Kings @ Sonics GAme Thread

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I agree, despite the 15 point deficit I still think we can come back and win this thing.......but we have to come out agressive, move the ball, and most importantly knock down some shots and PLAY D
bozzwell said:
Some good news: It is absolutely impossible for Bibby to play this way for much longer. Even better news: It is impossible for the Kings to play like this the whole series. Right now, Sonics look like the good ol' Kings (ball movement, making shots, creativiy) and we don't. That is not going to last...

Go Kings!
BTW, I just opened a bottle of Effen Vodka (to moderators: that's what it's called, I am not masking a swear word). I hate Vodka and I never drink at home, but right now I ain't about to go to the sports bar to get a beer and I need something for the nerves. Forgive me if I get mouthy later on. :)
I may be being too optimistic, but I think we can still pull out a win tonight. Either way, we can still win teh series. After all, as somebody said earlier, we only need 1 win in seattle.


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crypticone said:
Lets all remember, we only have to win one game is Seattle. As long as we take care of our home court, we will have 3 other chances to win in Seattle.
Excellent point to bring up. All day today the commentators have been talking about how often the home team is going to win the first game.

Ok ugly first half. Bright spots (if you can call them that) Kings are tied for points in the paint and if you take the team numbers out of the rb collum we are only behind 2. In essence for a team with a top shooter just frozen things are about what you would expect, but the realy awfull discrepecny is Kings going to the line 7 times vs 18 for Seatle... blame the refes if you like but all this spell out to me that Bibby needs to attack the rim get high percentage shots and get to the line. Bringing in Tag for a few min to get some O-Boards would be nice as well.
Blame away and be fair...

BullKing said:
People that blame this on the refs need to shut the **** up and take the blinders off. We are not moving the ball, we are forcing up shots, we are not playing any sort of D, we are not boxing out and letting RE get tons of O rebounds.

I blame this partially on RA, Bibby is playing like **** bench him, put in Eddy or Bobby. Give evans a chance, jeez.
I don't agree that we shouldn't call out the refs when calls are given because one teams looks more energetic. The Kings do need to improve the movement on offense, and generally play with more energy. That said, it should be more like 6-10 points down instead of 15. Bad calls and no calls create break points for the Sonics. The over the back on Kenny? what the *^&%!
Viking said:
I'm about ready to call it a night; It's late and the Kings just must not care.

They do care and its not like they're trying to lose. I still believe they can get back in this game. GO KINGS, I still love ya!!
MBgirl10 said:
They do care and its not like they're trying to lose. I still believe they can get back in this game. GO KINGS, I still love ya!!
I know, I'm still watching. ;)

It's just not pretty. Trying or not, they did not come to play and they paid with a loss.
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