Kings-Spurs discussion for Sunday, April 12

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Hall of Famer
I never thought I would say this...

But I feel terrible for Coach Natt.
The guy should have had his one 'moment' in this miserable season he's led.
I mean, we may not have won, but to have the chance just ripped away after what he's gone through.


Sacramento...Where unbiased officiating happens.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What a load of crap... But having said that, I'm not surprised... If you're playing defense against the spurs at the end of a close game, 24 seconds isn't enough.

That sequence alone will force the NBA to change its instant replay/shot-review policy for next season. Bet on it.

With that said, Beno sucks. Ricky Rubio here we come.
you really wanted this win huh lol
I want every win. Im not mad because we lost. Im mad because if this kind of a thing can happen here, who says it can happen in game 7 in the WCF next time the Kings make it to that point? Losing isn't my problem, its being CHEATED because someone other than the Kings wasn't doing their job. Its ridiuclous and it completely highlights the faulty review system the league has. Im surprised the official rule book doesn't say "It's only reviewable if it hurts the Sacramento Kings."
Wait. What. I missed the reason that final 3 counted after the buzzer?
The refs weren't doing their job. They can't review it since it wasn't the end of the quarter/game. So basically if you tick 1.3 seconds off the clock and kept everything exactly the same it would've been reviewable. BUT! Since the review system is GARBAGE the Kings lose. We better get the number 1 pick. I swear to God. I had a horrible dream (nightmare) where the Kings got the number 4 pick, exactly the way the league planned it. If that comes true i will be very sullen for years to come.


Hall of Famer
Refs should all be fired and replaced with super duper hightech robots.

....Granted Stern will program the RefBots to be biased towards large market teams and superstars, but still....It would have to be an improvement nonetheless.
That sequence alone will force the NBA to change its instant replay/shot-review policy for next season. Bet on it.

With that said, Beno sucks. Ricky Rubio here we come.
We can only hope he gets out of his Euro contract and delares, otherwise it's Griffen, which I'm not the biggest fan of that and would hope Goeff can work our something to trade down.


Super Moderator Emeritus
lol we lost the battle but HOU or Portland potentially and very likely will lose Home Court because of this BS
Could you knock off the "lol"... It's more than gotten a little old. This isn't a laughing matter to a lot of Kings fans. And quite frankly, I couldn't give a rats patoot about Portland or Houston. Our Kings fought hard and they deserved fair officiating at the end of the game. They didn't get it - and I think any Kings fan who is upset about it has every right to feel that way.

It's about the Kings...and effort...and at least knowing when they give the maximum effort they'll get a fair shake from the officials.

The Kings did their job on defense on that sequence. They forced a 24-second violation. The shot was LATE. What else should they have done?
Seems backwards that a rule was passed to make sure a given shot is a 3 in non-triple zero situations before a rule to make sure a given shot is released before the shot clock expires.

Pretty much perfectly epitomizes the season in a funny, yet very sad way.
We can only hope he gets out of his Euro contract and delares, otherwise it's Griffen, which I'm not the biggest fan of that and would hope Goeff can work our something to trade down.
if we get the #1, taking drown makes no sense as nobody is going to be a major impact player in this draft besides Griffin and Rubio...

maybe we can trade for Bosh? :confused:
I thought Beno was playing just fine up until the last quarter. Yeah he wasn't making any shots but he was passing the ball and not getting in the way. Thats all I ask, unfortunately that isn't possible. He had to shoot our last 7 billion possesions and miss every single one of them.
Could you knock off the "lol"... It's more than gotten a little old. This isn't a laughing matter to a lot of Kings fans. And quite frankly, I couldn't give a rats patoot about Portland or Houston. Our Kings fought hard and they deserved fair officiating at the end of the game. They didn't get it - and I think any Kings fan who is upset about it has every right to feel that way.

It's about the Kings...and effort...and at least knowing when they give the maximum effort they'll get a fair shake from the officials.

The Kings did their job on defense on that sequence. They forced a 24-second violation. The shot was LATE. What else should they have done?
agreed 100% but getting mad and stressing out and complaining on a message board isn't going to change anything, it is what it is. getting upset and frustrated isn't anyone but ourselves.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Um, guys? Before you get too carried away, there are literally TONS of threads in the Personnel Moves section about the upcoming draft and whom we should select. Could we keep this one about the game we just watched?

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