[Game] Kings v. Warriors - 1//9/16 - 7 PT, 10 ET

Karl's defensive strategy of wide-open three's has no place in today's NBA. The Warriors do a lovely job of highlighting it.
Great teams like the Spurs do not try to run with the Warriors. They grind the game down to a crawl which drives the Warriors crazy.

They definitely do not leave them open for their favorite shot.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
In time? He's 25. How much more time are we talking about?

Look they have similar athleticism & energy, but the comparison really stops there.
Look at physical tools. They have almost identical height, weight, and wingspan. Acy is a little bit of a better jumper but it's close. The main difference if you compare their per36 numbers is in 3pt shooting and assists. Right now Acy is a 32% career three point shooter, Draymond's career average is 34%. If he keeps working on his jumper and ball handling skills, he'd be able to do everything Draymond Green can do. Like Green, his strength and athleticism allows him to play bigger than 6-7. Court vision is not really a learnable skill, but Draymond has no doubt benefitted from being on a team with Curry and Thompson.

No one is saying Quincy Acy is going to be an All-Star or lead the league in triple doubles at any point in his career. But improving the jumper is within his control and if he does that he should be able to carve out a similar niche as a hustle points and rebounds energy guy who can defend and knock down shots.
I can't stand these 4th quarter lineups. George Karl is just throwing the game away when he puts 4 guards out there at the same time.

Even his two PG lineups have gotten abused. This hole was created by the Kings doubling when Collison or Rondo were caught on a bigger player. It's very frustrating to see a HOF coach seemingly getting out coached game after game.