Kingsfan fantasy basketball leagues

WHo is going to start it?

Sorry, I don't know how to, but I think JSin did it last year and so did bigdog. So please start it again, because they have now allowed us to sign up.

I am in for sure since i played last year, but lets make it 14 teams MAX. Wasn't it 20 last year? It was kinda boring...

Also, the poeple that played last should get he early bird gets the in, so I don't know whats going to happen from now, but updates should go on later.

Also, I think we should have 13 statistics since that would be WAY fun!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
You might want to have a little patience, Bball...


No, there weren't any leagues with 20 teams (at least not that I know about). Yes, JSin had a league, as did bigdog AND Kingsgurl - in fact, if I remember correctly, she may have had two.

We've been doing this for years. There's plenty of time.
guys ive been on the boards for a while now im active and good managr if u wanna join my league its 16 teams maybe 20 if u guys want it to be and heres the info i got guys who check so its up to you.

Heres the info for fantasy nba

league id- 5013

enjoy and sign up draft is on oct 15 sat at 12 noon

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member

Damn, I can't believe it's that time already; I'm getting pumped up!

I don't know if I should shill in this thread, but I'll be getting the band back together soon. We've run with the same 9-10 guys for the past three years, but we're looking for some new blood. Casual and/or thin-skinned leaguers need not apply, as I'll be looking for some competitive and engaging managers (our message board is traditionally very active). 18+ is preferred, but I'll take a teen who knows his hoops and won't flake out on me.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I've changed the name of this thread.

There's way too much importance IMHO placed on the use of the word "official" to describe a fantasy league. And it's a misnomer. There is one league that has been in existence a long time. It will be started again, I'm assuming, by the same person who has done so in the past.

In addition, there are always a number of leagues that our members start and participate in.

At this point, I think the people who started leagues last year will probably do so again AND they'll be giving first refusal to the people who were active players. It's only fair.

There are going to be plenty of leagues available for people to join. If someone does start a particular league they can start a dedicated thread FOR THAT LEAGUE.

Otherwise, let's make this thread the clearing house for general information.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Actually there is, or has been, an "Official" league that has run on the site for years. It was started up years ago as a service to the board to make sure there would always be at least one league for KF people to get together and play in, and has always been put together by the former #1 poster on this site back in its earlier days, JSin.

That's the extent of its "officiality" though, and as the site has grown we have added this entire forum along with many many members, there are normally many leagues started every year by various members, and the Official League itself is mostly filled up with old timers who return to play every year.

I have occasionally pondered trying an expanded "Official" KF set of leagues which would play out every year like soccer leagues -- there would be a Div A, probably the old official league in Yr 1, and then a Div B, Div C etc. -- as many as needed for everybody to play. Then the people who finished int he top half of Div A get to stay there, while the people who finsih in the bottom half would play in Div B the next year, while the top half of the Div B people would move up etc. etc. down through the divisions. Would be a way to let the whole KF family play in one combined set of leagues, get some fresh blood into the top "official" league, encourage people to play out the season, and over time for people of similar skill/dedication to find players of similar abilities to play with/against. Wouldn't be too hard to set up I think, but there is always the question of whether there would be enough participation, and low enough annual turnover, to make it work and be fun and practical.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
^^I agree that JSin has been responsible for the "official" fantasy leagues on the site. I was simply trying to clarify the situation for the newer board members who didn't seem to understand that the "official" moniker was actually more a designation of "longest running."

I like your concept of the "Official" KF set of leagues. If you do decide to go forth with it, count me in.
I like Brick's idea, and would be interested if such a thing came about. I won my friends' yahoo league last year, would this league be a yahoo one as well?
Fantasy basketball??

This year I'm going all out...

I want to join them all

You'll know me as King Nole, and you know that I never flake and I'm extremely active in all fantasy leagues (and competitive).
I'm planning on doing another basketball league...and would be willing to do the stuff Brick is talkinb about. Let me know...we'll be starting in October for sure...get ready!!!
Im in if there is a spot available! :)

BTW: I havebeen in the playoffs every year we had the Kings Fans league, so can I be in League A?
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Has anyone considered starting a keeper league...

I've tried searching one for several weeks and can't find anything. And of course I think it would be so much more fun to play with people I am accustomed to.


Super Moderator Emeritus
So far I know about the following leagues:

JSin's official INVITATION FIRST league (the longest running league on the board. He always allows returning players first option. If he has vacancies, he will post the info on the board.)

bigdog's NBA league. He and I do this jointly. I have the list of people who participated last year. If there are any vacancies, we will post the info on the board.

Kingsgurl - She had two leagues last year. It's up to her to post the information about her league.

Mr. Slim - His league is also returning players first.

Once the leagues have been registered, the returning players contacted, etc. then I'm sure the league commissioners will be posting information about any vacancies.

This doesn't mean no one else can start leagues, of course... These are just the ones I remember.


Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
And I'm still awaiting confirmation from two returning players (Evilmav2 and TAFKA kingsfreak87) before I open up my league to any more newcomers.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Thanks, Slim. I'm sure you'll hear from Evilmav2... once he gets over the drubbing he received at the hands of the VF21 Devils in NFL fantasy this weekend.

VF21 said:
JSin's official INVITATION FIRST league (the longest running league on the board. He always allows returning players first option. If he has vacancies, he will post the info on the board.)
I'm not sure if I was in JSin's league last year or not. I'm not sure if you know, but has he already started to send out those invites?
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
What about people who were in JSin's league every year except for last year? Do we go back to the back of the line?
What about people who thought about joining last year but were late in responding that they wanted to join?

I'm up to join a few leagues this year. I've been doing this every year for hte past 3 years and been active through out. I'll be checking the boards for new leagues/vacancies. This should be interesting, looking forward to a fun year.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I haven't seen hide nor hair of JSin around so far...I think he likes to let the anticipation build before he makes his appearance.

I ran two leagues last year (because I refuse to run too many teams in each league as the talent gets to watered down, IMO) I will be running them again this year. I will set up the leagues this Sunday (first the one, then if the demand is enough, the other) I didn't track who was in the leagues last year (aside from those I remember off the top of my head) so there is no 'if you didn't play last year, you can't play this year' caveat. The ONLY caveat I have is that you want to play and you WILL be active all year, no matter how far out it seems you may be. I run head to head leagues. Please PM me if you were either in the league last year and want to return OR are a new fantasy player and want to COMMIT to playing this year. Loopymitch, you are more than welcome:D