Kings @ Spurs Game Thread (Game 1)

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Rain man said:
I disagree with those of you who say Rick takes no blame for this. I am a complete Rick supporter, but at some point the coach has to take some responsibility for the CLEAR lack of effort and lack of intensity.

Yes the talent gap is alarming (especially off the bench), and yes the team seems to have quit on this game (meaning that the players ARE very much to blame), but the Kings never showed ANY intensity in the first half, and the defensive game plan seemed medicore at best. Some of that has to fall on the coach. Otehrwise why the hell is he there...
Well said...Rick has always shortend the bench come playoff time, he should have stuck with bibby vs. Van exel late in the first. Kevin Martin seems lost out there, i would have liked to see bibby/jason hart backcourt, bibby was feeling it offense wise, and parker was out.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Rain man said:
I disagree with those of you who say Rick takes no blame for this. I am a complete Rick supporter, but at some point the coach has to take some responsibility for the CLEAR lack of effort and lack of intensity.

Yes the talent gap is alarming (especially off the bench), and yes the team seems to have quit on this game (meaning that the players ARE very much to blame), but the Kings never showed ANY intensity in the first half, and the defensive game plan seemed medicore at best. Some of that has to fall on the coach. Otehrwise why the hell is he there...
Oh, believe me. I'm sure people will find lots of ways to blame the coach.

What is he supposed to do if his team comes out flat against a totally motivated Spurs team?

LOOK at what Adelman has to work with...and then tell me how it's his fault.
HndsmCelt said:
a big part of what makes them look so bad is who they are playing against.
Exactly. And we really no longer have much of a perimeter threat, other than Bibby. So the Spurs can pack the paint, or collapse in on whoever goes into the paint.
we need a big guy in the middle. brad is not that guy.

i wouldn't mind a tyson chandler TYPE player. just a banger who can block shots, rebound, dunk when needed. SOMETHING geez...

or KG * LOL * work that magic geoff....


Super Moderator Emeritus
Kings113 said:
Kings rebounding total? 10!

Brad needs to get with the program and start hustling, if not, give Potapenko or Sampson some time to play defense.
Not only Brad. Kenny and Wells both are usually able to catch some boards.

What I've seen is a team that has taken it upon themselves to not pay any attention to the game plan and instead is going to do what they think needs to be done.

If they aren't listening to Adelman, then shame on them. Adelman will pay the price and the team will still have gaping wounds.


Hall of Famer
Sirius said:
I think you guys need to cut the team some slack. They are under ENORMOUS pressure right now. They are playing probably the best team in basketball in a playoffs series, on national TV, and Ron has put them in the spotlight with all of his insane predictions. We just have to see if they can respond.
cry me a river - will You
Gameplan for the 2nd half:

Don't get injured
Don't overplay your main guys so they get injured(HELLO MR ADLEMAN)
Come back the next game

My biggest frustration in this game is the fact there is no defensive rotation back to deal with Tony Parker. A lack of gameplan for that is just inexcusable.
The Spurs played the BEST half they can possibly play the first half of the first game. They have nowhere to go but down the rest of the series, and I'd rather they do it here than at a potentially more important juncture in the series.

Kings need to come out and make a statement with the second half, prove they deserve to be in this series, and build some momentum for game 2. A series isn't over in one half.
VF21 said:
Oh, believe me. I'm sure people will find lots of ways to blame the coach.

What is he supposed to do if his team comes out flat against a totally motivated Spurs team?

LOOK at what Adelman has to work with...and then tell me how it's his fault.
How bout take a technical. Show some presents, he seems frustrated. He is the Coach, switch to a zone, pressure the gaurds, something cause he hasnt seemed much envolved.


Super Moderator Emeritus
piksi - You know I respect you. But please let's not have this turn into a feeding frenzy where Kings fans turn on the team and each other. It's not what this board has EVER been about.
how about we let the young guys play the rest of the game, let them suck, get some playoff jitters out of their system so they can be productive the rest of the series
swisshh said:
A lack of gameplan for that is just inexcusable.
I suspect the problem is the players, once they're out there, are not sticking to the game plan. It takes a lot of trust to stick with the plan, no matter what. This team doesn't have that yet.
Evenstar said:
how about we let the young guys play the rest of the game, let them suck, get some playoff jitters out of their system so they can be productive the rest of the series
i think if were still down by 30 in the 4th thats what should happen
I can't watch this debaucle. Oh well. Hopefully next game will be better.

Thanks for uh, giving Kings fans hope and a reason to believe :roll:...

(Believe we'll get swept in 4 blowouts)
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