[Game] Kings @ Spurs - 4/12/13


Super Moderator Emeritus
Our last road trip of the season. Here's hoping the Kings return to Sacramento with the knowledge that it's going to be their home for at least the next 35 years!!

No idea what to say about the game itself. Everything depends on what the voices in Smart's head tell him to do, and I'm not tapped in to those conversations.

Once, now and FOREVER... GO KINGS!!
Our last road trip of the season. Here's hoping the Kings return to Sacramento with the knowledge that it's going to be their home for at least the next 35 years!!

No idea what to say about the game itself. Everything depends on what the voices in Smart's head tell him to do, and I'm not tapped in to those conversations.

Once, now and FOREVER... GO KINGS!!
I'm not sure Smart is tapped into those conversations.



Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
You knew San Antonio was going to come out motivated tonight after OKC took over the number 1 seed yesterday. That doesn't excuse a horrible effort from Tyreke in the first 8 minutes. Here's hoping that was just a fluke and he's getting himself a caffeine injection on the bench or something.
Yep, it's pretty hard to be a "franchise player" when you're as inconsistent as Reke is. :(
Well with the way the organization has played him through the years, I'm surprised he's still Averaging 15 pts a game. Just frustrated how they handled him. He could of been in the league of Westbrook and Harden with better coach management.


Hall of Famer
Yeah, but shots falling has nothing to do with effort. It's why I'm wondering how Reke looked like his effort wasn't there.
According to the announcers, he has lost confidence in his shot. Now he got his 8 minutes and unlike real franchise players, will not get the opportunity to shoot his way out of it.


Hall of Famer
According to the announcers, he has lost confidence in his shot. Now he got his 8 minutes and unlike real franchise players, will not get the opportunity to shoot his way out of it.
Didn't see the start, but

Reke 1-5
IT 1-5
Salmons 0-3
Cuz 0-3

I'm guessing Grant/Jerry didn't question IT's shooting, or effort?