It was a good call on Brad. Refs have made bad calls BOTH ways tonight, pretty fair in my estimation, welll....I guess they could be more in our favor, dammit.
It was a good call on Brad. Refs have made bad calls BOTH ways tonight, pretty fair in my estimation, welll....I guess they could be more in our favor, dammit.
Would Peja have made the difference? Probably not... we did play hard which was a good sign, but at this point the Spurs are just at a different level than we are.
Brads whining is a different isue entirely. He gats hacked no call, he shakes loose a pest who is hacking him they blow the whistle. Happens all game every game.
Brads whining is a different isue entirely. He gats hacked no call, he shakes loose a pest who is hacking him they blow the whistle. Happens all game every game.
Brad's an all star and should get the same respect as other all star players. I know he gets hacked, but it gets real old watching the non calles when dudes go over his back and hack him during lay ups. Anyway, he played hard tonight and so did the team for the most part. Sloppy, but hard.
Would Peja have made the difference? Probably not... we did play hard which was a good sign, but at this point the Spurs are just at a different level than we are.