Kings @ Warriors Game Thread

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Super Moderator Emeritus
piksi said:
Without these two GS would not have been up 21 in the first place
piksi - KNOCK IT OFF!

This is KINGSfans. We root for our team. We don't find ways to constantly belittle them.

Your shtick is getting very old.


Super Moderator Emeritus
iheartBrad - Yep. And he's been called for it three or four times already. It reminds me of the Dallas game, when the officials kept calling Webber and it turned out Mark Cuban had sent them a tape pointing out how Webb always dragged his pivot foot.
FIRST HALF: Warriors came out with lots of energy!:eek: iheartBrad posted earlier that Warriors fans really want this win...and it seem like the Warriors players want it more than their fans so far. This is the best I've seen Warriors play this season. They were shooting good, rebounding well, VERY ACTIVE on D, and outhustling Kings. Hopefully their energy dies down in the 2nd half!! ANd they cool off.

I think Kings weren't expecting Warriors to come out with this energy (sort of like us Kings fans :D). So it help make them look HORRIBLE. Rebounds, TOs, some poor tranistion D, and getting outhustle really killed them. Since we don't know what energy Warriors will bring in the 2nd half, Kings need to match and bring more energy than in 1st half if they want to win. Make your shots, limit TO, rebound, play D = WIN.

Very fast pace game. I'm glad Kings are down 9 since they were down by 18+ points at one time.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Ohhhhhhhh. I wasn't wrong after all. It IS Dick Stockton with John Thompson AND Rex Chapman.


Boy does Dick Stockton look old...really old...older than me.

BTW, one of my students from last semester left me loaf of Irish Soad bread she baked for St. Patty's Day... ThankGod she is now a FORMER student... Yum!
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