Kings = Playoff Pretender?

I was just watching ESPN and I heard Greg Anthony and co talking about playoff "contenders" and "pretenders". Greg Anthony claimed that the Sacramento Kings were a playoff pretender. I dont know...Kings fans you have every reason to be upset. :(
im not upset...mainly because it is that dude...greg anthony..its obvious he doesnt even pay attention to the kings, he doesnt like them, he only loves teams who are doing great or who everyone else expects him to pick...just like a month or so ago when he put his list of the most clutch players this season..and didnt even include bibby..this was days after his two back to back game winners...i just learn to ignore any comment he makes
Things like that used to upset me, but not anymore. One thing the past couple of seasons has taught me is that the sport's analysts know basically nothing. Realistically, we are the underdogs. However; we have as much of a chance to go to the Western Conference Finals as we do to go out in the first round. There are so many factors involved, nobody knows where they will end up. EACH team is an injury, bad call, or missed free throw away from winning and losing it all come playoff time. King's fans know that all too well. As far as the "contender / pretender" thing goes, I've never liked it. I've always thought that once you make it to the playoffs, you have a shot. This year seems it especially true. I just want to see us play good team ball in the games we have left - season and playoffs!
¿¿¿ said:
I was just watching ESPN and I heard Greg Anthony and co talking about playoff "contenders" and "pretenders". Greg Anthony claimed that the Sacramento Kings were a playoff pretender. I dont know...Kings fans you have every reason to be upset. :(
you should know by now as kingsfan that greg anthony and co.... as well as the whole of espn DO NOT like the sacramento kings.... dw about it.. i dun really give a S*$# in what theses critics think...
And i bet he said the Nuggets were playoff contenders. psh... the nuggets didnt make it past the first round for many years and their gonna say the kings, (which made it to the playoffs over and over again) are playoff pretenders? that some crap right there..

But yeah.. it really doesnt bother me anymore


Hall of Famer
Isn't that the same guy who said in the beginning of the season that Minessota would go to the conference fianls and that Lakers will make PO

My point -

Greg Anthony = 0 CREDIBILITY
chelle said:
Things like that used to upset me, but not anymore. One thing the past couple of seasons has taught me is that the sport's analysts know basically nothing. Realistically, we are the underdogs. However; we have as much of a chance to go to the Western Conference Finals as we do to go out in the first round. There are so many factors involved, nobody knows where they will end up. EACH team is an injury, bad call, or missed free throw away from winning and losing it all come playoff time. King's fans know that all too well. As far as the "contender / pretender" thing goes, I've never liked it. I've always thought that once you make it to the playoffs, you have a shot. This year seems it especially true. I just want to see us play good team ball in the games we have left - season and playoffs!
Good post!

IMO, I don't think there is any "pretender" in any of the teams that are going to make the playoffs. I'm not upset because that's just Greg Anthony's opinion. Don't let it get to you. ;)
Talk about pretenders, George Karl (and ocassionally "Screamin" Steven A. Smith) was the only guy worth listening to on that panel of NBA "experts". They do what all worthless TV experts do, focus on a single aspect of each team and make it the totality of their arguement one way or the other.
chelle said:
Things like that used to upset me, but not anymore. One thing the past couple of seasons has taught me is that the sport's analysts know basically nothing. Realistically, we are the underdogs. However; we have as much of a chance to go to the Western Conference Finals as we do to go out in the first round. There are so many factors involved, nobody knows where they will end up. EACH team is an injury, bad call, or missed free throw away from winning and losing it all come playoff time. King's fans know that all too well. As far as the "contender / pretender" thing goes, I've never liked it. I've always thought that once you make it to the playoffs, you have a shot. This year seems it especially true. I just want to see us play good team ball in the games we have left - season and playoffs!
Well that IS true. Regular season matchups go out the window and everyone has an equal chance...true

Ive actually taking a liking to this whole underdog thing that we have going on...and in all actuality unless you are like the top two teams from each conference you are probably gonna be considered an underdog...

As for Greg Anthony...BAHHHAHHAHAHAHHA...IMO GA is worse than Charles least with Chuck you have the respect cuz he was once a great player TOP 50...Greg Anthony's thoughts are the least of my concerns...he says whats "in the moment" and thats pretty much it...he doesn't really THINK about the things he says and I think its obvious

Sha's Top 3 worst analyst on TV

-Greg Anthony
-Charles Barkley
-Fred Carter

/start rant. I know some people might be thinking why Fred? Last year he said the Lakers were gonna sweep the Pistons and as well all know that DID NOT happen...I mean a lot of people thought the Lakers would win that series (I was not one of them BTW) but no one had the audacity to actually say that the Lakers would sweep and to not give the Pistons any credit at all...I'm glad to hear from time to time when Fred actually brings that up (I know people must not let him hear the end of it)...actually I was never a Fred fan before that..I never liked him from way back when he used to do the NBA 2night on ESPN2...and after last years Finals statement I really pay close attention to the things he says...he almost always never knows what he's talking about when it comes to each team with their pros and cons... /end rant
The year we lost in the WCF against the Lakers, I seem to recall that EVERYBODY was picking Dallas to beat us in the second round, which we won in five games.

How about when we led the league in defensive FG% ? How many guys knew that?

Alot of broadcasters are pretty clueless. They should have a test every year like the guys on "Dream Job" had to go through.
piksi said:
Isn't that the same guy who said in the beginning of the season that Minessota would go to the conference fianls and that Lakers will make PO
Well, that's what I expected before the season as well... both teams had some of their main players injured; it's really not such a bad guess; I think very few of us thought that the Timberwolves would not be as good as last year.
Bartking said:
The year we lost in the WCF against the Lakers, I seem to recall that EVERYBODY was picking Dallas to beat us in the second round, which we won in five games.

How about when we led the league in defensive FG% ? How many guys knew that?

Alot of broadcasters are pretty clueless. They should have a test every year like the guys on "Dream Job" had to go through.

I like that idea


Homer Fan Since 1985
Now, why should I be upset about what Greg Anthony has to say? To be upset, I would first have to give a rat's butt about what Greg thought. I don't. Enough said.
piksi said:
My point -

Greg Anthony = 0 CREDIBILITY
I have long disliked GA as he is pretty much unwatchable. I usually just change the channel when he is on because I think he is one of the worst commentator/analysts around right now. He offers no insight, valid opinions or any real analysis.

After every single one of his opinions about a team or player on any team it just makes you go WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I guess he doesn't watch the same games everyone else in the world does. TL is a close second on the annoying factor but at least I can watch him and he has some small clue as to what’s going on.

I am not a Walton fan but at least he is funny and you know when he says something it’s so ridiculous you just have to laugh.

Regarding his comments, does it really matter what he thinks? The game is played on the court not in the studio. Maybe he is all knowing and the Kings will go out in the first round. If they did, how hard of a prediction was that to make? Right now I don't think anybody really knows what this team is about can or will do.
BigWaxer said:
Regarding his comments, does it really matter what he thinks? The game is played on the court not in the studio. Maybe he is all knowing and the Kings will go out in the first round. If they did, how hard of a prediction was that to make? Right now I don't think anybody really knows what this team is about can or will do.
It doesn't really matter what any of those guys think, EXCEPT, I'm using my valuable leisure time to watch a game and if somebody's doing bad analysis AND doesn't even have a sense of humor, well, what the hell is the point? Charles dissing the Kings constantly is annoying, but at least he is entertaining. What the hell does Greg Anthony have to offer?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Greg Anthony is an idiot.

Besides which, I am not sure we can be "pretenders" because we really have very few championship pretensions right now. We are pretending nothing. We're just a playoff team in "anything can happen" mode, not a team coming into the playoffs seriously thinking we are going to walk away with the title.
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ESPN is horribly eastern biased. Some folks excuse it by saying west coast games are on so late. Well then, how come that team down south always gets an inordinate amount of attention, even when they suck?

I certainly wouldn't consider the Kings and "elite" team or "contender" right now. That's not the same as saying the Kings have no chance. Absolutely anything can happen along the way. The only teams with no chance, are the ones not going to the playoffs (Hello Lakers:p). And I think there is no really clear choice as winner in the West this year anyway, if there ever is such a thing.

And I kinda like underdog status too. (Totally unrelated to my avatar :D )
As Sloter pointed out, I think there were many out there that thought going into this season that the T'wolves would contend or atleast go far in the playoffs. I know that I did. But I agree, analysts aren't anymore clued in than fans are and are probably even less so because they dont watch all the games of a particular team. Just as well though, I was running out of TP.
Greg Anthony's just wrong to label y'alls Kings as a 'pretender'... If anything, I think y'alls team might be somewhat undergunned talent-wise, against most of the better Western conference playoff teams, but I personally would look at the Kings as being something of a 'Dark Horse', whose extensive past playoff experience, and still potent scoring and shooting abilities might give you a chance in any game and in any series.


Hall of Famer
Truth be told when the play offs consist of the top 8 teams from each confrence there will always be teams that are consideralby weaker than others if some yahoo wants to call them pretenders to fill his collum lenth or his 15 min time slot that is pretty poor analysis of the sport but sensational enough to sell, so I expect it. In this case what is particulary sad about GA's slop is that this is the first year I have ever seen the potential for 4 first round up-sets in one confrence... that is news worthy, that is worth looking at and of course that story risks the distinct possiblity of being wrong sould any or all of the top seeds win in the first round (as they usualy do), more depressing is that such a story will no doubt stir the ire of Spurs, Suns, Sonics and Dallas fans... Once again we have another fine example of the philosophy "never mind the truth, we have papers to sell."
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I'm so sick of this "no superstar = no future" outlook that the media buys into and perpetuates. Now the consensus is that if you don't have TWO superstars you don't have a chance (since Kobe has shown that one by himself won't do it). The TEAM concept that the Kings use will be successful!
I think what happens with many analysts, especially those from the east, is that they base many observations on statistics alone. As Kings fans we consistently watch the games and sense the ebb and flow of the current season. We also are more familiar with the different injuries, their severity, and their subsequent effect on the team.

Statistically speaking the Kings would appear to be in trouble. Low scoring differential, a negative rebounding differential, and a relatively poor conference record normally are not typical of playoff "contenders".

However as this team continues to gel, with the hope of adding Bobby and Brad to the mix, the Kings playoff hopes might not be as bleak as an analyst(and I use the term loosely when referring to Anthony, Barkley, Walton, etc...) could infer only from statistics.
Rowdyone said:
I'm so sick of this "no superstar = no future" outlook that the media buys into and perpetuates. Now the consensus is that if you don't have TWO superstars you don't have a chance (since Kobe has shown that one by himself won't do it). The TEAM concept that the Kings use will be successful!
Great post. The media is so set on idolizing a select handful of players and saying that you have to have one of them on your team to make any kind of mark. You have to have a great TEAM to make it in this league, not just a superstar player. Look at Cleveland. Shoot, they do have two superstars (Lebron & Z) and they're lucky to even make the playoffs! Having a great team is exponentially more important that sacrificing for a superstar and expecting him to carry the whole load. And while we're on the subject (continuing my rant:) ), we have three players that, if they were on other teams, would be considered superstars. Brad is definitely the 2nd or 3rd best center in the west. Peja, although he's having a rougher year than usual, is one of the best marksmen to ever play the game. And Bibby is right there with Nash and Kidd for most efficient point guards (and I firmly believe that he would have been just as successful if he was handed a team like the Sun's as Nash was). But, as we all know, Kings players are often overlooked when it comes to getting the recognition they deserved. (I still am a little bitter over Ginobli getting that last All-Star spot over Bibby). But, sooner than later, this team will quitely rise to the top with their unselfish TEAM play and command the respect that is due to them. It's just gonna take a little more patience.

As good as we are now, I'm drooling thinking about how good we're gonna be next year ;) .

Evilmav2 said:
Greg Anthony's just wrong to label y'alls Kings as a 'pretender'... If anything, I think y'alls team might be somewhat undergunned talent-wise, against most of the better Western conference playoff teams, but I personally would look at the Kings as being something of a 'Dark Horse', whose extensive past playoff experience, and still potent scoring and shooting abilities might give you a chance in any game and in any series.
I definetely agree with you, and there are other intangibles that are about to play forth too, Brad and Bobby are coming back...Lord knows whats going to happen! Good luck to you guys against us in the first round(I think*L*), it should be a great series no matter what.

p.s.: great Roy Tarpley avatar, btw.*L*