stop tinkering and being so reactive. Phil Jackson is a kick *** unfaultering coach and will stick to the plan unless it is clearly failing. And then he will find the right solution first try because he knows his team. If the Celtics go into this "experimenting", it is all over. Rivers has seen what his team can do, they are in the Finals for Pete's sake. He knows what the lakers can do, he has all the footage he needs. Make a plan that will work and stick to it! If I see tinkering and experimentation in the Finals, I will puke.

and win loss percentage most can say lakers will win this... they get all the hype and the media's attention.. i sure hope they suffer the Detroit piston syndrome again.... lol that was a shocker :D i was like shaking my head in dissappointmen like "man lakers will win this in 4" then pistons whooped them i was like LOL after that... i sure hope it happens again

Fisher vs rondo : ill give that to Rondo for his athlethiscism and stronger defense
Kobe vs allen : no doubt about that one its going to be kobe :( but if allen manages to get his streaky shooting then it can be a close game (or even a blow out win for the celts)
Vlad Rad vs Pierce: the Truth would win over this battle anyday..
Odom: vs Garnett: big ticket takes this match up as well.... he can either switch from guarding odom and gasol
Gasol vs Perkins: offensively Gasol.. defensively and hustle i think perkins can out work him

my concern with Boston is their bench.. can it keep up with the energy that laker bench brings.... well i sure hope the celts are HUNGRY.. hungry enough to steal this one from the Lakers :D BEAT LA!
Boston has as good a chance to win this as the Lakers do.

Boston beat the Lakers the two games they played in the regular season, albeit with Bynum at center. They beat the Spurs two games in the regular season as well. They were hands down the best defensive team in the league. They were 25-5 against the Western conference, which figures to be about 8.3 wins out of 10 games against West teams, so they fared well in the stronger West and not just in the weaker East. In the 2 wins over the Lakers they held Kobe to 9-21 and 6-25 shooting, and won by 13 at home and by 19 in L.A.

I guess Boston in 6.
Can I have some of what you're smoking? Spurs weren't better than the Celtics with a healthy Manu. Keep dreaming. Celts in 6 or 7.
What makes you say this? the celtics two wins over them in the regular season?

If you watch the nba long enough you would see that regular season wins are not a mark of a teams superiority when teams are close to equal. By your logic the suns would have beat the Spurs after winning the season series 3-1 and the Cavs would have beat the Spurs last year after beating them in the regular season 2-0.

I'd like to give you some of what I am smoking but I dont think you are old enough.
What makes you say this? the celtics two wins over them in the regular season?

If you watch the nba long enough you would see that regular season wins are not a mark of a teams superiority when teams are close to equal. By your logic the suns would have beat the Spurs after winning the season series 3-1 and the Cavs would have beat the Spurs last year after beating them in the regular season 2-0.

I'd like to give you some of what I am smoking but I dont think you are old enough.
How do you know how long I've been watching the NBA? I don't recall mentioning the regular season wins anywhere in my post. The Spurs were NOT good this year period. They should not have gotten past NO. Keep underestimating the team in green, you will be singing a different tune when KG raises the LO trophy in game 6 or 7.


Boston has as good a chance to win this as the Lakers do.

Boston beat the Lakers the two games they played in the regular season, albeit with Bynum at center. They beat the Spurs two games in the regular season as well. They were hands down the best defensive team in the league. They were 25-5 against the Western conference, which figures to be about 8.3 wins out of 10 games against West teams, so they fared well in the stronger West and not just in the weaker East. In the 2 wins over the Lakers they held Kobe to 9-21 and 6-25 shooting, and won by 13 at home and by 19 in L.A.

I guess Boston in 6.
The Lakers and Celtics are different teams since the two teams met in the regular season. The playoffs is a different beast as well where coaches can study tendencies and take advantage of opportunities presented by mismatches. Also, constant adjustments and anticipation of what adjustments the opposing team will make factors out.

The Lakers just got out of perhaps one of the toughest Western Conference Championships in the longest time. If not THE toughest. It took them 15 games to do so. The Celtics on the other hand needed 20 games, struggled vs. the Hawks and Cavs before taking the Pistons in 6 games. With that said, everybody is saying it's offense vs. defense with the Celtics being the defensive team. I think the Lakers are underrated defensively. It won't be the Laker offense that will propel them to winning, it will be their defense. Coaching and match-ups will be keys to this series as well. I'm not going to be foolish and underestimate the Celtics. I just want my boys to win!!!
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The Lakers just got out of perhaps one of the toughest Western Conference Championships in the longest time. If not THE toughest. It took them 15 games to do so.
Just because the West had a record season, doesn't mean the champ of it had the hardest struggle. They had very, very fortunate seeding and fought the very weakest in the west playoffs, the weakest opponent of the 2nd round, and then a good opponent who had been weakened by the team it somehow, by the grace of god, defeated in the round before it.

All along with extremely favorable reffing to boot. Honestly, I think the Celtics had a much, much more challenging set of teams to face (LeBron James by himself could've beat the Utah Jazz in a series with the way Boozer and co. played).


Just because the West had a record season, doesn't mean the champ of it had the hardest struggle. They had very, very fortunate seeding and fought the very weakest in the west playoffs, the weakest opponent of the 2nd round, and then a good opponent who had been weakened by the team it somehow, by the grace of god, defeated in the round before it.

All along with extremely favorable reffing to boot. Honestly, I think the Celtics had a much, much more challenging set of teams to face (LeBron James by himself could've beat the Utah Jazz in a series with the way Boozer and co. played).
You're right. The Hawks (the team with the worst regular season record to make the playoffs which took the 66-win Celtics to 7 games), Cavs, and Pistons were better opponents than the 50+ wins Nuggets, last year's WCF runner-up Jazz (also 50+ wins) and the defending champion Spurs. I agree, the Lakers had it easier.
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