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Johnny Davis has gone back to being a favorite of mines. I'm starting to believe in his 3pt shot again. I wouldn't be upset if we drafted Mathurin at #4 either. He provides shooting at the wing position and still has untapped potential.

This is the ultimate test for Monte. In the previous years, Haliburton and Mitchell happened to "fall" into his lap. This year, he gets his pick.
What made you start believing in his shot again?
Why do I feel like we're all going to have a major meltdown after Monte picks somebody at #4 who nobody is really discussing going #4?
It's called PTSD from the Vlade days, haha. The biggest meltdown would be with all the "KANGZ" headlines in the media. Doing that wouldn't be a very "Monte" move considering he's pretty much been in the ball park value wise with his picks so far. He took Hali as the easy drop candidate, targeted Wagner but he got nabbed so he went with the player considered next BPA by many in Davion even though the fit was HORRENDOUS with Fox/Hali also being PG's.
I mean mock draft/youtube highlight bros may get upset, but in reality... there's just not a whole lot separating 4-12. This class has a bunch of good players and valuable archetypes, but it's weakness is the lack of truly franchise changing talents. I'd hope we'd trade down if we wanted to take a Daniels or Griffin type, but you could absolutely justify it at 4. Just wouldn't be optimal
I've heard blurbs and have seen some mocks where Griffin is above Sharpe and Murray. Even saw one with the Kings taking him at 4, I think it's possible. Best shooter in the draft as a true wing so who knows, it could happen.
What made you start believing in his shot again?
The big part was taking a look at the role that was asked of him at Wisconsin vs. the role that he'll be playing in the NBA. At Wisconsin, he was forced to be the #1 guy, which meant putting the entire offense on his shoulders. This led to him being forced to play on-ball and create his own shots. His offense is very much mid-range and post-up focused. Those were where he did most of his damage. However, it also didn't help at all that Wisconsin didn't have a PG. This led not to many opportunities for Johnny Davis as an off-ball shooter, despite moving well without it. Him being able to run off screens as well as he does, bods well for a future projection of him in that role. His role in the NBA will be drastically different. He'll be asked to be more of an off-ball SG. Lots of catch and shoot opportunities would be created for him. He's shown to be a good catch and shoot player. It was just the lack of opportunities in that shot which seems like they severely impacted his 3pt%.

In his freshman year when he played with a PG, he shot 38.9% on 1.2 attempts. 84.6% of his 3pt shots were assisted. Comparing it to his sophomore year, only 64.9% were.

Looking at his 3pt shot, I don't have any subscriptions to synergy or instat, but I found articles that did. According to one article, Davis shot 38% from catch and shoot 3s. For his unguarded catch and shoot shots, he was at 47%. According to the same article, he shot 15-29 off screens.

Numbers aside, his shot is workable. He's a bit short on his 3pt shots, and I think it reflects on his footwork and base. When his feet aren't set, that's when shots go array. Not having his feet set, leads to poor balance for the 3pt shots. Sometimes, you'll see him on his tippy toes together going into the shot. Other times, you'll see a very wide base where he's got one foot in front of the other. These things are very workable in the NBA. His stroke itself, is not bad. I think having a higher release point would help, because it would allow him to put more power into the shot.

He's a very high work-ethic player. I highly doubt he'll ever be a high % 3pt shooter, but I think he'll be a solid career 3pt shooter who will knock down open shots.
Lol @ Fox being untradeable. No, we just didn't wanna trade him for lesser value. Teams would absolutely line up to trade for him
I don't think Fox is untradeable, I just don't think he has that high of value. Every decision NBA teams make these days is based on analytics and analytics do Fox zero favors.
I don't think Fox is untradeable, I just don't think he has that high of value. Every decision NBA teams make these days is based on analytics and analytics do Fox zero favors.
Just depends on which Fox we get. Post-Hali trade Fox is an ascending top 20 player. In his final 16 games:

38.5 MPG
28.9 PPG
4.3 RPG
38% from 3 on 5.8 attempts
58.6% TS

Doesn't get much better from a lead guard. For reference, Ja Morant, who got MVP buzz, put up these numbers over the course of a full season:
27.4 PPG
6.7 APG
5.7 RPG
34% from 3 on 4.5 attempts
57.5% TS

With a full training camp with Sabonis/Brown, if this Fox shows up from game 1 next year, we're well on our way to being a 6 seed. And that's without seeing what upgrades we make with the pick/off-season. What we can't happen is the inconsistent/bad offensive Fox that happened the first 3 months of the season
The big part was taking a look at the role that was asked of him at Wisconsin vs. the role that he'll be playing in the NBA. At Wisconsin, he was forced to be the #1 guy, which meant putting the entire offense on his shoulders. This led to him being forced to play on-ball and create his own shots. His offense is very much mid-range and post-up focused. Those were where he did most of his damage. However, it also didn't help at all that Wisconsin didn't have a PG. This led not to many opportunities for Johnny Davis as an off-ball shooter, despite moving well without it. Him being able to run off screens as well as he does, bods well for a future projection of him in that role. His role in the NBA will be drastically different. He'll be asked to be more of an off-ball SG. Lots of catch and shoot opportunities would be created for him. He's shown to be a good catch and shoot player. It was just the lack of opportunities in that shot which seems like they severely impacted his 3pt%.

In his freshman year when he played with a PG, he shot 38.9% on 1.2 attempts. 84.6% of his 3pt shots were assisted. Comparing it to his sophomore year, only 64.9% were.

Looking at his 3pt shot, I don't have any subscriptions to synergy or instat, but I found articles that did. According to one article, Davis shot 38% from catch and shoot 3s. For his unguarded catch and shoot shots, he was at 47%. According to the same article, he shot 15-29 off screens.

Numbers aside, his shot is workable. He's a bit short on his 3pt shots, and I think it reflects on his footwork and base. When his feet aren't set, that's when shots go array. Not having his feet set, leads to poor balance for the 3pt shots. Sometimes, you'll see him on his tippy toes together going into the shot. Other times, you'll see a very wide base where he's got one foot in front of the other. These things are very workable in the NBA. His stroke itself, is not bad. I think having a higher release point would help, because it would allow him to put more power into the shot.

He's a very high work-ethic player. I highly doubt he'll ever be a high % 3pt shooter, but I think he'll be a solid career 3pt shooter who will knock down open shots.
Good stuff. A lot of the same opinion on Davis where I think the efficiency/shooting can just sky-rocket when he's not the sole focus of a defense. I'm always willing to bet on the high IQ/skilled players developing ways to be valuable at the NBA level. What's great about Davis is he doesn't back down on the defensive end either; I take note of the college offensive studs that have to carry an insane workload that still care/compete on defense.

Seems like he's the guy falling down draft boards more than anybody with Sharpe/Daniels/Sochan all rising in the last few weeks. He's an insane value in that 11-13 range.
Just depends on which Fox we get. Post-Hali trade Fox is an ascending top 20 player. In his final 16 games:

38.5 MPG
28.9 PPG
4.3 RPG
38% from 3 on 5.8 attempts
58.6% TS

Doesn't get much better from a lead guard. For reference, Ja Morant, who got MVP buzz, put up these numbers over the course of a full season:
27.4 PPG
6.7 APG
5.7 RPG
34% from 3 on 4.5 attempts
57.5% TS

With a full training camp with Sabonis/Brown, if this Fox shows up from game 1 next year, we're well on our way to being a 6 seed. And that's without seeing what upgrades we make with the pick/off-season. What we can't happen is the inconsistent/bad offensive Fox that happened the first 3 months of the season

This ranking isn’t kind to Fox - but I think it’s fair. If post trade Fox is real for 70 games this year - I will rescind my trade request.

PS - They rank Hali ahead of both Fox and Sabonis.

This ranking isn’t kind to Fox - but I think it’s fair. If post trade Fox is real for 70 games this year - I will rescind my trade request.

PS - They rank Hali ahead of both Fox and Sabonis.
Lol the Hali blurb:

"It's possible the Kings sold low on Haliburton..."

Like.. what. Are we all taking crazy pills and Sabonis is actually just Kosta Kofus in disguise? Not only that, but got out from under the bad Buddy Hield contract. Maybe I'm just big dumb dumb, but getting a top 25 player and shedding a bad contract for 2nd year Hali seems like tremendous value, assuming we do in fact resign Sabonis.

Skimmed through the whole list and it's just horrible. Cade 31st? Zion 21st??

But overall yeah I agree that Fox needs to re-prove he's a max player over the course of a full-season. Not just those last 16 games when we were largely eliminated from playoff ball.


The Game Thread Dude
How in the actual hell is Zion ranked higher than anyone on that list? dude’s max contract eligible, grossly overweight and missed the entire season with a foot injury that never healed correctly, and had his team pretty much steam through a rebuild into a gritty winning defensive team without him.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
With a full training camp with Sabonis/Brown, if this Fox shows up from game 1 next year, we're well on our way to being a 6 seed. And that's without seeing what upgrades we make with the pick/off-season. What we can't happen is the inconsistent/bad offensive Fox that happened the first 3 months of the season
By all reports Brown is a coach who stresses accountability but not at the level of Thibs where some tune him out on day one. I expect to see good things out of Fox under this type of leadership, he was much better under Joerger than Walton who Bagles aside seemed to be BFFs with the key Kings players rather than their coach.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
"It's possible the Kings sold low on Haliburton..."
I like him, but I truly look forward to evaluating him without the rose-purple tinted glasses. The we traded the best young guard in the league chatter is something given how many young guards are celebrated around the league and when Hali was a King nobody seemed to notice or care.
I like him, but I truly look forward to evaluating him without the rose-purple tinted glasses. The we traded the best young guard in the league chatter is something given how many young guards are celebrated around the league and when Hali was a King nobody seemed to notice or care.
Hali was getting love when he was on the Kings. Tons of it. All you had to do was go to RealGM.

No fan bases wanted Fox. It was 99.99 to .001 Hali > Fox in any trade proposal. They viewed Fox like how this forum views Tobias Harris. Good player, horrible contract.
I like him, but I truly look forward to evaluating him without the rose-purple tinted glasses. The we traded the best young guard in the league chatter is something given how many young guards are celebrated around the league and when Hali was a King nobody seemed to notice or care.
Well Jalen Rose epitomized the national media the best when he said Hali was getting DNP-CD in a Kings uni soooo.

It was just clear that it gave them "news" about how the "LOL KANGZ HAHA THEY DUMB DUMB STILL" for a few days.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Hali was getting love when he was on the Kings. Tons of it. All you had to do was go to RealGM.
And yet there's a huge difference between the love he got as a King and the love he got post Kings. They acted like we gave up on a top 10 player in the league. I really like Hali but I will be shocked if he makes an All Star game let alone any of the All NBA teams.

This ranking isn’t kind to Fox - but I think it’s fair. If post trade Fox is real for 70 games this year - I will rescind my trade request.

PS - They rank Hali ahead of both Fox and Sabonis.
One half a season of him being used like was at the last half of last season and the entire season prior and he'll be right back up there if he stays healthy.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Lol the Hali blurb:

"It's possible the Kings sold low on Haliburton..."
And the Domas blurb is just as bad:

"The Kings should be able to extract a similar package [to the Vucevic package] should they suddenly decide to pivot from him."

No mention of the Kings, I don't know, being a better team with an anchor in the middle that can score, gobble up rebounds, and that they can run the offense through. Nah, just figure the Kings are gonna blow it up again again. So lazy.
And yet there's a huge difference between the love he got as a King and the love he got post Kings. They acted like we gave up on a top 10 player in the league. I really like Hali but I will be shocked if he makes an All Star game let alone any of the All NBA teams.
It's not like Hali went to some media hotbed in Indiana.

He was already getting a ton of love before the trade. It's just a continuation of his upswing. A well deserved continuation.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
It's not like Hali went to some media hotbed in Indiana.

He was already getting a ton of love before the trade. It's just a continuation of his upswing. A well deserved continuation.
He deserves the love but he's getting a big LOLKANGZ bounce. Same with Bagley, who basically put up similar stats to his healthy numbers with the Kings on an even worse team.
He deserves the love but he's getting a big LOLKANGZ bounce. Same with Bagley, who basically put up similar stats to his healthy numbers with the Kings on an even worse team.
Who cares. I thought the trade was fine value wise. But there is a distinct possibility that Hali will outperform Domas long term.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Who cares. I thought the trade was fine value wise. But there is a distinct possibility that Hali will outperform Domas long term.
Because the point of contention is that the Kings completely Miss Hearded the bed by trading Haliburton for Domas. And that's largely from a Kings are idiots because they passed on Luka and drafted Bagley and ruined his career so they are going to blow this draft too narrative.

If you think the value was fine, what's the point of arguing against that is what the media, mock draft people, and just about all "experts" have been saying for 3-4 months now.
Because the point of contention is that the Kings completely Miss Hearded the bed by trading Haliburton for Domas. And that's largely from a Kings are idiots because they passed on Luka and drafted Bagley and ruined his career so they are going to blow this draft too narrative.

If you think the value was fine, what's the point of arguing against that is what the media, mock draft people, and just about all "experts" have been saying for 3-4 months now.
I'm not arguing anything. If anything:


So yeah, exactly what most of us have been talking about here. If you don't rate Ivey highly, get value from someone who does and get the guy you actually want at a lower pick.

Even though Trae has turned out incredibly well, a big reason ATL is really never brought up on "passing" for Luka is they played the draft board perfectly. They were wrong on the Luka eval, as was everyone in the top 5, but they extracted value from his draft slot and got the guy they wanted.

I don't think fans would ever totally forgive the Bagley over Luka decision, but you could have at least respected the process of leveraging the draft slot, getting value and then drafting the guy you want.
The thing is for what, and for who? If they move back Randle and 11 is probably going to be the deal. Indy? Not far enough down probably plus what do they have to give the Kings or would give the Kings? Pistons and Grant is probably not likely either since they are just one spot behind. If they want Ivey they'll just call Monte's bluff. Portland has jack and crap to offer plus they are still trying to build around Dame it would seem. The Pels aren't moving any core pieces and outside of the core pieces they have nothing to bridge the gap. San Antonio has some pieces maybe but I don't think Monte would move all the way down to 9 unless Griffin/Mathurin were guaranteed to be there since those are two they've looked at. The other option is Kuz and 10? NO THANK YOU, lol. The Thunder are supposedly trying to get a pick in the top 5 now, gee, see what happens when teams are desperate for the Kings to blow this easy decision? haha. But how would getting future picks that might not even be all the valuable since they haven't been till now help the Kings move up now? The Kings are almost in a position where they move back a tad or just stick where they are.
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